Metadata: Archive of the Stock Exchange in Wrocław
- Country:
- Poland
- Holding institution:
- State Archives in Wroclaw
- Holding institution (official language):
- Archiwum Państwowe we Wrocławiu
- Postal address:
- ul. Pomorska 2 50-215 Wrocław
- Phone number:
- 4871 3288101
- Web address:
- Email:
- Reference number:
- 82/304
- Title:
- Archive of the Stock Exchange in Wrocław
- Title (official language):
- Archiwum Giełdy Kupieckiej we Wrocławiu (Börsen-Archiv Breslau)
- Creator/accumulator:
- Professional and guild corporations
- Date(s):
- 1274/1938
- Language:
- German
- Extent:
- 16.5 linear metres, 828 folders
- Type of material:
- Textual material
- Physical condition:
- Good
- Scope and content:
The Merchant Exchange in Breslau/Wrocław was established in the mid-17th century as a corporate organization representing Wrocław merchants. It enjoyed a great deal of internal autonomy while remaining under state control. The organizational regulations of the stock exchange, like the guild and guild statutes, were approved by the town authorities. The highest authority of the Stock Exchange were the stock exchange elders, selected from among the buyers. Their responsibilities included settling disputes between merchants and controlling the prices of goods. Transactions on the stock exchange were carried out with the participation of intermediaries, i.e., brokers. In 1670 a brokers’ statute was passed, regulating all activities falling under their purview. Alongside activities resulting from the stock exchange’s financial status, it also played a social and at times charitable role.
Judaica are relatively numerous despite the fact that the Stock Exchange was primarily made up of Christian merchants. It was not until the second half of the 19th century that a stock exchange was established that accepted all merchants on an equal footing, regardless of their religion (a separate building, the so-called New Stock Exchange on Krupnicza Street, was erected at that point). References to Judaica in the collection are usually indirect, relating to individual people and specific matters. Jewish-related matters are to be found mainly in the following departments: merchant catalogs, warehouse law, excise duties and customs matters, correspondence with municipal authorities, complaints and grievances, trade in various goods.
ref. no. 82/304/5 Catalogus der Kaufmannschaft. 1776-1816; list of Wrocław merchants – including, among others: privileges with items relating to Jewish merchants: pp. 86-87 document of November 3, 1670; cards 88-90 as above translated into Polish; also a list of merchants from the beginning of the 19th century, most likely without Jewish merchants, although with merchants closely cooperating with Jewish merchants, e.g., Molinari.
ref. no. 82/304/5 Catalogus der Kaufmannschaft. 1817-1824; list of Wrocław merchants - here: as above.
ref. no. 82/304/26 - Acten betr. Den Handel mit Alaun. 1769-1810; no Jewish-related references, although merchants (also Jewish) authorized to trade in alum are mentioned: in Driesen - Abraham Jacob, Züllichau - Jacob Hirschel, Głogów - Meyer Egerm, among others: pp. 101-106 letters dated June 6, 1807 and June 17, 1807 - Merchant Christian Daniel Kuh writes that he was entered in the register of merchants due to his conversion to Christianity, of which fact Jewish merchants were notified.
ref. no. 82/304/42 - e.g. pages 101-106, letters dated June 6, 1807 and June 17, 1807 - Merchant Christian Daniel Kuh writes that he was entered in the register of merchants due to his change of religion to Christian, about which fact Jewish merchants were notified
ref. no. 82/304/44 - Acta die dem Juden Swa ertheilte Concession sein Waaren Lager durch eine Auction zu verkaufen und die von der Kaufmannschaft dagegen gethane Protestation betreffend 1768-1790 - Document regarding the concession granted to the Jew Swa to sell the goods in his warehouse by means of an auction, and the protests of the traders against this, 1768-1790
ref. no. 82/304/45 - Acta betr. die von Behörden und Privat Personen in verschiedenen Kaufmännischen Angelegenheiten extrakirten - gutachtlichen Bescheinigung und Auskunft Entheilungen. 1818-1834; here, among others: k. 1-1v - list of cases, including also references to Jewish merchants: Verhandlungen Heine contra Ottensohner; Verhandlungen von Francke, Baruch, Asch; Attest für Asch; k. 171-178 - Verhandl. vor Stadtgericht wegen Neisser contra Cohn - materials from the municipal court on the Neisser vs. Cohn trial; k. 208 - Inquisition wegen Schlesinger; pp. 101-106 letters dated June 6, 1807 and June 17, 1807 - Merchant Christian Daniel Kuh writes that he was entered in the register of merchants due to his conversion to Christian, about which fact Jewish merchants were informed
ref. no. 82/304/182 - Acta betr. die Einrichtung einer täglich abzuhaltenden allgemeinen Börse. 1844-1848; including: Census lists include representatives of the Jewish community, such as Tiktin, the Alexander brothers and many others; the content of the membership statute, but without referencing the members' denomination
ref. no. 82/304/183 - betr. die Einrichtung einer täglich abzuhaltenden allgemeinen Börse AM hiesigen Orte. 1834-1848 - materials on the activity of the merchant exchange
ref. no. 82/304/259 - Acta von der gethanen Protestation wieder Verkauf der Einzechnung Gerechtigkeiten an Juden überhaupt als auch besonders die Protestation gegen den Land Rabbiner Fränckel. 1769-1779 - protest regarding the presence of Jews in Wrocław, especially Rabbi Fränckel
ref. no. 82/304/262 - Acta die denen Juden ertheilte Concession auf 10 Einzechnungs Gerechtigkeiten und deren Besitzer betr. 1802-1812 - Document regarding the concession granted to Jews of ten […] and their owners. 1802-1812
ref. no. 82/304/329 - Acta wegen dem Handel nach Brody. 1701 - trade with Brody, mainly Jewish merchants
ref. no. 82/304/330 - Acta betr. die Beschwerde über den Aufenthat und die commerce Eingriffe der Brodyer Handel Juden. 1816-1845 - trade with Brody, mainly Jewish merchants
ref. no. 82/304/411 - Acta von unbefugten Handel der Juden so wohl privilegierten als nich-privilegierten durch Eröfnung meherer Gewölber Keller und Läden. 1800-1810 - Document regarding the illicit trade of Jews, both those with privilege and those without, by the establishment of vault cellars and shops. 1800-1810
ref. no. 82/304/412 - Acta von unbefugten Handel der Juden so wohl priviligirten als nicht privilligierten durch Eröfnung mehrerer Gewölber Keller und Läden. Vol. 1. 1738-1794 - Document regarding the illicit trade of Jews, both those with privilege and those without, by the establishment of vault cellars and shops. Vol. 1. 1738-1794
ref. no. 82/304/413 - Acta von Bezahlung der Juden Tags Groschen und Toleranz Gebühren. 1776 - Jews paid special tolerance and residence dues in Wrocław
ref. no. 82/304/414 - Acta die denen Juden ertheilten General Privilegien betr. 1759-1810 - materials on the settlement rights of Jews in Wrocław
ref. no. 82/304/415 - Acta betr. das hiesige Juden Amt und die Besetzung der Assesor Stellen. 1773-1801 - Document regarding the administration of local Jews and the filling of the assessor positions. 1773-1801
ref. no. 82/304/416 - Acta betr. die Vertretung der Juden Gemeinden, wegen der von Juden gekauften und verhelfen gestohlenen Sachen - concerns the trade in stolen goods and participation of Jews in it
ref. no. 82/304/417 - Acta das denen Juden zu ertheilende Büger Recht betr. 1809- materials on Jewish municipal rights
ref. no. 82/304/471 - Acta die Beschwerden der Kaufleuthe gegen die mit Leinwand handlnden Stamm Numerirten und anderen Juden betr. 1799 - Document regarding the complaints of tradesmen against […] and other Jews trading in canvas. 1799
ref. no. 82/304/673 - Acta mit dem Handel mit Choscher Wein betr. 1783 - sale of kosher wine
- Archival history:
- The materials included in this collection were created and collected by the municipal administration beginning in the 14th century and were included in the Staatsarchiv Breslau even before World War II. During the war, the records were dispersed and stored in various places to protect them: some of them were destroyed, including Judaica. After the war, the records were included in the resources of the legal successor of the Staatsarchiv Breslau, i.e., the State Archives in Wrocław.
- Administrative/biographical history:
- The collection was created by an institution of Christian merchants, mainly Protestants; Jews and Jewish affairs appear in it as an element of competition (complaints and attempts to eliminate competition) or as trading partners with whom they cooperated. Jewish matters - despite numerous references - are, however, only marginal to the collection.
- Access points: locations:
- Brody
- Driesen (Drezdenko)
- Głogów
- Wrocław
- Access points: persons/families:
- Abraham Jacob
- Daniel Kuh
- Jacob Hirschel
- Meyer Egerm
- Rabbi Fränckel
- System of arrangement:
The collection consists of books and loose handwritten and printed materials.
Collection content and structure:
• protocols, reports, and merchant catalogs, 1649-1862, 48 archival units
• law of stockpiling, [1515] -1817, 20 archival units
• excise and customs matters, 1766-1832, 33 archival units
• insurance, 1764-1821, 6 archival units
• charity and social affairs, 1775-1837, 15 archival units
• correspondence with banks and municipal authorities, 1808-1853, 5 archival units
• correspondence and bills regarding the construction of the stock exchange building, 1781-1859, 18 archival units,
• complaints and grievances, 1705-1843, 16 archival units
• legates and foundations, 1775-1860, 20 archival units
• accounts, 1850-1859, 15 units archival units
• revenues and expenses, 1725-1855, 55 archival units
• expenses related to the Napoleonic war, 1806-1810, 9 archival units
• matters regarding the merchant social club, 1819-1856, 10 archival units
• trade in various goods (grain, coffee, porcelain, etc.) with Poland and other European countries and South America, 1765-1846, 458 archival units
- Access, restrictions:
- The collection is currently accessible in the reading room of the State Archives in Wrocław.
- Finding aids:
- A printed inventory is available in the archive.
- Links to finding aids:
- Yerusha Network member:
- The Taube Department of Jewish Studies of the University of Wrocław
- Author of the description:
- Leszek Ziątkowski, Marcin Wodzinski University of Wrocław, 20-03-2019