Metadata: Industrial Inspectorate of Dzierżoniów
- Country:
- Poland
- Holding institution:
- State Archive of Wroclaw, Kamieniec-Ząbkowicki branch
- Holding institution (official language):
- Archiwum Państwowe we Wrocławiu, Oddział Kamieniec Ząbkowicki
- Postal address:
- Plac Kościelny 4, 57-230, Kamieniec Ząbkowicki
- Phone number:
- (+48 74) 8173540
- Web address:
- Email:
- Reference number:
- PL 84/782
- Title:
- Industrial Inspectorate of Dzierżoniów
- Title (official language):
- Inspekcja Przemysłowa w Dzierżoniowie
- Creator/accumulator:
- Industrial Inspectorate of Dzierżoniów
- Date(s):
- 1892/1945
- Language:
- German
- Extent:
- 3.61 linear metres (360 folders)
- Type of material:
- Textual material
- Physical condition:
- good
- Scope and content:
The archival collection of the Industrial Inspectorate for Reichenbach im Eulengebirge/Schlesien (now Dzierżoniów) is small and comprises few Jewish-related items.
The records are related to the control exercised over the observance and delivery of the relevant labour legislation within the District of Reichenbach. There are a few units within the group specifying the instructions and regulations of the supreme authorities and the Inspectorate’s own, registers of inspections carried out by industrial inspectors, lists of employing institutions/establishments, lists of hardworking people. These lists/breakdowns, plans, rules/regulations, instructions/dispositions (dated 1901–42 (ref. no. 1/10)) and the business trip registers and industrial inspectorates’ inspection registers (dated 1929–44 (ref. no. 11/23)) form 10% of the collection.
The remaining 90% are units of records referring to specified employing institutions/establishments, dating from 1892 to 1945 (ref. no. 24/459). This group also comprises lists of hardworking workers/labourers from 1939 to 1945 (ref. no. 424/436).
The units referring to specific enterprises contain inspection records, penalty motions for failure to observe the rules, post-inspection dispositions, correspondence, rules and regulations of enterprises, technical data of buildings and their equipment/furnishings, employment structure data (age, gender), descriptions of accidents at work. The inspectors controlled large enterprises – such as factories or a mill – as well as small ones such as a theatre, a hotel, petrol stations, slaughterhouses, bakeries, inns, and the like.
The following units contain records of Jewish-owned enterprises:
Ref. no. 121: Weyl & Nassau Spinnerei, Weberei, Appretur Reichenbach, 1892–1922;
Ref. no. 128: Meyer Kauffmann Textilwerke A-G. Ober-Langenbielau, 1921–44;
Ref. no. 146: Meyer Kauffmann Weberei. Ober-Langenbielau, 1908–26;
Ref. no. 164: Gebrüder Cohn Weberei in Reichenbach, 1893–1931;
Ref. no. 165: A. Fleischer Weberei in Reichenbach, 1892–1921;
Ref. no. 214: Unger u. Wolf Dampfsägewerk in Reichenbach, 1910–32 (the folder contains documents of the ‘Forster Langer & Fleischer’ company).
- Archival history:
- The records were accumulated by officials/clerks of the Industrial Inspectorate of Reichenbach until 1945. The State Archive of Wroclaw has been housing them since 1951; presently, the resource is stored at the archive’s branch in Kamieniec-Ząbkowicki. The content has been edited by J. Domański (1960) and C. Kwiatkowska (1963).
- Administrative/biographical history:
- The inspectorate officially commenced its operations as from the issuance of a decree, dated 27th April 1891, on the organisation and appointment of industrial inspection bodies. Pursuant to a decision of Germany’s Minister of Commerce and Industry of 12th February 1893, the precincts for industrial inspectorates were established within the Regency of Wroclaw – in Breslau (Wroclaw), Oels (Oleśnica), Waldenburg (Wałbrzych) and Reichenbach (Dzierżoniów). The headquarters and territorial scopes of the area’s inspectorates were later altered from time to time. As of 1938, the Industrial Inspectorates functioned in the following localities of the Wroclaw Regency: Breslau-West, Breslau-East, District of Breslau, Brieg (Brzeg), Glatz (Kłodzko), Reichenbach, Schweidnitz (Świdnica), and Waldenburg. The offices operated until 1945.
- Access points: locations:
- Dzierżoniów
- Ober-Langenbielau
- Subject terms:
- Manufacturing
- Trade and commerce
- System of arrangement:
- The collection is composed of units covering general matters (10%) along with those regarding specified enterprises (90%). The dossiers have been collated thematically and comprise, respectively: lists/breakdowns, rules/regulations, plans, correspondence, instructions/dispositions, business trip registers, industrial inspectorates’ inspection registers, and records related to individual employing institutions or establishments. The resource includes books/registers, unbound documents, correspondence, typescripts, prints and manuscript items.
- Access, restrictions:
- The collection is available in the reading room of the State Archive of Wroclaw, Kamieniec-Ząbkowicki branch.
- Finding aids:
- A register is available at the archives
- Yerusha Network member:
- Emanuel Ringelblum Jewish Historical Institute
- Author of the description:
- Anna Grużlewska, Leszek Ziątkowski; University of Wroclaw; 2015