Metadata: Lanckoroński family
- Country:
- Ukraine
- Holding institution:
- Central State Historical Archive of Ukraine, Lviv
- Holding institution (official language):
- Центральний державний історичний архів України, м. Львів
- Postal address:
- pl. Soborna, 3-а, 79008, L’viv
- Phone number:
- + 38 (032) 235-40-63
- Web address:
- tsdial.archі
- Email:
- Reference number:
- F. 181
- Title:
- Lanckoroński family
- Title (official language):
- Лянцкоронські
- Creator/accumulator:
- Lanckoroński family
- Date(s):
- 1438/1939
- Language:
- Latin
- German
- Polish
- Extent:
- 9,798 archival storage units
- Type of material:
- Textual material
- Scope and content:
This fonds includes several categories of documents pertaining to Jewish history. First and foremost, these are registers of the Jewish population in various localities: lists of Jews living in the town of Żwaniec (Zhvanets) (1778); a logbook of the Jewish kahal on lands of the Żwaniec (Zhvanets) klucz [private estate] (1789); a list of Jews residing on estates of Count Anton Lanckoroński in the Żwaniec (Zhvanets) klucz (1790-93); a list of shops of the Jewish kahal in the town of Żwaniec (Zhvanets) (Żwaniec klucz) (1793); lists of the Jews of Novokonstantinov, indicating their property and family status (1798); a list of Jewish payers of the kosher meat tax of the village of Kliapkov (Chojnice county) (1816-17); a register of Jews residing on estates of the city of Rozdół, with a list of duties fulfilled and quitrents paid (1825, 1828-29); and materials on the activities and property status of Jewish communities residing on estates of the Jagielnica klucz (1797-51). Some of the lists of the Jewish population are combined with listings of Christians: a register of “poor” Christians and Jews of estates in the city of Rozdół and the villages of Berezinka, Krupsko, Malekhov, and Chernitsa (Rozdół klucz) (1801); lists of Christians and Jews on estates of the city of Rozdół (Rozdół klucz), with a list of duties fulfilled and quitrents paid (1827); statistical data of the estates administration of the Rozdół klucz regarding the number of Catholics and Jews of either gender (1827); and a list of poor Jews of the city of Rozdół (1930).
Many of the documents in the fonds pertain to the economic activities of Jews. These are, in particular, documents on the leasing, by representatives of various gentry families (mainly the Lanckoroński and Rzewuski, as well as the Potocki, Cetner, Sierakowski, and Tarło families), to individual Jews or, more rarely, kahals, of economic objects and activities: salt mines in Tarnawa (1710, 1715); taverns in the Ostrov klucz (1728-34); the Chodorów (Khodoriv) city brewery and the villages of Wołczatycze (Vovchatichi) and Dobrowlany (1735); taverns and mills in Żydaczów starostwo (1744-89); various objects of Mińkowce klucz (1745-73); leasing the right to distill and sell alcohol on royal estates of the villages of Sanniki, Mistyce, Ostrożec (1753-75); taverns on estates of the Kłodzienko klucz (1755-64); taverns and mills in the town of Chodorów (Khodoriv) and the villages of Wołczatycze (Vovchatichi) and Dobrowlany (1755-59); mills in the villages of Podniestrzany, Stankovichi, Vodnia, Podhorce (Podgortsy) (1757); forges, taverns, and mills on estates of the village of Ruda (1758-78); a tavern inn in the village of Besnik (Zakliczyn klucz) (1761-75); municipal mills on the river Bug in the city of Konstantynów (1763-68); taverns, mills and breweries in the Łuczyńce klucz (1763-73); gunpowder and salpeter works in the city of Minkovtsy and village of Gorodishche (1766-68); taverns and mills on estates of the villages of Ostrov, Podniestrzany, Stańkowce (Stankovtsy), and Turzanowce (Tuzhanovtsy) (rental payment receipts) (1772-76); breweries in the village of Paleśnica (Zakliczyn klucz) (1774) and the villages of Domoslavichi and Biskupice (Biskupice klucz) (1786); houses, taverns and mills on estates of the city of Jagielnica (Iagel’nitsa) (1815); mills on estates of the villages of Svidova (1915) and Ulashkovtsy (Jagielnica klucz) (1914-25); various objects in the village of El’zhbetin (1917) and the village of Jagielnica Stara / Staraia Iagel’nitsa (Jagielnica klucz) (1918); a mill in the village of Laskowa (Wodzisław klucz) (1920-30); and premises on an estate of the city of Rozdół (1921-23).
Some of the documents pertain to agreements for the rendering of particular services, including agreements between the Lanckorońskis and individual Jewish entrepreneurs for the delivery of vodka from estates of the Wodzisław klucz to the town of Dombrovy (1811) and the delivery of goods from estates of the villages of Motkovichi, Kleshchi, and Gneventsin to the city of Warsaw (1813); materials on the supply of fish by estates of the Komarno klucz to Jewish merchants of Gorodok (1930-31); correspondence of the estates administration of Rozdół klucz with the Main Chancellery in Lwów regarding the delivery of beer to Jewish merchants of the city of Chodorów (Khodoriv) by a brewery of the city of Rozdół (1934-38).
There are over two dozen files pertaining to financial and property disputes and the issue of particular Jews’ repayment of debts; one such file dates to the late 17th century, the rest to the period from the 18th to the first half of the 20th century. Several files pertain to tax matters: a writ issued by Crown-Treasurer Jan Jerzy Przebendowski to the Jewish starshina of the Ruthenian palatinate (Województwo ruskie) warning him not to require Sanok Jews to pay taxes, in connection with the publication of a corresponding order issued by the finance commission (an extract from castle books of the city of Sanok, 1710); a writ effecting Sandomierz Palatine Jan Tarło’s appointment of the Jew Wolf Moshovich as collector of the “third” tax (the third part of cereal crops) on the palatine’s estates (1747); a financial report of the Jewish kahal of the Żwaniec (Zhvanets) klucz for tax payments (for 1795-96); materials pertaining to the investigation of a complaint filed by the Jewish community of the Jagielnica city estates against the Jewish community of the city of Ulashkovtsy (Jagielnica klucz) for nonpayment of taxes (1812-13); correspondence of Jagielnica demesne authorities with the Chertkov Area Administration regarding the taxation of tenant farmers and Jews (1817-21).
The fonds further documents the communications between enterprises and administrative structures of magnate estates and Jewish-owned firms: correspondence between the forest directorate in Komarno and the firms “David Bernstein” in Przemyśl and “Israel Alt’bach” in Niżankowice (Nizhankovichi) (1928-29); between administrative offices of the Rozdół klucz and the firms “Brodman” in Lwów and “Natan Arnol’d” in Stryi regarding the delivery of lumber (1936-47); and numerous materials on accounts of the company “Shaye Gol’d” in Lwów and “Sukher Sternberg” in Chertkov with various organisations and enterprises (1930s). The fonds also contains correspondence with the Rothschild banking house on property and financial matters (of Count Leon Potocki for 1840-59 and Count Karl and Countess Leona Witztum for 1876-88).
Materials in this fonds also include numerous documents pertaining to offences, crimes, thefts, and assaults that involved Jews as one or both parties: a letter from a certain Abraham, a tavern-renter in the city of Dobromil, to this city’s owners, the Cetners, regarding what he asserted was a groundless accusation by a local priest that he had conspired with criminals to steal the priest’s possessions, and regarding his arrest and subjection to ridicule (latter half of the 17th century); materials on the hearing of a complaint filed by a priest of estates of the city of Stobnitsa (Biskupice klucz) against synagogue attendees on the grounds that they were disturbing the public peace (1690-96); a transcript of an indictment of a barber named Mendel, a resident of the village of Sobkov, charged with having robbed a subject of the village of Ganevich (Biskupice klucz) (17th c.); materials from the criminal case of Berko Itskovich, charged with murdering his wife, the daughter of the Rozdół rabbi (1747); a complaint filed by a merchant from the town of Chodorów (Khodorov, Khodoriv), Leib Meshelovich, accusing Stanislaw Luszewski, royal steward in the town of Żydaczów (Zhydachiv), of robbery (1758); complaints filed by Jews of the towns of Kozinich and Kolka alleging that they had been assaulted and humiliated by Serakovskii, clerk of a salt-works (1767); an indictment of Onufrii Kuril, a subject of estates of the village of Svilov (Jagielnica klucz), accused of stealing a horse from Yankel Abrahamovich, a Jewish resident of the town of Zaleshchiki (1798); materials regarding prosecution of Jewish merchants accused of stealing money from visitors to a fair on estates of the town of Ulashkovtsy (Jagielnica klucz) (1803); an indictment of the Jagielnica merchants Hersh Okshorn and Ruvin Fishbakh, accused of beating a soldier attempting to collect taxes from them (1822); a complaint filed by a miller from the village of Salovka (Jagielnica klucz), accusing the tenant Itzik Beniv of fraud (1823); a message from the Chertkov Area Department to the estates administration of the Jagielnica klucz to the effect that the merchant Moses Pimler had escaped during his transport to a military unit in the town of Chertkov (1824); a complaint filed by the tavern-keeper Nukhim Kotliar, accusing one Batovskii, a clerk of the brewery on estates of the town of Ulashkovtsy, of having assaulted him (1825); etc.
A number of documents pertain to the harassment of the Jewish population: a complaint to the effect that housekeepers and servants of Michael Rzewuski and his mother Petronella were abusing local Ukrainian and Jewish residents of the town of Sądowa Wisznia (Sudovaia vishnia) and the village of Bortiatin (1719-39); statements, claims, complaints, and petitions regarding the imposition of exactions and other harassments of Jewish artisans and merchants in the towns of Dobrotwór (Dobrotvor) and Kamenka (1723-84); a statement by a court bailiff (woźny) regarding the investigation of a case of violence and damages committed against Jews by the authorities (1736); a complaint submitted by the kahal of the town of Minkovtsy to the town’s owner, Sandomierz Palatine Jan Tarło, against a tenant named Abraham Moshkovich, accusing him of committing abuses (1748); complaints filed by the kahal and individual Jews of Zabłudów county against the tenant Ivan Babinskii, accusing him of committing abuses (1757); materials pertaining to M. Rzewuski’s policies vis-à-vis the Jewish population in Western Ukrainian towns: Berestechko, Rozdół, Satanov, Shargorod, etc.
The fonds also contains various other documents: a list of expenses for 1740 of a Jew named Leib, a tenant on lands of the noble Cetner family in the village of Suchrów (Sugrov); reports by a tailor named Gumpl regarding the cost of repairing a synagogue (the city is not indicated, but these materials are combined with documents regarding the income of Wodzisław county; 1788); reports on the construction costs of a Jewish school (synagogue) in the town of Żwaniec (Zhvanets) (1792-93); letters from the Jews Peisakh Shtilitovich and Leib Danilovich to the Counts Rzewuski (1746-70); the text of a salutation from the Jewish community on the occasion of the arrival of Count Anton Lanckoroński on estates of the city of Wodzisław (18th century); materials on the rights and obligations of the Jewish kahals in the Żwaniec (Zhvanets) (1704-92) klucz and Wodzisław klucz (1794); letters from the Chertkov Area Administration to the demesne administration of the city of Jagielnica about holding elections to the board of the Jewish community in Jagielnica and Chertkov (1820); materials on taking measures to combat infectious diseases and on the treatment thereof at the Jewish hospital in the city of Rozdół (1821-22); protocols and agreements between the estates administration of the Jagielnica klucz and the Jewish community regarding the latter’s payment of the requisite amount for wells constructed by the former and for the construction of water channels from estates of the village of Nagorianka to estates of the city of Jagielnica (1828); materials on the activities and property status of Jewish communities on estates of the Jagielnica klucz (1797-51); etc.
- Archival history:
- The archives of other magnate families which were related to the Lanckorońskis, such as the Witztum, Daniłowicz, Rzewuski, Potocki, and other families, which took shape over a period of time in their residences, were merged in the late 18th century with the archive of the Lanckorońskis and housed in the city of Rozdół (Lwów region). Since that time, the archive has been arranged, and inventories and indexes have been created. In the 1930s, this collection of documents was transferred to the State Archive of the City of Lwów, on the basis of which the Lwów Regional Historical Archive was created in 1939 (now the State Archive of the L’viv Region). In 1951, a collection of fragmentary Lanckoroński documents was transferred to the L’viv/L’vov branch of the Central State Historical Archive (now the Central State Historical Archive in L’viv), as a result of which the Counts Lanckoroński fond was created. The fonds has undergone processing since 1953.
- Administrative/biographical history:
- The Lanckoroński were an ancient Polish magnate family of counts of the Zadora coat of arms, originally residing in Małopolska and originating from Brzezie in the Krakow palatinate. One of the family’s representatives – Zbigniew of Brzezie – in 1410 became the owner of the city of Lanckorona and the surname of Lanckoroński was attached to his descendants. In addition to Lanckorona, another important family centre was Wodzisław (Krakow palatinate), due to which, for some time, the Lanckorońskis were also referred to as the Wodzisławskis. They were awarded the title of count as early as the 14th century; it was reconfirmed in 1560 and 1783. In addition to Małopolska, the Lanckorońskis also owned numerous estates in Galicia and Podolia, and played a significant role in the life of the region.
- Access points: locations:
- Berestechko
- Berezinka
- Chertkov
- Chodorów
- Dobromil
- Gorodishche
- Gorodok
- Jagielnica [Iagel’nitsa]
- Kleshchi
- Kłodzienko
- Kolka
- Komarno
- Konstantynów
- Krupsko
- Laskowa
- Lwów
- Malekhov
- Mińkowce
- Mistyce
- Niżankowice [Nizhankovichi]
- Novokonstantinov
- Ostrov
- Ostrożec
- Paleśnica
- Podhorce [Podgortsy]
- Przemysl
- Rozdół
- Sanniki
- Sanok
- Satanov
- Shargorod
- Stańkowce [Stankovtsy]
- Stryi
- Svidova
- Turzanowce [Tuzhanovtsy]
- Ulashkovtsy
- Wodzisław
- Zabłudów
- Zaleshchiki
- Żwaniec (Zhvanets)
- Żydaczów
- Subject terms:
- Antisemitism
- Correspondence
- Crime
- Financial matters
- Financial matters--Debt
- Financial records
- Health and medical matters
- Health and medical matters--Diseases
- Health and medical matters--Hospitals
- Hospitality industry
- Hospitality industry--Inns
- Jewish community
- Kahal
- Legal matters
- Mining
- Statistics
- Synagogues
- Taxation
- Taxation--Korobka
- Trade and commerce
- Trade and commerce--Alcohol trade
- System of arrangement:
- The fonds comprises two series, which are arranged according to the thematic-chronological principle. The first concerns the Lanckorońskis, the second related families.
- Finding aids:
- Inventories are available.
- Yerusha Network member:
- Jewish Theological Seminary