Metadata: Duchy of Wroclaw
- Country:
- Poland
- Holding institution:
- State Archive of Wroclaw
- Holding institution (official language):
- Archiwum Państwowe we Wrocławiu
- Postal address:
- ul. Pomorska 2, 50-215 Wrocław
- Phone number:
- (+48 71) 328 81 01; (+48 71) 328 83 95
- Web address:
- Email:
- Reference number:
- PL 82/10; PL82/1063
- Title:
- Duchy of Wroclaw
- Title (official language):
- Księstwo wrocławskie
- Creator/accumulator:
- Administrative authority of the Duchy of Wroclaw
- Date(s):
- 1261/1811
- Language:
- Latin
- German
- Extent:
- 15 linear metres (864 folders)
- Type of material:
- Textual material
- Physical condition:
- good
- Scope and content:
The Duchy of Wroclaw collection consists of the following sections:
I. Documents; 1281–1808.
II. Files/dossiers, including:
1. Duke’s attitude toward the duchy: privileges/charters, relationship with Poland, frontier affairs, the Mint of Wroclaw and monetary affairs, the postal service and its operations, customs matters, property/estate-related matters, domains, tributary and grace affairs; 1261–1800.
2. Estates (social classes): officials and clerks, ‘dietine of the land’ (sejmik krajowy), the chivalry, cities/towns, the peasantry, Jews, Gypsies; 1534–1783.
3. Management of the duchy: general administration affairs, personnel affairs, patents and imperial rescripts; 1317–1741.
4. Legal and judicial system: instructions/dispositions and regulations related to court proceedings, court-of-law chancellery, land and manorial courts in Wroclaw, Środa-Śląsk and Namysłów, tributary law, criminal cases; 1439–1739.
5. Police: officials/clerks, frontier affairs, hunting, instructions/dispositions, keeping things orderly, fighting mendicancy; fire, road and river traffic, health and marketplace police; censorship; 1554–1811.
6. Finances/treasury: officials/clerks, tax and cashbox (treasury) affairs, subsidies, loans; 1525–1743.
7. Military affairs: Thirty Years’ War, reparations, claims, reclamations/complaints, reviews, recruits, disabled soldiers, criminal cases , fortifications, armament and victuals, chivalric service; 1489–1739.
8. Agrarian culture and economic statistics: agricultural statistics, trade/commerce affairs, crafts, trade/commerce, industry, rivers, demesnes; 1425–1737.
9. Morality, enlightenment: sculptors, painters, witchcraft, book auctioning; 1578–1775.
10. Church and charity foundations: inspections, ecclesiastical affairs, charitable institutions (various), scholarships, benefits/relief payments; 1572–1805.
11. Annex: copiaries [collections of duplicates of bestowal/privileging deeds], property/estate registers, taxes, debts; 1294–1538.
Jewish-related items are concentrated in units related to monetary, estate (class) and police affairs:
Ref. no. 36: ‘Acta varia von Münzsachen’; 1551–1737; p. 137.
Ref. no. 37: ‘Kontrakte wegen Überlassung des Münzwerks zu Breslau und Ausprägung von Gold und Silbermünzen’; 1604–76; p. 76.
Ref. no. 38: ‘Acta von Verpachtung der Breslauschen Münze’. Bd. 1; 1622–30; p. 229.
Ref. no. 39: ‘Acta von Verpachtung der Breslauschen Münze’. Bd. 2; 1630–48; p. 189.
Ref. no. 40: ‘Acta von Verpachtung der Breslauschen Münze’. Bd 3; 1650–1790; p. 202.
Ref. no. 68: ‘Acta von Bestellung des jüdischen und der anderen Briefträger’. vol. 1; 1655–1737; p. 324.
Ref. no. 69: ‘Acta von Bestellung des jüdischen und der anderen Briefträger’. vol. 2; 1737–9; p. 261.
Ref. no. 295: ‘Acta und Tabellen von der Zustande der unaccisbaren Städten und Flecken im Kreis Breslau–Bohrau und Dyhernfurth’. Includes tables specifying the Jewish population of Brzeg-Dolny (Dyherenfurth); 1757–79.
Ref. no. 296: Acta und Tabellen von der Zustande der unaccisbaren Städten und Flecken im Kreise Namslau–Staedtel. Includes tables specifying the Jewish population of Miejsce (Staedtel); 1757–83.
Ref. no. 304: ‘Acta miscellanea enthaltend Judnesachen’; 1569–1739; p. 114.
Ref. no. 305: ‘Acta von Einrichtung der Juden-Kosignationen’; 1657; p. 21.
Ref. no. 306: ‘Quittung der jüdischen Personal Accise’; 1723; p. 2.
Ref. no. 307: ‘Verbot den Juden andere Immobilien als Branntweinhäuser zu verkaufen’; 1725; p. 6.
Ref. no. 308: ‘Betr. die Aufnahme von Juden in den Orten, wo noch keine vorhanden’; 1726–40; p. 10.
Ref. no. 309: ‘Acta betr. den stabilisierten Numerus der Juden in Breslau und die Abschaffung der nahe bei den Kirchen wohnenden’; 1725; p. 36.
Ref. no. 310: ‘Acta von nachgesuchter Toleranz verschiedener Juden in Breslau’; 1728–40; p. 122. – Includes [card no. 1–33:] Case of Lazarus Hirschel etc. [interesting dossier re. the family’s problem, their privileges and position in the city – correspondence between the emperor and the city’s authorities]; 1729–31 and [cc. 34–121:] Case re. shammes of Pińczów [interesting dossier re. the institution of shammes; attempt to suspend the shammes of Pińczów and related correspondence dating 1733–8].
Ref. no. 311: ‘Kaiserliche Konfirmation verschiedener Juden in Breslau besonders des Schamis [sic]’; 1729–38; p. 122.
Ref. no. 312: ‘Quittung und Verfügungen betr. die Erhebung und Verpachtung des Judenzolles’; 1722–7; p. 2.
Ref. no. 555: ‘Acta von einer durch einen polnischen Juden in Breslau öffentlich herumgetragenen zum Schimpfe der katholischen Religion geprägten Münze’; 1696–7; p. 15.
Ref. no. 568: ‘Untersuchung über das von dem jüdischen Buchdrucker Sabbathi Lachinzu [sic] Dührenfurth [sic] gedruckte skandalöse Büchlein Scharthion (porta Syon)’; 1712; p. 32.
Ref. no. 570: ‘Acta betr. des jüdischen Buchdruckers zu Dyherenfurth [Dyhernfurth] Absuchen Assistenz wider die verbotene Einschleppung der Bücher….'; 1700–32.
- Access points: locations:
- Brzeg-Dolny
- Wrocław
- Access points: persons/families:
- Hirschel, Lazarus
- Lachin, Sabbathi
- Subject terms:
- Correspondence
- Legal status of Jews
- Minting
- Privileges
- Publishing
- System of arrangement:
- The collection presently consists of sections formed by the team of archivists who arranged it in the middle of the nineteenth century; these sections correspond with the areas of the Duchy’s administrative activity. The resource includes books or registers, unbound documents, and letters, written on paper or parchment.
- Access, restrictions:
- The collection is available in the reading room of the State Archive of Wroclaw.
- Finding aids:
- An inventory was prepared in the 1950s by Dr.Władysław Pyrek; there exists also a German hand-written register from the 19th century.
- Yerusha Network member:
- Emanuel Ringelblum Jewish Historical Institute
- Author of the description:
- Anna Grużlewska, Leszek Ziątkowski; University of Wroclaw; 2015