Metadata: Superintendenture in Jawor
- Country:
- Poland
- Holding institution:
- State Archives in Wrocław, Legnica branch
- Holding institution (official language):
- Archiwum Państwowe we Wrocławiu, Oddział w Legnicy
- Postal address:
- al. Marszałka J. Piłsudskiego 1, 59-220 Legnica
- Phone number:
- +48 76 8563478
- Web address:
- Email:
- Reference number:
- 85/17
- Title:
- Superintendenture in Jawor
- Title (official language):
- Superintendentura w Jaworze – Superintendentur In Jauer
- Creator/accumulator:
- Church administration authorities
- Date(s):
- 1634/1947
- Date note:
- 1634-1945 [1947]
- Language:
- German
- Extent:
- 12 linear metres (563 folders)
- Type of material:
- Textual material
- Physical condition:
- good
- Scope and content:
The collection consists of materials collected by the church administration in part of the former Duchy of Jawor, and later in Jawor county. There are few Jewish-related documents in this collection. They relate to general statistics and reports on the church and school situation in Jawor district. The following files may contain this type of material:
ref. no. 22 – Populations-Listen des Jauerschen und eines Teiles des Hirschbergen Kreises [censuses of Jawor and a part of Jeleniagóra district], 1778-1817 [information on Jews will be infrequent due to the de judaeis non tolerandis charter and the beginnings of settlement after the edict of 1812]
ref. no. 24 – Populations-Listen, 1800-1849
ref. no. 25 – Stammrolle der Geborenen männlichen Geschlechtes [register of male infants] 1792-1824
ref no. 26 – Populations-listen des Striegauerschen Kreises und des ganzen Jauerschen [censuses of Strzegom and Jawor districts], 1811-1828
ref. no. 28 – Bevölkerungs-Listen [censuses], 1816-1851
ref. no. 29 – Bevölkerungs-Listen [censuses], 1852-1897
ref. no. 30 – Liste über die Mischehen und die confessionenne Erziehung der aus denselben hervorgegangenen Kindern in der Kirchengemeinde Jauer, [List of mixed marriages and the confessional upbringing of children born from them in the parish of Jawor]1880-1897 (mainly Protestant-Catholic marriages; in this period there were approx. 81 Jews living in Jawor. There are no entries for marriages between Jews and Protestants.)
ref. no.31 - – Mischehen-Liste Jauer-Land [Mixed marriages in Jawor county], 1886-1897 (as ref. no. 30 above)
ref. no.32 - – Mischehen-Liste Jauer-Land [Mixed marriages in Jawor county], 1907-1910 (as ref. no. 30 above)
ref. no.45 - Verzeichnis derjenigen Schüler der Stadtschulen, deren Eltern verschiedenen Confessionen angehören [List of pupils in town schools whose parents belonged to different confessions], 1879.
- Archival history:
- The materials included in the collection were produced and collected by the administration of the Lutheran Church, mainly after its recognition by the Prussian state authorities after 1742. After World War II, the records were included in the resources of the State Archives in Wrocław, Legnica branch.
- Administrative/biographical history:
Superintendent comes from the Latin the word "superintendens" (controller) and refers to the supervisory office in the German Reformed Church. The superintendent headed an ecclesiastical district analogous to a Catholic diocese or deanery. In the case of Silesia since the times of Frederick II, they have covered the area of one or two counties. This body was headed by a church council, which appointed a superintendent after consulting pastors. The superintendenture’s higher authority was the Evangelical Consistory for Silesia Province.
The superintendent and the office subordinate to him were responsible for 1. pastoral and administrative matters, 2. maintaining order and religious peace in districts, 3. implementing the orders of the consistory, 4. participating in and chairing the election of parish priests and other officials and their installation into their office, 5. visiting Protestant parishes, 6. problems of mixed marriages, 7. supervision of charity institutions, social welfare institutions, various funds for the clergy (e. g. widows), 8. educational matters.
- Access points: locations:
- Jawor
- Jelenia Góra
- Strzegom
- System of arrangement:
The collection consists of books and loose handwritten and printed materials. It is arranged into groups as follows:
ref. no. 1-9 - matters of the Protestant religion and relations with Catholicism (1634-1862)
ref. no. 10-17 - church rituals and celebrations (1813-1947)
ref. no. 18-21 - missionary matters (1852-1920)
ref. no. 22-47 - matters of the faithful (1766-1912)
ref. no. 48-106 - ordinances regarding church matters (1710-1904)
ref. no. 107-129 - reporting and statistics (1827-1945)
ref. no. 130-164 - synodal affairs (1812-1946)
ref. no. 165-191 - general matters of dioceses and superintendentures ((1641-1946)
ref. no. 192-297 - matters of individual communes and parishes (1742-1947)
ref. no. 298-448 - school matters (1742-1924)
ref. no. 449-460 - church societies and institutions (1885-1924)
ref. no. 461-515 - clergy and church service (1773-1923)
ref. no. 516-519 – social care matters (1908-1923)
ref. no. 520-561- financial and property matters (1750-1947)
ref. no. 562-563 - various records (1805-1881).
- Finding aids:
A printed inventory is available in the archive.
Online finding aids are also available.
- Links to finding aids:
- Yerusha Network member:
- The Taube Department of Jewish Studies of the University of Wrocław
- Author of the description:
- Leszek Ziątkowski, University of Wrocław, 2018