Metadata: Files and registers of guilds (Sibiu)
- Country:
- Romania
- Holding institution:
- National Archives of Romania, Sibiu branch
- Holding institution (official language):
- Arhivele Naționale ale României, Direcţia Judeţeană Sibiu
- Postal address:
- Arhivele Naționale ale României, Direcţia Judeţeană Sibiu, Strada Arhivelor nr. 3, cod 550164, jud. Sibiu, România
- Phone number:
- +40 269 208 519
- Web address:
- Email:
- Reference number:
- inventar 33, număr curent 1
- Title:
- Files and registers of guilds (Sibiu)
- Title (official language):
- Acte și registre de breaslă (Sibiu)
- Creator/accumulator:
- Romanian National Archives, Sibiu branch
- Date(s):
- 1449/1948
- Language:
- German
- Latin
- Hungarian
- Romanian; Moldavian; Moldovan
- Extent:
- 727 units
- Type of material:
- Textual material
- Physical condition:
- good
- Scope and content:
- This large collection consists of documents, correspondence and register books generated by the various guilds of Sibiu and a few other nearby localities. The collection is divided into two large sections, the first containing various documents and the second register books. Within the two main sections there is a broad variety of different types of materials, especially in the first section. Although most of the first section consists of business correspondence, a number of other types of papers appear, including various financial records, papers pertaining to guild assets and holdings and paperwork regarding membership, apprenticeships, charters, privileges, elections and other matters. In some cases personal documents regarding the vaccination and baptism of individual members also appear. The second section is also quite broad-ranging; the majority of the registers appear to concern the guilds’ finances, but there are also registers pertaining to apprenticeships and certifications of mastery and occasionally registers of various other guild activities and meeting minutes, as well as membership lists, registers of the guild burial societies and other records. This section contains some journeyman books (Wanderbücher) for individual guild members. Although many of the guilds appear to have been dissolved before the 20th century, the collection does contain records of some guilds and their successor organisations which persisted well into the mid-20th century, in particular those of shoemakers, butchers, carpenters and locksmiths. A number of these records presumably contain references to Jewish members or the exclusion of Jews and other matters related to the guilds' relationship with the Jewish population. For details regarding two folders with material explicitly referring to the Jewish population, see the entry for this collection at, subfield ‘contains’, and click on any title.
- Archival history:
- There is no detailed history of this collection provided by the National Archives, but the materials were presumably maintained by the respective guilds for several centuries and collected by the National Archives in the second half of the 20th century. They may have been collected by the municipal archives prior to their incorporation into the state archives.
- Access points: locations:
- Cincul Mare
- Saschiz
- Șeica Mică
- Sibiu
- Subject terms:
- Guilds
- Professions
- System of arrangement:
- The collection is divided into two large sections, the first containing various documents and the second register books. Each section is then organised by guild, arranged alphabetically by the Romanian name of the guild. Preceding this alphabetical arrangement is a handful of documents and registers pertaining to the guilds as a whole or to groups of guilds. At the end of the collection are a few documents and registers originating from Cincul Mare, Saschiz, and Șeica Mică.
- Yerusha Network member:
- Leo Baeck Institute