Metadata: Skwierzyna Town Records
- Country:
- Poland
- Holding institution:
- State Archives in Gorzow Wielkopolski
- Holding institution (official language):
- Archiwum Państwowe w Gorzowie Wielkopolskim
- Postal address:
- ul. Ignacego Mościckiego 7, 66-400 Gorzów Wielkopolski
- Phone number:
- + 48 95 783 53 21
- Email:
- Reference number:
- 66/185/0
- Title:
- Skwierzyna Town Records
- Title (official language):
- Akta miasta Skwierzyny
- Creator/accumulator:
- Town of Skwierzyna
- Date(s):
- 1637/1930
- Language:
- German
- Polish
- Extent:
- 4.1 metres (442 folders)
- Type of material:
- Textual material
- Physical condition:
- good
- Scope and content:
The collection consists of materials produced by the authorities of the town of Skwierzyna (Lubusz Voivodeship). The documents are divided thematically and cover the following issues: orders of supreme authorities, judiciary, privileges, general information about the city, disputes with external entities, leases, bills, pastors' files, appointment of a cantor, appointments of teachers, building a house for teachers, school visits, general matters, disputes, lawsuits and penalties, separation of land belonging to the city, disputes, border regulations, burdens on municipal land owners, nominations of military commanders, inns, etc.
There are numerous Jewish-related records in this collection in the following sub-sets:
5. General matters of residents:
Acta betreffen den Kaufmann Lewin Michael Levy [documents regarding the merchant Lewin Michael Levy], 1844–1846 (ref. no. 66/185/0/5/86)
Lewin Michael Levy Voigt-Amt Gonrey / Magistrat wegen Anhalt der Kahne [Lewin Michael Levy Voigt office of Gonrey/magistrate regarding the stopping of a boat], 1832–1833 (ref. no. 66/185/0/5/95)
10. Forest and hunting matters:
Acta Specialia da deren Bürgern und Officianten in Gleichen der Geistlichkeit und Juden zu abreichende Bau and Brenn Holz betreff [documents regarding the distribution of timber and firewood to clergy and Jews], 1807–1820 (ref. no. 66/185/0/10/175)
Nutzungs Recht der Stadt Forst von den Bürgern und nicht Juden [right of usage of the municipal forests by citizens but not Jews], 1820–1823 (ref. no. 66/185/0/10/181)
12. Foundations and bequests:
Joachimsthalsche Legat [legacy of Joel Nathan Joachimsthal], 1818–1841 (ref. no. 66/185/0/12/201)
Testaments Legat des in Breslau am 8 Juli 1817 verstorbenen Joel Nathan Joachimsthal [testament of Joel Nathan Joachimsthal, died in Breslau on 8 July 1817], 1818–1823 (ref. no. 66/185/0/12/202)
15. Matters of border disputes between the town and its inhabitants:
Streit Sachen Loeser Hirsch Pinner mit Hermann Kontzel [dispute between Hirsch Pinner and Hermann Kontzel], 1822 (ref. no. 66/185/0/15/280)
Bau Streit Sachen der Dr Schneudenhul / Selig Gabriel am Ribbekschen Hus [dispute regarding construction between Dr Schneudenhul and Selig Gabriel the ‘Ribbeksche Hus’], 1822–1824 (ref. no. 66/185/0/15/281)
Bau Streit Sache der Zadek Wolff / Beniamin Sauer [dispute regarding construction between Zadek Wolff and Beniamin Sauer], 1828–1831 (ref. no. 66/185/0/15/283)
17. Matters regarding the Jewish population:
Juden Rekrutensteuer [Jewish recruitment tax], 1834–1841 (ref. no. 66/185/0/17/294)
Abgabe der Synagoge an die Probstei [fee for the use of the synagogue, paid to a local church office], 1835–1835 (ref. no. 66/185/0/17/295)
Naturalisations-Liste [naturalisation list of Jewish inhabitants], 1848–1848 (ref. no. 66/185/0/17/296)
Registration book of newcomers, 1834–1837 (ref. no. 66/185/0/17/297)
Records regarding trade by Jews, 1807–1831 (ref. no. 66/185/0/17/298)
21. Tax matters:
Acta die executivische Beyterebung der Schloss Zinse von der hiesigen Judenschaft [tax on the local Jewish community collected by the convent], 1795–1796 (ref. no. 66/185/0/21/319).
- Archival history:
- The town charter document was destroyed during frequent fires in the town. The oldest preserved records come from the 17th century. Most of the inhabitants of Skwierzyna were of German nationality, therefore the records of the magistrate and city council were kept in German. Only letters addressed to the authorities (Polish) were written in Polish. On the other hand, letters received from the central (royal) or superior (Poznań) authorities were written in Latin. After 1815, all documentation was kept in German. Apart from a few records of the building police, town records from the 20th century have not survived. They probably disappeared during World War II. The records of the town of Skwierzyna went to the State Archives in Gorzów Wielkopolski, which was established in 1950; the documentation had been previously stored in the State Archives in Poznań.
- Administrative/biographical history:
- The town dates back to the beginning of the 14th century. In 1406, Władysław Jagiełło granted Skwierzyna a town charter (Magdeburg Law). In the first phase of its existence, the town was part of Greater Poland. The Brandenburgs seized it at the beginning of the 14th century, Skwierzyna returned to Poland in 1326 thanks to the king Władysław Łokietek; at that point it became a royal town until 1793, when it was taken over by Prussia (after the Second Partition). In the years 1807-1815, the town was incorporated into the Duchy of Warsaw, and then again returned to Prussia as part of the Grand Duchy of Poznań. The town remained in Germany after World War I. It was occupied by the Soviet Army on 30 January 1945.
- Access points: locations:
- Skwierzyna
- Access points: persons/families:
- Gabriel, Selig
- Joachimsthal, Joel Nathan
- Kontzel, Hermann
- Pinner, Hirsch
- Sauer, Beniamin
- Wolff, Zadek
- Subject terms:
- Citizenship
- Legal matters
- Synagogues
- Trade and commerce
- Vital records
- System of arrangement:
The collection is divided into 28 sub-sets:
1. Copies of the oldest documents, town chronicles and minutes of town council meetings, mayoral and illage mayor [wójt] registers, 1644–1854 (ref. no. 66/185/0/1 / 1-66 / 185/0/1/61) - the subset includes 61 units archival
2. Cases of the Duchy of Poznań, 1820–1835 (ref. no. 66/185/0/2 / 62–66 / 185/0/2/63) - the subset includes 2 archival units
3. Organisation of the magistrate and town council office, 1794–1844 (ref. no. 66/185/0/3 / 64–66 / 185/0/3/66)
4. Matters of new inhabitants of the city, reports, 1793–1835 (ref. no. 66/185/0/4 / 67–66 / 185/0/4/76)
5. General matters concerning the inhabitants, 1795–1856 (ref. no. 66/185/0/5 / 77–66 / 185/0/5/95)
6. Matters of health protection of residents, 1800–1851 (ref. no. 66/185/0/6 / 96–66 / 185/0/6/104)
7. Town construction matters, 1794–1846 (ref. no. 66/185/0/7 / 105–66 / 185/0/7/126)
8. Matters of municipal land, 1793–1854 (ref. no. 66/185/0/8 / 127–66 / 185/0/8/141) (15 archival units)
9. Matters of streets, roads and bridges, 1796–1866 (ref. no. 66/185/0/9 / 142–66 / 185/0/9/161) (20 archival units)
10. Forest and hunting affairs, 1790–1852 (ref. no. 66/185/0/10 / 162–66 / 185/0/10/186) (25 archival units)
11. Matters of social welfare assistance, 1839–1857 (ref. no. 66/185/0/11 / 187–66 / 185/0/11/199) (13 archival units)
12. Foundations and bequests, 1818–1841 (ref. no. 66/185/0/12 / 200–66 / 185/0/12/202) (3 archival units
13. Financial affairs of the town, 1713–1896 (ref. no. 66/185/0/13 / 203–66 / 185/0/13/243) - the subset includes 41 archival units)
14. Cases of city cleaning, 1766–1836 (ref. no. 66/185/0/14 / 244–66 / 185/0/14/255) (12 archival units)
15. Cases of border disputes between the city and its inhabitants, 1646–1934 (ref. no. 66/185/0/15 / 256–66 / 185/0/15/288) (33 archival units)
16. Statistical Matters, 1781–1839 (ref. no. 66/185/0/16 / 289–66 / 185/0/16/293) (5 archival units)
17. Matters of the Jewish population, 1807–1848 (ref. no. 66/185/0/17 / 294–66 / 185/0/17/298) (5 archival units)
18. Matters of war, 1794–1830 (ref. no. 66/185/0/18 / 299–66 / 185/0/18/305) (7 archival units)
19. Matters of urban pastures, 1797–1835 (ref. no. 66/185/0/19 / 306–66 / 185/0/19/310) (5 archival units)
20. Regarding the mill on the Obra river, 1796–1855 (ref. no. 66/185/0/20 / 311–66 / 185/0/20/318) (8 archival units)
21. Tax matters, 1637–1840 (ref. no. 66/185/0/21 / 319–66 / 185/0/21/325) (7 archival units)
22. Matters of the hunting confraternity, 1813–1837 (ref. no. 66/185/0/22/326) (1 archival unit)
23. Matters of the Fishing Association, 1793–1794 (ref. no. 66/185/0/23/327) (1 archival unit)
24. Matters of beer brewing, 1718–1835 (ref. no. 66/185/0/24 / 328–66 / 185/0/24/330) (3 archival units)
25. Matters of the churches, 1795–1931 (ref. no. 66/185/0/25 / 331–66 / 185/0/25/359) (29 archival units)
26. Matters of schooling, 1795–1858 (ref. no. 66/185/0/26 / 360–66 / 185/0/26/401) (42 archival units)
27. Records of the municipal police, 1858–1930 (ref. no. 66/185/0/27 / 402–66 / 185/0/27/404) (3 archival units)
28. Paper documents, 1647–1805 (ref. no. 66/185/0/28 / 405–66 / 185/0/28/442) (38 archival units)
- Finding aids:
A printed inventory is available in the archive.
An online finding aid is also available.
- Links to finding aids:
- Yerusha Network member:
- The Taube Department of Jewish Studies of the University of Wrocław
- Author of the description:
- Mikołaj Wojciechowski, University of Wrocław