Metadata: Papers of the Gheorghe Lazăr high school (Sibiu)
- Country:
- Romania
- Holding institution:
- National Archives of Romania, Sibiu branch
- Holding institution (official language):
- Arhivele Naționale ale României, Direcţia Judeţeană Sibiu
- Postal address:
- Arhivele Naționale ale României, Direcţia Judeţeană Sibiu, Strada Arhivelor nr. 3, cod 550164, jud. Sibiu, România
- Phone number:
- +40 269 208 519
- Web address:
- Email:
- Reference number:
- inventar 275
- Title:
- Papers of the Gheorghe Lazăr high school (Sibiu)
- Title (official language):
- Fond Liceul Gheorghe Lazăr (Sibiu)
- Creator/accumulator:
- Gheorghe Lazăr high school (Sibiu)
- Date(s):
- 1790/1948
- Language:
- German
- Hungarian
- Romanian; Moldavian; Moldovan
- Latin
- Extent:
- 1,114 units
- Type of material:
- Textual material
- Physical condition:
- good
- Scope and content:
- The bulk of the collection consists of matriculation registers and student grade books, with some additional papers and correspondence, particularly during the early years of the school. The collection is divided into four series based on the primary language of instruction: Latin (1790-1850), German (1851-68), Hungarian (1868-1918) and Romanian (1918-48). Jewish students appear only to have enrolled during the latter two periods. For details on records referring specifically to Jewish students, see the entry for this collection at, subfield ‘contains’, and click on any title.
- Archival history:
- No information is provided as to when these papers were acquired by the National Archives.
- Access points: locations:
- Sibiu
- Subject terms:
- Education
- Education--Schools and universities
- Yerusha Network member:
- Leo Baeck Institute