Metadata: RK Antwerp HR 2005 C
- Country:
- Belgium
- Holding institution:
- State Archives in Beveren
- Holding institution (official language):
- Rijksarchief te Beveren
- Postal address:
- Kruibekesteenweg 39/1, 9120 Beveren
- Phone number:
- +32 (0)3 750 29 77
- Email:
- Reference number:
- SAB-Beveren-512-R547
- Title:
- RK Antwerp HR 2005 C
- Title (official language):
- RK Antwerpen HR 2005 C
- Creator/accumulator:
- Rechtbank van koophandel; Tribunal de commerce
- Date(s):
- 1965/2003
- Extent:
- 202.9 linear metres
- Scope and content:
- The handelsregister (register of commerce) contains files related to the inscription of merchants and companies. It contains a lot of information concerning: the merchant or company, including general and personal information on the merchant, business owner and/or representatives; on the activity of the company; on the creation and the purpose of the company; on the name and branches of the company as well as supporting documents proving that the merchant/company complies with all legal requirements; judgements of courts (e.g. on bankruptcy etc.) and so on. This fonds contains the files of the handelsregister for the years 1991-2003. In addition, the fonds also contains files of the ambachtsregister (register of crafts) as well as register of companies that adopted the legal form of handelsvennootschap (trading company). (This fonds is indirectly related to the Jewish population.)
- Administrative/biographical history:
- The Rechtbank van koophandel / Tribunal de commerce (Commercial Courts), created in 1791 in the Verenigde Departementen, are composed of lay judges experienced in commercial cases, as well as a professional judge as chairman. Today, Belgium counts 27 Commercial Courts. They deal with commercial disputes between traders within the framework of commercial law (regarding sums totalling over €1,860) as well as all sorts of conflicts and applications of business and corporate law (notably bankruptcies). In addition, they deal with appeals against judgements of the Justice of the Peace in commercial matters. Since 1927, the Commercial Courts also held the so-called handelsregister (company register), in which all traders and companies active in Belgium had to register. Since 2003 the handelsregister is integrated in the Belgian database Kruispuntbank van Ondernemingen. As a consequence of all these tasks and competences, the (still under-exploited) archives of the Commercial Courts are of key importance to the study of the economic history of Belgium – see in particular the bankruptcy files and the judgements in business cases. For prosopographical research too, these archives are of particular interest. Lastly, we point out the series of documents resulting from the ‘extrajudicial’ functions of these courts – the handelsregister but also various types of documents deposited at the court (e.g. expert reports, minutes of public sales, procurations, contracts). (; K. Velle & P. Drossens, “De rechterlijke macht”, in P. van den Eeckhout & G. Vanthemsche (ed.), Bronnen voor de studie van het hedendaagse België 19e – 21e eeuw. Tweede herziene en uitgebreide uitgave, Brussel, Koninklijke Commissie voor Geschiedenis / Commission Royale d’Histoire, 2009, pp. 619-650.)
- Access points: locations:
- Antwerp
- Subject terms:
- Trade and commerce
- Finding aids:
- T. Luyckx, L. Orec, K. van Honacker (ed.), “Inventaris van het archief van de Rechtbank van Koophandel te Antwerpen. Handelsregister. Overdracht 2005 C”, in T. Luyckx, L. Orec, K. van Honacker (ed.), Inventaris van het archief van de Rechtbank van Koophandel te Antwerpen. Handelsregister. Overdrachten 2005 A – B – C – D ([1887] 1928 – 2003), I 165 (Rijksarchief te Beveren), Brussel, ARA-AGR, 2008, pp. 133-163. This fonds is made accessible by the series of records in the fonds titled “RK Antwerpen HR 2005 D” (preserved in Rijksarchief Beveren, reference 512-R548), cfr. T. Luyckx, L. Orec, K. van Honacker (ed.), “Inventaris van het archief van de Rechtbank van Koophandel te Antwerpen. Handelsregister. Overdracht 2005 D”, in T. Luyckx, L. Orec, K. van Honacker (ed.), Inventaris van het archief van de Rechtbank van Koophandel te Antwerpen. Handelsregister. Overdrachten 2005 A – B – C – D ([1887] 1928 – 2003), I 165 (Rijksarchief te Beveren), Brussel, ARA-AGR, 2008, pp. 167-181.
- Yerusha Network member:
- State Archives of Belgium