Metadata: Subfonds Auditoraat-Generaal General Documentation/Evidence documents (so-called “basement archives”) and miscellaneous
- Country:
- Belgium
- Holding institution:
- Centre for Historical Research and Documentation on War and Contemporary Society
- Holding institution (official language):
- Centre d’Études et de Documentation Guerre et Sociétés Contemporaines
- Postal address:
- Luchtvaartsquare 29 / Square de l’Aviation 29, 1070 Bruxelles (Anderlecht)
- Phone number:
- +32 (0)2 556 92 11
- Web address:
- Email:
- Reference number:
- CHRDWConS-Brussels-AA 1912
- Title:
- Subfonds Auditoraat-Generaal General Documentation/Evidence documents (so-called “basement archives”) and miscellaneous
- Title (official language):
- Deelarchief Auditoraat-Generaal Algemene Documentatie/Overtuigingsstukken (zgn. “archief kelder”) en varia
- Creator/accumulator:
- Auditoraat-Generaal [bij het Militair Gerechtshof]; Auditorat-Général [près la Cour Militaire]
- Date(s):
- 1930/1963
- Extent:
- ca. 20 linear metres
- Scope and content:
- The archival material in this fonds was produced by the department currently known as the Gerechtelijk Bureau, Sectie Incivisme. They mainly relate to the post-war zuivering / épuration (purification). We generally find reports made by Auditoraat personnel or by other services (e.g. the judicial police of Antwerp). Many files also include evidence documents (overtuigingsstukken). The fonds contains files on anti-Semitic organisations and periodicals. See among others: no. 9 (e.g. Amis du Grand Reich Allemand, Ligue anti-maçonnique (L’Épuration)), no. 16 (e.g. Défense du Peuple, Deutsche Fichtebund), no. 38 (e.g. Balming, Volksche Aanval, Hamer) etc. Bundles 196 and 197 contain forms with dates of arrest, conviction and (possible) execution of the verdict or release of hundreds of individuals suspected of or convicted for collaboration – including some who were involved in atrocities against Jews, denunciation or the persecution of the Jews in general. In bundle 30 we note, in subfolder B 33, a report (1945) of the Auditoraat-Generaal concerning the administration of so-called Jewish property by the occupier. Lastly, bundle 234 contains correspondence with the ULB and Chaim Perelman (1945, 1955).
- Administrative/biographical history:
- Already in the Dutch period, the Krijgsauditoraat (Military Prosecutor’s Office)(1814-2003) operated as the military counterpart of the Openbaar Ministerie (Public Prosecutor’s Office). After the independence of Belgium, the auditeur-generaal continued to represent the Public Prosecutor’s Office at the Militair Gerechtshof (‘Military Court’)(as well as at the krijgsraden or court-martials, for a long time). The competences of the Auditoraat-Generaal were therefore similar to those of the civilian prosecutor’s offices, but adapted to military justice: among others, supervision of the general criminal and prosecution policy, supervision of the military prosecutor’s offices and court clerks, … The Auditoraat-Generaal was assisted by a First Advocate-General as well as several Advocates-General and substitutes. The services of the Auditoraat-Generaal comprised, besides a secretariat, library, logistics and personnel services also different sections competent in criminal matters, as well as an efficient documentation service. By virtue of the law of 10 April 2003, the Auditoraat-Generaal was abolished in peacetime. The Public Prosecutor’s Office has taken over its duties. After the Second World War, the Auditoraat-Generaal played an important role notably in identifying and prosecuting collaborators, and in documenting war crimes committed on Belgian territory. (R. Depoortere, La juridiction militaire en Belgique 1796-1998. Compétences et organisation, production et conservation des archives, Miscellanea Archivistica Studia no. 115, Brussel, ARA-AGR, 1999; K. Velle & P. Drossens, “De rechterlijke macht”, in P. van den Eeckhout & G. Vanthemsche (ed.), Bronnen voor de studie van het hedendaagse België 19e – 21e eeuw. Tweede herziene en uitgebreide uitgave, Brussel, Koninklijke Commissie voor Geschiedenis / Commission Royale d’Histoire, 2009, pp. 619-650.)
- Access points: locations:
- Antwerp
- Access points: persons/families:
- Perelman, Chaim
- Finding aids:
- L. Saerens, Inventaris archiefgedeelte Algemene Documentatie/Overtuigingsstukken Auditoraat-Generaal (voorheen in Justitiepaleis Brussel verdieping O/1, zgn. “archief kelder”), Brussel, CEGESOMA, s.d. (list AA 1912). This finding aid is partially outdated; many files concerning Jewish organisations were moved to the so-called Pierre Beeckmans archives.
- Yerusha Network member:
- State Archives of Belgium