Metadata: Yalḳuṭ entsiḳlopedi (ḳetaʿ)
- Country:
- United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
- Holding institution:
- British Library
- Holding institution (official language):
- British Library
- Postal address:
- 96 Euston RoadLondonGreater LondonUnited KingdomNW1 2DB
- Web address:
- Email:
- Email:
- Reference number:
- Or 10644
- Title:
- Yalḳuṭ entsiḳlopedi (ḳetaʿ)
- Title (official language):
- Yalḳuṭ entsiḳlopedi (ḳetaʿ)
- Date(s):
- 1700/1799
- Language:
- English
- Hebrew
- Extent:
- 85 folios
- Scope and content:
- A portion of an extensive kabbalistic compilation, alphabetically arranged.Fols 1r-85vילקוט אנציקלופדי (ערכים גלות-הלל)Yalḳuṭ entsiḳlopedi (ʿarakhim galut-halel).Note: Includes texts on various subjects compiled from the Midrashim, from books of homiletic commentaries, interpretations, ethics and kabbalah, sorted according to the alphabetical order of values and concepts of Judaism: ff. 1r-6v: "גלות", ff. 6v-: "גמילות חסדים", ff. 7r-7v: "גמטריאות", etc. The last topic is "הלל הלל הגדול" starting on f. 85r Among the included: compilations from manuscripts that the compiler (מאסף) had. The compiler also added his own notes which begin with: אמר המאסף. Incomplete at the beginning and at the end.Incipit: מגלה עמוקות ואופן רם) בימי משך רכעה מעל עכן בשלשהExplicit: הנגלים שעשה ביום חד ונס אינו כמ...ל אדם האומר לחברו דרך
- Subject terms:
- Kabalah
- Access, restrictions:
- You need to be a registered Reader in order to request items to a Reading Room.
- Finding aids:
Online catalogue.
A digital version is also available.
There is a Guide to Hebrew Collections on the British Library's website.
- Yerusha Network member:
- AIM25