Metadata: W. Kozłowski
- Country:
- Ukraine
- Holding institution:
- Vasyl Stefanyk National Scientific Library of Ukraine in Lviv. Manuscripts Department
- Holding institution (official language):
- Львівська національна наукова бібліотека України імені В. Стефаника. Bідділ рукописів
- Postal address:
- Stefanyka St. 2, 79000, Lviv, Ukraine
- Phone number:
- +38 (032) 236-80-28
- Email:
- Reference number:
- F. 59
- Title:
- W. Kozłowski
- Title (official language):
- Creator/accumulator:
- W. Kozłowski
- Date(s):
- 1422/1917
- Language:
- Polish
- German
- Latin
- French
- Ukrainian
- English
- Yiddish
- Extent:
- 484 storage units
- Type of material:
- Textual material
- Scope and content:
Materials housed in the fond that pertain to Jewish history and culture may be provisionally divided into the following thematic groups:
1) Copies of documents and extracts made by Włodzimierz Kozłowski from files housed in archives of Vienna, including the Judicial Chamber department of the State Archives (Haus-, Hof- und Staatsarchiv) and the Archive of the Ministry of the Interior, as well as from local archives, including the archives of the Viceroyalty of Galicia and the National Council (Polish: Archiwum Rady Narodowej).
1.1) Extracts from various legislative acts pertaining to the life of Galician Jewish subjects of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, including documents by which the Polish Kings Casimir III, Sigismund I, Jan I Olbracht (John 1 Albert), Sigismund III, Władysław (Ladislaus) IV and others (1422-1649) granted or ratified the residence, commercial, or property privileges of the Jews of Lwów, Krakow, and elsewhere; a copy of a decree of the Royal Commission of the Habsburg Empire that lists privileges granted to Galician Jews by Polish kings from 1260 to 1689 and legislative acts pertaining to the Jewish population of Lwów from 1488 to 1745; etc.
1.2) Materials containing information on the Jewish population of Galicia and Bukovina during the period of the Austrian and Austro-Hungarian Empire, including:
1.2.1) Statistical information, surveys, and general descriptions of the life of Jews, in particular, copies of a report by A. Betanski titled “Thoughts on a New Government for the Provinces of Galicia and Lodomeria,” which includes information about the Jewish population of Galicia (1772); and a copy of a memorandum that contains lists of kahals, synagogues, and Jewish communities; data on the size of the Jewish population, and on the quality and value of their houses, and their tax arrears (1773); notes on the Jews of Bukovina (1776); etc.
1.2.2) Copies of legislative acts pertaining to the legal status of Galician Jews, in particular, decrees of Count E. V. von Vrbna on the drafting and adoption of several resolutions pertaining to the Jewish population (1772-81); decrees of the Royal Commission ratifying the rights of the Jews of Lwów to maintain synagogues (1759, 1778); etc.
1.2.3) Information on the taxation of the Jewish population of Galicia and Bukovina, including copies of reports and memoranda of the first viceroy in the Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria, Johann Anton Graf von Pergen, to State Chancellor Wenzel Anton, Prince of Kaunitz-Rietberg, regarding the Jews of Lwów, with an appended list of Jewish communities in cities of the Ruthenian voivodeship from which various taxes and duties were collected (1773); extracts on the organization of judicial, military, and tax authorities in the Habsburg Empire, including a moratorium (a document exempting the payment of duties due to special circumstances) granted to the Jews of Kazimierz (1773); a copy of a report by the deputy palatine of Lwów, Josef Mewski, containing proposals to increase the amount of taxes collected from local Jews (1775); data on taxes owed by the kahals of Bełz, Żółkiew, Kazimierz, Jarosław, etc. (1773-76); reports on the results of inspections of the income and expenses of the Jewish communities of Lwów, Stanisławów, Łysiec, and Bohorodczany in Galicia, and of Câmpulung in Bukovina (1776); etc.
1.2.4) Copies of documents reflecting the economic activity of Jews in cities and towns of Galicia and Bukovina, in particular, a decree of the royal commissioner to the Lwów Magistrate and local synagogues in Lwów and elsewhere regarding the conduct of trade and commerce (1759); a report by J. Baum from the Wieliczka Area Chancellery on, among other things, the state of Jewish trade in Krakow and Kazimierz (1775-76); extracts from files with information on Jewish-owned taverns in Galicia and Bukovina (1772, 1780); a report by a parliamentary commission on the production of alcoholic beverages regarding a reform of the tariffs imposed on distillers (many of whom were Jews) for the production of alcohol; etc. (1888).
1.2.5) Materials from trials involving Jews, including copies of files pertaining to the hearing of complaints filed by Jews in Kazimierz alleging abuses on the part of local officials (1775-76); extracts from a file on the payment of a court agent, a Jew named Solomon David, for his services (1776); a copy of a report of the Supreme Judicial Chancellery on the confiscation of property of Jews from Zamość who were accused of counterfeiting, and on other, similar cases (1777-79); extracts from files pertaining to litigation between Count P. F. Potocki and the Jewish community of Buczacz (1772-1781), to instances of Jews converting to Christianity (1778), etc.
2) Extracts from reports of officials from the cities of Brody, Żółkiew (now Zhovkva) and Lwów contain information on the Karaite communities of Galicia, in particular, on locations where Karaites resided, taxes paid by them, marriages among Karaites, etc. (1775).
3) There is a separate group of materials consisting of copies and extracts from reports, minutes, bulletins, memoranda, petitions, and other documents submitted by various officials and institutions for consideration by the Austrian Empress Maria Theresa, including her rulings and resolutions on these – the topics covered include Jews’ violation of marriage laws (1774-76); the exemption of Karaites from the marriage tax (1774); the election of leaders of Jewish communities; the hearing of complaints filed by Jews alleging abuses by local authorities (1775); the immigration of Jewish foreign subjects; certificates issued to Jewish military conscripts; lists of the kahals of Galicia; litigation between J. Mier, starosta of Busk, and a local rabbi; the arrest of Solomon Rabinovich, a Jew from Kazimierz; the confirmation of Isaac Aron as the rabbi of the Jewish community of Rohatyn; the rights of Jews in Zamość; the collection of various taxes and fees from Galician Jews, in particular, the rabbinical tax in the Buczacz estates of the counts Potocki; the introduction and collection of the “tolerance tax” (German: Toleranzgebührer); etc. (1774-76).
4) Printed materials on antisemitism and other issues of Jewish life, including a printed copy of an open letter from a conservative politician, D. Abrahamovich, deputy of the Austrian Parliament, to the socialist A. Hausner (1878); clippings from Polish periodicals, including from Kurjer Lwowski (Lwów Courier, 1892), Slowо (Word, 1894), Kurier Poznanski (Poznan Courier, 1895), etc. on the rise of antisemitism in Austria, the Zionist movement, the activities of Jewish farmers, and other issues.
5) Materials related to Włodzimierz Kozłowski’s professional activities as a member of the Austrian Parliament and of the parliamentary club “Koło Polskie” and various parliamentary committees on economics, including minutes of club meetings, reports and abstracts (originals and copies), in particular, statistics on public education in the Austro-Hungarian Empire, including on Jewish schools (1860-99); reports on Jewish participation in elections to the State Council of the Austro-Hungarian Empire; on the campaigns of candidates from various Jewish associations and unions of Belz, Sokal, Rawa Ruska, Jarosław, etc.; on grants awarded to the Society of Orthodox Jews “Kahal Mahzike Ha-das” (1911); documents of certain Jewish associations – the Organization of Jewish Merchants, Manufacturers, and Craftsmen (Polish: Organizacja żydowskich kupcόw, przemyslowcόw i rękodzielników), the Jewish City Club (Polish: Żydowski klub mieszczanski), and Yad Harutsim – that deal with the situation of Jewish merchants and craftsmen in connection with payments on current loans (1912); etc.
- Administrative/biographical history:
Włodzimierz Kozłowski (1858-1917) was a Polish conservative politician and public figure, landowner, lawyer, and commentator. He came from an old gentry family. In 1876 he graduated from the Lwów Gymnasium. He studied law at the University of Prague (1876-80), continued his studies in Innsbruck (1877) and Vienna (1878), and in 1883 received his doctorate in law from the Jagiellonian University in Krakow. Upon his return to Lwów, he was elected to the Galician Regional Sejm, serving as a deputy from 1889-1914, in particular, on this body’s committees on the budget, nationalities policy, municipal affairs, water, and sanitation. In 1898, he became a member of the school commission, and would contribute to the development of public education in Galicia. In 1888 he became a member of the Austrian Parliament and from 1888-1917 served on the Austrian State Council. He was an active member and leader of the Polish parliamentary group “Koło Polskie,” working on various parliamentary committees that dealt with economic issues. He headed many Lwów public organizations: he was director of the Credit Society in Lwów, a member of the Audit Commission of the Women’s Charitable Society (1898-1910), and a member of the Committee of the Galician Economic Society (Galizische Landwirtschafts-Gesellschaft Lemberg), serving as its president from 1903-06. In 1905-09, he was a member of the National Council of Railways of Galicia, and in 1907 became an honorary member of the Krakow Agricultural Society.
Włodzimierz Kozłowski published commentary in the Polish newspapers Slowo (Word), The Age, and Kurjer Lwowski (Lwów Courier), published a monograph titled The Study of Agriculture in Our School System (Polish: Nauka rolnictwa w naszym ustroju szkolnym; Krakow, 1887), and was the owner of a library containing tens of thousands of volumes on the history of Galicia and on the sociopolitical sciences, which he donated to the Ossolineum Library in 1917.
- Access points: persons/families:
- Sigismund I
- Sigismund III
- Subject terms:
- Antisemitism
- Antisemitism--Antisemitic publications
- Conversion to Christianity
- Crime
- Education
- Financial matters
- Financial matters--Debt
- Financial records
- Hospitality industry
- Hospitality industry--Inns
- Jewish community
- Jewish soldiers
- Kahal
- Karaite Judaism
- Legal matters
- Migration
- Migration--Immigration
- Military
- Orthodox Judaism
- Privileges
- Professions
- Professions--Crafts
- Rabbis
- Real estate
- Synagogues
- Taxation
- Trade and commerce
- Trade and commerce--Alcohol trade
- System of arrangement:
- The fond includes a single inventory in ten volumes, systematized by document type and chronologically.
- Finding aids:
- An inventory is available.
- Yerusha Network member:
- Jewish Theological Seminary