Metadata: Turiec County
- Country:
- Slovakia
- Holding institution:
- State archive in Žilina (based in Bytča)
- Holding institution (official language):
- Štátny archív v Žiline so sídlom v Bytči
- Postal address:
- S. Sakalovej 106/3, Bytča, 014 01
- Phone number:
- 00421 41 5533311
- Web address:
- Email:
- Reference number:
- 19515
- Title:
- Turiec County
- Title (official language):
- Turčianska župa
- Creator/accumulator:
- Turiec County
- Date(s):
- 1486/1918
- Language:
- Latin
- Hungarian
- German
- Slovak
- Extent:
- 247 linear metres
- Type of material:
- Textual material
- Physical condition:
- good
- Scope and content:
- The fonds contains documents from the activities of the county as a self-governing body. Relevant groups are from 1860-1918: I. Administrative documents, 1. The Principal County Head's documents, 4. The Deputy County Head's documents, 4. C. Passport documents. There are thematically important documents concerning registers, taxation and the collection of the tolerance tax (1847, 1848) in the tax series. Information on Jews can also be found in the following documents: list of members of the Jewish religious community in Martin (1863); list of Jewish religious communities and Jewish schools in the County (1864, 1865); the estate of the deceased merchant Mojžiš Glücksthal (1864); lists of associations and Chevra Kadisha associations in Mošovce and Vrútky (1876, 1892); permission for a lecture by Rabbi Sonnenschein in the Matica slovenská building in Martin (1881); investigation of a libel against the Jews (1882); bankruptcy of the Eichenwald and Loewe Company in Martin (1889); statute of the Jewish religious community in Sučany and Vrútky (1889); list of Jews in Turiec county (1919); establishment of the Jewish Party in Turčianske Teplice (1920); and a general assembly of the Jewish community in Martin (1921).
- Archival history:
- After Turiec County ceased to exist at the end of 1922 the inventoried part of the archive, along with other documents, remained in the unsuitable premises of the former County house in Martin. The office of the newly-founded Považie County took care of the documents, after its dissolution the District Office in Martin and finally the District National Committee in Martin. In 1955-1956, all the documents of Turiec County were taken over by the State Regional Archives in Bytča. After being taken over, the original arrangement of the newer parts of the fonds was restored. The first stage of the processing took place in 1961-1962. In the second stage, in 1968-1971, the processing of the first part of the fonds was completed and an inventory was created.
- Administrative/biographical history:
- Turiec "Stolica" (County) was established as a self-governing estate institution that managed the Turiec area. In the 16th century, the Stolica was divided in districts in connection with the determination and collection of taxes. Its seat was eventually in Martin. The Stolica was engaged in public administration and judicial activity. In the period of 1849-1860, the County administration was governed by a government-appointed commissioner, later the County head. After 1860, some functions of the self-government were restored. After 1867, the County became an executive body, its officials being appointed. The judiciary was excluded from the jurisdiction of the County. After 1918, the County existed with small changes of powers until the end of 1922.
- Access points: persons/families:
- Glücksthal, Mojžiš
- Sonnenschein
- System of arrangement:
- The fonds has been arranged chronologically according to the basic time periods, within which there is a division by subject groups, respecting the original system of arrangement.
- Access, restrictions:
- Available for research.
- Finding aids:
- Palkovič, S.: Župa Turčianska I. 1486 – 1849. Inventár, Slovenská archívna správa Bratislava 1970, 552 s.; Palkovič, S.: Turčianska župa II. 1860 – 1918. Inventár, Archívna správa Ministerstva vnútra SSR Bratislava 1978, 275 s.; Lukáčová, H.: Turčianska župa, 1919 – 1922. Katalóg, Bytča 1994, 174 s.
- Yerusha Network member:
- Jewish Museum Prague
- Author of the description:
- JMP/HDC Survey 2016-18