Metadata: Adler, H G (1910-1988)
- Country:
- United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
- Holding institution:
- King's College London: College Archives
- Holding institution (official language):
- King's College London: College Archives
- Postal address:
- Room 302 Strand BuildingStrandLondonGreater LondonUnited KingdomWC2R 2LS
- Phone number:
- Telephone: 020 7848 2015
- Email:
- Email:
- Reference number:
- K/PP147
- Title:
- Adler, H G (1910-1988)
- Title (official language):
- Adler, H G (1910-1988)
- Creator/accumulator:
- Adler, Hans Günther, 1910-1988, author of Holocaust literature
- Date(s):
- 1807/1997
- Language:
- English
- Czech
- German
- Extent:
- 21 boxes or 0.21 cubic metres
- Scope and content:
- Papers of H G Adler 1807-1997, including photocopies of Adler's correspondence, 1947-1987, including with Hermann Broch and Heinrich Böll. Notebooks containing manuscript poems, 1924 and nd; photograph of Adler in old age. File entitled 'Theresienstadt private erinnerungen' containing items from Theresienstadt including drafts of poems, sketches, and notes to his first wife. Unpublished typescript copy of Leo Baeck's _Die Entwick lung der Rechtsstekkung der Juden in Europe, vornehmlich in Deutschland, vom Beginn der Neuzeit bis in das XIX. Jahrhundert_, (c 1942-1943). Corrected original typescript copy of Adler's _Theresienstadt_ [1948], (beleived to be the second or third carbon copy). Typescript copies of Adler's _Schuldig und Unshuldig_, 1954-1967, _Die Anseidlung dargestellt als Roman_,_Die Prüfung_ and _England: Eindrück Eines Ahnungslosen_. Typescript copy of articles by Adler including 'Gerdenken an Prag', 1981, and 'Die Protokolle der weisen von zion.' Photocopies of typescript books and articles by Adler, notably _Der Mechanische Materialismus_, _Raoul Feuerstein_ and _Die Orthodoxie des Herzens_. Typescript poems by Adler, 1927-1988. Manuscript sheet music by Viktor Ullmann 'Der Mensch und sein Tag', based on poems by Adler. Tapes, including of an obituary of Adler broadcast on the BBC Czech Service, 1988. Complete collection of the first editions of the 24 works of Adler, four of which have extended presentation inscriptions by the author; periodical offprints by Adler and contributions by Adler to anthologies and books edited and translated by Adler. Printed photocopies of the statements made in the trial of Adolf Eichmann, bound in 6 volumes, in German, (Israeli Police, 1961), and transcripts for the preliminary investigations for the trial.; catalogue of the literary estate of H G Adler by Jeremy Adler and Franz Hocheneder and PhD dissertation by Franz Hocheneder 'HG Adler: Werk und Nachlass - Eine Bibliographische Studie', 1997.
- Administrative/biographical history:
- Born in Prague, 1910; PhD, Charles University, 1935; sent to do forced labour 1941-1942; Theresienstadt concentration camp, 1942-1944; Auschwitz concentration camp, 1944-1945; emigrated to London, 1947; wrote and published novels, poetry and a number of important works on the Holocaust; died 1988. Publications: Theresienstadt (1955) Der verwaltete Mensch (1974) Die Freiheit des Menschen (1976) Eine Reise (1962, second edition 1999) Panorama (1968).The Exile Archive was established at the Institute in the academic year 1996-97. The Institute already holds the papers of several individuals such as Rudolf Majut, Herbert Thoma and Berthold Auerbach, who were exiled from Germany and Austria during the 1930s as a result of persecution under the National Socialist regime. However, since the setting up of the Research Centre for German and Austrian Exile Studies, the Institute has attracted archival donations from several emigrés, and the Collection now has material relating to both individuals and organisations.
- Access points: locations:
- Theresienstadt
- Access points: persons/families:
- Adler, H G
- Subject terms:
- Holocaust
- Literature
- Literature--Novels, poetry, and plays
- Memoirs
- Access, restrictions:
- Open, subject to signature of Reader's undertaking form, and appropriate provision of two forms of identification, to include one photographic ID.
- Finding aids:
- Online catalogue.
- Links to finding aids:
- Yerusha Network member:
- AIM25
- Author of the description:
- Entry compiled by Sarah Drewery.
- King's College London College Archives