Metadata: Duchy of Głogów
- Country:
- Poland
- Holding institution:
- State Archive of Wroclaw
- Holding institution (official language):
- Archiwum Państwowe we Wrocławiu
- Postal address:
- ul. Pomorska 2, 50-215 Wrocław
- Phone number:
- (+48 71) 328 81 01; (+48 71) 328 83 95
- Web address:
- Email:
- Reference number:
- PL 82/3
- Title:
- Duchy of Głogów
- Title (official language):
- Księstwo głogowskie
- Creator/accumulator:
- Administrative authority of the Duchy of Głogów
- Date(s):
- 1386/1870
- Language:
- German
- Latin
- Extent:
- 12.5 linear metres (837 folders)
- Type of material:
- Textual material
- Physical condition:
- good
- Scope and content:
The collection consists of materials collected by the administration of the Duchy of Głogów/Glogau. The resources are grouped into documents and files.
I. Documents
1. The duke’s relationship with his duchy, family affairs, elections, tributary affairs, Duchy’s financial and frontier affairs, attitude towards neighbours: 1397–1518.
2. Estates/classes, disputes and their resolution, privileges/charters: 1493–1523.
3. Management of the duchy, election of the Starost: 1495–1686.
4. Legal and judicial system, estate/property sale/purchase transactions confirmed: 1413–76.
5. Finances/treasury, dues (to be) paid to the royal treasury: 1523.
6. Localities specified; chronology specification therewithin: 1386–1795.
II. Files:
1. The Duke and his relationship with the duchy. Family affairs, elections, tributary affairs. Imperial rescripts, privileges/charters, fiscal matters, frontier affairs, complaints, local mint and currency, mailing/postal matters. Salt trade, salt regalia, customs affairs, brewing industry, beer licensing, influx of cash, violence/rapes committed by military men, domain and domain offices, fiefdom/feoff, grace-granting matters: 1329–1870.
2. Social estate/class-related affairs. Land/county [poviat] dietines [sejmiks], disputes involving towns/cities and estate/property owners, taxes, class (estate) privileges, patents and ordinances/decrees, officials and clerks, cities/towns, debts, subjects, Jews and Gypsies: 1501–1808.
3. Duchy management. Officials/clerks, starost-related affairs, ordinances/decrees, rescripts, Duchy Starost’s reports and minutes, feudatory/liege affairs, deposits, Duchy’s Chancellery, supplications: 1546–1749.
4. Legal and judicial system. Organisation, Emperor’s and Higher Office’s ordinances or decrees, court procedure, custody jurisdiction, court-ordered mortgage, manorial court, czudy [Polish noble court], feudal court [Manngericht], civil cases, contentious cases/matters of argument: 1550–1789.
5. Police. Statutes, forestry and hunting affairs, sanitary police, usury, censorship: 1531–1747.
6. Finances/treasury. Tax and excise affairs, war indemnity (reparations), accounting and treasury/cashbox affairs, loans, debts of the Duchy: 1511–1740.
7. Military affairs. Thirty Years’ War; granting of military functions; patents; recruits, drill, training armament/weaponry; the military garrison in Głogów; civic guards; soldiers’ personal affairs: 1550–1798.
8. Agrarian culture and economic statistics. Matricules of Głogów and of the Duchy; lists of estates/properties and villages, estimates, lists of fiefs/feuds, agriculture, crafts, pharmacies and spas, crafts, health resorts, industries, fisheries, trade, customs, hydraulic engineering and shipping/navigation, roads: 1512–1840.
9. Morality- and education-related affairs. Notification of the opening of an engineering academy in Vienna; typography/printing industry, foundation for university student youth, witchcraft trials, finds of coins: 1587–1744.
10. Church-related affairs, charity foundations. Statistics, lists of ecclesiastical properties; Protestant (Evangelical) Church and Catholic Church, their mutual relations; matrimonies, foundations, alms, offertories; Collegiate Church of Głogów, Jesuit Order; taxes: 1528–1811.
11. Annex: 1631–1715.
Jewish-related items are numerous, appearing in the following units:
Ref. no. 68: ‘Münzverfügungen in causis commissorum an Kapitel und Ritterschaft die Kreise Weichbildstädte und die Judengenossenschaft’, 1726–40; card 335.
Ref. no. 69: ‘Münzsachen besonders Kontracte um die Glogau Münzstätte’, 1624–33; card 22.
Ref. no. 148: ‘Acta betr. die neuen Glogauer Schlossbauspensen, wozu auch einige dem Königl. Schloße angreänzende Juden rücksichtlich der Scheidemauer beitragen müssen’, 1728–32; card 305.
Ref. no. 151: ’Anzeigen von vorgekommenen Besitzveränderungen im Bezirke des Domänen-Rentamtes Glogau’, 1844–52: concerning, inter alia, the sale of a peasant (feudal) estate in Zarkau [today, Żarków – an urban area within the city of Głogów] to Hirsch Levy, merchant of Glogau.
Ref. no. 242: ‘Acta betr. des Juden Wiener Kreditwesen und die Abstossung der Anforderung aus dem Kgl. Amtsdepositio durch die Stände’, 1727–31; card 128.
Ref. no. 244: ‘Graf Thun'sche, Hauptmann Osorowsky'sche-Schuldenforderung und des Juden Jacob Salomon Schuldforderung bei dem Glogauschen Ständen’, 1639–67; card 193.
Ref. no. 271: ‘Judensachen’, 1680–1756; card 53.
Ref. no. 272: ‘Eine auf dem 20 Febr. ..... angesetzte Judenkommission’, 1642; card 7.
Ref. no. 273: ‘Akta betr. verschiedene Vergehen der Juden und gegen den Juden’, 1673–83; card 19.
Ref. no. 274: ’Anweisung einer Revier der Stadt Glogau an die Juden und Zinszahlung’, 1637–8; card 55.
Ref. no. 275: ‘Einsendung der Consignationen der im Fürstenthum Glogau aufhaltenden Juden’, 1701–12; card 203.
Ref. no. 276: ‘Acta von Bestimmung jüdischer Verehlichung behufs der Einschränkung der zu grossen Vermehrung der Juden, auch von gänzlicher Abschaffung derselben auf den Trebnitzer Stiftsgütern Skampen und Wilkau’, 1726; card 49.
Ref. no. 277: ‘Acta von Verbot der Zool-, Mühlen-, Schäferei. Brauchas und Maierhofs Verpflegung an die Juden’, 1725; card 8.
Ref. no. 278: ‘Acta über einer den Juden in Gross Glogau auferlegte Schatzung’, 1628–30; card 84.
Ref. no. 279: ’Acta die im Schwiebusischen Kreise sich aufhaltenden Juden betr.’, 1701–21; card 182.
Ref. no. 280: ‘Erbaung einer Judenschule auf der Herrschaft Saaber’, 1732–4; card 89.
Ref. no. 281: ‘Fortschaffung der Juden aus der Stadt Freistadt’, 1738; card 103.
Ref. no. 282: ‘Acta betr. Judensteuer und den jüdische Personalaccis’, 1706–35; card 48.
Ref. no. 283: ‘Varia’ [re. Jewish affairs], 1540–1659; card 12.
Ref. no. 284: ‘Die Verheiratung von Juden betr.’, 1718–26; card 31.
Ref. no. 285: ‘Vergehen der Juden, deren Untersuchung und Bestrafung’, 1638–1748; card 84.
Ref. no. 286: ‘Acta in Sachen zwischen dem gewesenen jüdischen Toleranzpächter Aaron Isaac und dessen Cessionar... wegen ihrer Toleranzgelder’, vol. 1, 1706–23; card 572.
Ref. no. 287: ‘Acta in Sachen zwischen dem gewesenen jüdischen Toleranzpächter Aaron Isaac und dessen Cessionar... wegen ihrer Toleranzgelder’, vol. 2, 1724–9; card 238.
Ref. no. 288: ‘Geldangelegenheiten verschiedene Juden betr.’, vol. 1, 1731/1738; card 10.
Ref. no. 289: ‘Geldangelegenheiten verschiedene Juden betr.’, vol. 2, 1742/1751; card 245.
Ref. no. 290: ‘Geldangelegenheiten verschiedene Juden betr.’, vol. 3, 1740/1808; card 9.
Ref. no. 291: ‘Abnahme Salomonische Konkurs-Sache’, 1732; card 91.
Ref. no. 292: ‘Distribution d. Moyses Samuel Geldschmidt’, 1749–53; card 131.
Ref. no. 293: ‘Acta betr. die Juden Abraham für seinen Sohn Joseph Löbel reservieren wollende Inkolat’, 1639; card 36.
Ref. no. 294: ‘Schuldforderung der Juden Israel Bendin zu Glogau wieder Adam Kottwitz’, 1639; card 25.
Ref. no. 295: ‘Acta betr. die Depositum anzunehmende Schuldpost des Juden Moyses Salomon Schlam’, 1725–6; card 71.
Ref. no. 296: ‘Gesuch der Juden zu Gross Glogau wegen des neuen modus contribuendi’, 1736; card 8.
Ref. no. 429 Acta betr. die Arrestirung die von dem polnischen Juden Mändel Baroch in Berlin erkaufte sein sollen den Bücher zu Glogau, 1730–1; card 59.
Ref. no. 464: ‘Akta betr. Kapital.... welches auf Kaisrl. Befehl .... von stossischen Gütern durch die Schles. Kammer an den Juden Oppenheimer bezahlt werden sollen’, 1577–1689; card 108.
Ref. no. 491: ‘Akta von Juden c/a die Stände in puncto Holz Schadens concerniende, vol. 1’, 1711–30; card 433.
Ref. no. 492: ‘Akta von Juden c/a die Stände in puncto Holz Schadens concerniende, vol. 2’, 1712–32; card 756.
Ref. no. 493: ‘Contentious file’: case involving Mojżesz-Samuel Wiener, a Jew, and three estates of the Duchy, concerning damages incurred from the military in respect of timber supplies, vol. 1, 1711–24; card 752.
Ref. no. 494: ‘Contentious file’: case involving Mojżesz-Samuel Wiener, a Jew, and three estates of the Duchy, concerning damages incurred from the military in respect of timber supplies, vol. 2, 1718; card 295.
Ref. no. 495: ’Contentious file’: case involving Mojżesz-Samuel Wiener, a Jew, and three estates of the Duchy, concerning damages incurred from the military in respect of timber supplies, 1716–29; card 22.
Ref. no. 564: ‘Akta betr. das Oberamtliche Verbot des Hausierens fremder Kaufleute und Juden’, 1721–6; card 64.
- Archival history:
- The materials contained in this collection were produced and collected by the Duchy administration. There are numerous files regarding Jewish matters: settlement and trade/commerce privileges for Głogów [Glogau] Jews, monetary, property-related and customs issues (cases), documents related to individual families and privileges granted thereto, plus the authorities’ correspondence regarding the Jewish question. The documents moreover comprise lists of Jews concerned. For the sake of protection, the files were dispersed during World War 2 and kept in different localities; some have been destroyed. Since the end of the war, the files have been stored at the State Archive of Wroclaw.
- Administrative/biographical history:
- In 1162, resulting from a division of Silesia, Głogów became the capital of a duchy (which initially was not autonomous). 1249–51 saw the emergence of an autonomous Duchy of Głogów (ruled by Conrad I), which after a collection of divisions formed an administrative and political unit. The duchy was a fief of the Bohemian Crown since the fourteenth century. After the Higher Supreme Office was set up in Silesia, the duchy lost part of its previous autonomy and political significance. With Silesia seized by Prussia in the eighteenth century, the duchy functioned as a Prussian estates administration unit.
- Access points: locations:
- Głogów
- Access points: persons/families:
- Bendin, Israel
- Geldschmidt, Moyses Samuel
- Isaac, Aaron
- Levy, Hirsch
- Löbel, Abraham
- Schlam, Moyses Salomon
- Solomon, Jacob
- Wiener, Mojżesz-Samuel
- System of arrangement:
- The collection consists of books/registers and unbound items, manuscript and printed.
- Access, restrictions:
- The collection is available in the reading room of the State Archive of Wroclaw.
- Finding aids:
- A register is available at the archives.
- Yerusha Network member:
- Emanuel Ringelblum Jewish Historical Institute
- Author of the description:
- Anna Grużlewska, Leszek Ziątkowski; University of Wroclaw; 2015