Metadata: Chancellery of the Prime minister. Cabinet of the Prime minister and Secretariat of the Council of ministers
- Country:
- Belgium
- Holding institution:
- National Archives of Belgium
- Holding institution (official language):
- Archives Générales du Royaume
- Postal address:
- Ruisbroekstraat 2-6 / Rue de Ruysbroeck 2-6, 1000 Brussel
- Phone number:
- +32 (0)2 513 76 80
- Web address:
- Email:
- Reference number:
- NAB-Brussels-510-III.0214.229
- Title:
- Chancellery of the Prime minister. Cabinet of the Prime minister and Secretariat of the Council of ministers
- Title (official language):
- Chancellerie du Premier ministre. Cabinet du Premier ministre et Secrétariat du Conseil des ministres
- Creator/accumulator:
- SPF Chancellerie du Premier ministre; FOD Kanselarij van de Eerste Minister
- Date(s):
- 1944/1968
- Extent:
- 10.5 linear metres
- Scope and content:
- This fonds contains files from the cabinet of the Prime minister, of various commissions and of the secretariat of the Conseil des ministres. We notably mention the following files: no. 17 “German compensations to the Belgian victims of Nazism”, no. 50 “Interministerial commission tasked with studying the question of political refugees and displaced persons in Belgium”, no. 52 “Ministerial committee concerning the distribution of German compensations to the Belgian victims of Nazism”, and lastly nos. 185-195 “victims of the two [world] wars”. (This fonds is indirectly related to the Jewish population.)
- Administrative/biographical history:
- The Belgian Constitution of 1831 only recognises ministers. Only in 1918 the title of Prime Minister appeared in the Moniteur belge, and was conferred to the head of government (in 1920). The duties and responsibilities of the formateur and Prime Minister have steadily increased: he/she represents the government, indicates the major policy lines and mediates potential conflicts. The services supporting the Prime Minister have developed over the years as well. The Cabinet is under the direct authority of the Prime Minister, while the Secretariat of the Council of Ministers is a permanent service. Various commissions and committees were created in order to study and find solutions for certain issues. (R. Urbain, La fonction et les Services du Premier Ministre en Belgique, in Bibliothèque de l’Institut belge de Science politique, 2e série, Bruxelles, 1958.)
- Access points: locations:
- Belgium
- Subject terms:
- Holocaust
- Holocaust--Survivors
- Refugees
- Restitution and compensation
- Finding aids:
- A.-M. Pagnoul, Chancellerie du Premier Ministre. Inventaire d’archives. 1944-1965, T 40, Bruxelles, ARA-AGR, 1989.
- Yerusha Network member:
- State Archives of Belgium