Metadata: Roman-Catholic Metropolitan Consistory, Lwów
- Country:
- Ukraine
- Holding institution:
- Central State Historical Archive of Ukraine, Lviv
- Holding institution (official language):
- Центральний державний історичний архів України, м. Львів
- Postal address:
- pl. Soborna, 3-а, 79008, L’viv
- Phone number:
- + 38 (032) 235-40-63
- Web address:
- Email:
- Reference number:
- F. 618
- Title:
- Roman-Catholic Metropolitan Consistory, Lwów
- Title (official language):
- Римо-католицька митрополича консисторія, м. Львів
- Creator/accumulator:
- Roman-Catholic Metropolitan Consistory, Lwów
- Date(s):
- 1482/1944
- Language:
- Latin
- Polish
- Extent:
- 2,809 archival storage units
- Type of material:
- Textual material
- Scope and content:
Material in this fonds includes (no. 2) vital records, among them approximately two dozen logs of religious conversions, including by Jews, that had taken place at various parish churches of Lwów. These materials were kept from the mid-19th century until 1944. The records consist of tables containing information on the date when the person in question converted to Catholicism; their first and last names; date of birth and gender; and information on their parents and godparents. Converts’ previous religion is noted in these records with varying consistency; in some cases it is remarked: “converted from Judaism”.
Information on Jews is also found in civil marriage registration logs (1913-34) housed in the fonds; these mainly recorded marriages that could not be performed according to church rules, including marriages between Christians and Jews.
- Administrative/biographical history:
- The Roman-Catholic Metropolitan Consistory was founded in 1361 in Halicz (Halych). In 1411, it was transferred to Lwów. The Consistory had oversight of the management of churches; the administrative and financial affairs of parishes (including the keeping of vital records of believers); personnel matters (keeping files on priests, their appointments, transfers, dismissals); and heard complaints against parish priests, and was in charge of schools. It was abolished in 1946.
- Access points: locations:
- Lwów
- System of arrangement:
- The fonds comprises two inventories arranged mainly according to the subject-chronological principle.
- Finding aids:
- Inventories are available.
- Yerusha Network member:
- Jewish Theological Seminary