Metadata: Party Archive of the Odessa Regional Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine; Odessa, Odessa Region
- Country:
- Ukraine
- Holding institution:
- State Archive of the Odessa Region
- Holding institution (official language):
- Державний архів Одеської області
- Postal address:
- 18, Zhukovskogo str., Оdessa, 65026, Ukraine
- Phone number:
- 380 (48) 722-9365
- Web address:
- Email:
- Reference number:
- F. P-13
- Title:
- Party Archive of the Odessa Regional Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine; Odessa, Odessa Region
- Title (official language):
- Партійний архів Одеського обкому Компартії України, м. Одеса Одеської обл.; Партийный архив Одесского обкома Компартии Украины, г. Одесса Одесской обл.
- Creator/accumulator:
- Party Archive of the Odessa Regional Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine; Odessa, Odessa Region
- Date(s):
- 1894/1990
- Language:
- Russian
- Extent:
- 1,307 files
- Type of material:
- Textual material
- Scope and content:
Materials housed in the fonds (mainly copied materials in op. 2 and 3) include leaflets issued by the Bund’s Committee Abroad titled “To All Citizens” and “To the Working Men and Women of Odessa”; a proclamation (1906) of Odessa’s Zheleznodorozhnaia [Railway] district committee of the Russian Social-Democratic Workers’ Party denouncing the authorities for encouraging pogroms and listing the names of well-known Black Hundreds figures who had been involved in the pogrom that took place in Odessa in October 1905; lists of representatives of nine Jewish parties, organisations, and blocs who were running for the council of the Odessa Jewish community in April 1918; order No. 1 (13 February 1918) stipulating that the First Jewish Infantry Battalion be disbanded (which was carried out pursuant to an order of the Ukrainian People’s Republic main commissar for the Odessa area and the Romanian front of 23 March 1918); etc.
There is also a chronicle of revolutionary events in Odessa in 1906 compiled using materials of the Odessa Gendarmerie Administration; among other things, this includes information pertaining to anti-pogrom activities of Jewish parties, for instance, the appearance (13 January) of appeals by the Odessa committee of the Zionist Socialist Workers’ Party titled “The Ninth of January,” and this committee’s formation (30 March) of a militia squadron; a clash (11 July) between the Odessa Moldavanka flying defence combat detachment and the police and troops, shots fired upon Cossack barracks, and arrest of four members of this detachment and the seizure of its illegal printing press; the Zionist Socialist Workers’ Party committee’s formation (19 August) of a “self-defense detachment in case of a pogrom against Jews potentially occurring in Odessa”; the printing of a proclamation titled “To the Whole Population of the City of Odessa” at the underground printing press of the Workers’ Committee to Combat Pogroms (18 September); etc.
There are also (op. 1) several Jewish-themed documents that shed light on operations of the Party Archive: a letter (21 March 1963) of the head of the Party Archive and director of the Odessa Regional State Archive on a request by the Main Archival Administration and Institute of Party History of the Communist Party of Ukraine Central Committee that a contoured map of the Odessa region as of 1944 be sent indicating concentration camps and ghettos in operation during the German-Romanian occupation, with a list of same, and information on the number of those who perished, appended; correspondence with the Institute of Party History of the Communist Party of Ukraine Central Committee and the Odessa Regional State Archive on “finding documents exposing the activities of Zionist parties and organizations in Ukraine during the struggle for socialist revolution and the establishment of Soviet power, and the subversive anti-Soviet activities of international Zionism in Ukraine,” as well as documents “of Zionists who themselves exposed their own anti-people, anti-Soviet policy” (for a collection of documentary materials being prepared jointly with the Main Archival Administration); listings of documents found, and copies of two of them: remarks by Grebnov, secretary of the Isaev District Committee of the Communist Party (Bolsheviks) of Ukraine, for informational bulletin no. 2 of the Odessa Area Party Committee on the activities of Zionist groups in the territory of the district in 1926; and a resolution of the bureau of the Odessa Area Committee of the Leninist Komsomol [Communist Union of Youth] on a report for 1927 on anticommunist groups among Jewish youth (1979-80).
- Subject terms:
- Black Hundreds
- Bund movement
- Communism
- Communism--Communist parties and organisations
- Correspondence
- Cossacks
- Holocaust
- Holocaust--Concentration camps
- Holocaust--Ghettos
- Jewish political activity
- Jewish self-defence and resistance
- Pogroms
- Printing
- Revolutions
- Statistics
- Zionism
- Zionism--Anti-Zionism
- Zionism--Zionist organisations and parties
- System of arrangement:
- The fonds includes three inventories; two are systematised chronologically (op. 1) and alphabetically (memoirs in op. 3); op. 2 is unstructured.
- Finding aids:
- Inventories are available.
- Yerusha Network member:
- Jewish Theological Seminary