Metadata: Executive Committee of the Krivoe Ozero District Council of People’s Deputies (Workers’, Peasants’, and Red Army Deputies; Toilers’ Deputies); Krivoe Ozero
- Country:
- Ukraine
- Holding institution:
- State Archive of the Nikolaev Region
- Holding institution (official language):
- Державний архів Миколаївської області; Государственный архив Николаевской области
- Postal address:
- 54001, Украина, г. Николаев ул. Московская, 1, тел./факс: +380 (512) 37-0065 e-mail:
- Reference number:
- F. R-2818
- Title:
- Executive Committee of the Krivoe Ozero District Council of People’s Deputies (Workers’, Peasants’, and Red Army Deputies; Toilers’ Deputies); Krivoe Ozero
- Title (official language):
- Исполнительный комитет Кривоозерского районного Совета народных депутатов (рабочих, крестьянских и красноармейских депутатов; депутатов трудящихся), пгт Кривое Озеро; Виконавчий комітет Кривоозерської районної Ради народних депутатів (робітничих, селянських і червоноармійських депутатів; депутатів трудящих), смт Криве Озеро
- Creator/accumulator:
- Executive Committee of the Krivoe Ozero District Council of People’s Deputies (Workers’, Peasants’, and Red Army Deputies; Toilers’ Deputies); Krivoe Ozero
- Date(s):
- 1944/1991
- Language:
- Russian
- Yiddish
- Ukrainian
- Extent:
- (880 files)
- Type of material:
- Textual material
- Scope and content:
The general description below relates to the fonds of the Executive Committees of the District Councils of People’s Deputies (Workers’, Peasants’, and Red Army Deputies; Toilers’ Deputies) of Bereznegovatoe, Bratskoe, Voznesensk, Domanevka, Zhovtnevoe, Konstantinovka, Krivoe Ozero, Lysaia Gora, Novyi Bug, Novaia Odessa, and Snigirevka. Materials specific to each fonds appear after the general description.
The most significant quantity of Jewish-related documents housed in the fonds pertains to implementation of the RSFSR Council of People’s Commissars’ decree (23 January 1918) separating church from state and school from church. These include information of district executive committee administrative departments and village councils’ reports for district liquidation commissions on the existence of synagogues and Jewish houses of worship in the territory under their jurisdiction; lists of these synagogues and Jewish houses of worship; inventories of their religious property, and documentation of commissions (established by district executive committees) tasked with inspecting them; applications and certification regarding the registering of Jewish congregations’ charters with administrative departments (and such charters themselves); lists of congregations’ founders, board members, “fifties” (the number of congregation members required by the authorities for its official registration, and whom the authorities held responsible for it), and congregants; records and statistical questionnaire forms containing information on the number of houses of worship in the territory of respective districts and village-councils; registration cards of Jewish congregations and clergypersons; excerpts from minutes of district executive committee sessions on the confiscation of synagogue buildings, or the transfer thereof to serve the cultural needs of villages or colonies; contracts and agreements between Jewish congregations and district executive committees on the receipt by the former of houses of worship and synagogues for their perpetual and gratis use, and other documents on regulations governing these institutions; petitions to close synagogues; etc. There are also various data on national minorities;
Holocaust-related materials include lists of citizens (for the most part Jews, although without any indications as to ethnicity) shot during the German-Romanian occupation; proceedings of extraordinary state commissions containing data on mass shootings of the Jewish population and the murders of certain individuals, statements by Jewish residents of the Nikolaev region on the destruction of family and loved ones; etc.
Materials specific to this fonds are proceedings of extraordinary state commissions containing data on mass shootings of the Jewish population and the murders of certain individuals, particularly in the territory of the Krivoe Ozero district (оp. 2) (1944).
- Administrative/biographical history:
- Pursuant to an All-Ukrainian Central Executive Committee (VUTsIK) decree of 7 March 1923, these bodies were elected at district congresses of councils as executive committees of district councils of workers’, peasants’, and Red Army deputies. In the period between district congresses of councils, they constituted the supreme executive and administrative bodies of state power in their respective districts, and they had oversight of the operations of settlement and village councils. Upon the adoption of the USSR Constitution of 1936 and the Ukrainian SSR Constitution of 1937, they were renamed executive committees of district councils of toilers’ deputies (and from December 1939 on were elected at council sessions); and pursuant to the USSR Constitution of 1977 and the Ukrainian SSR Constitution of 1978, of people’s deputies. They were disbanded in 1992 and became the basis for the newly-established district state administrations by the Ukrainian president’s edict (14 April 1992) “On the statute on local state administration” and the law of Ukraine (9 April 1999) “On local state administrations.”
- Access points: locations:
- Krivoe Ozero
- Krivoe Ozero district
- Ukraine
- Subject terms:
- Holocaust
- Mass murder
- Occupation (military)
- Statistics
- Synagogues
- Testimony
- System of arrangement:
- Inventories are systematised chronologically and according to the structural-chronological principle.
- Finding aids:
- Inventories are available.
- Yerusha Network member:
- Jewish Theological Seminary