Metadata: Orava County
- Country:
- Slovakia
- Holding institution:
- State archive in Žilina (based in Bytča)
- Holding institution (official language):
- Štátny archív v Žiline so sídlom v Bytči
- Postal address:
- S. Sakalovej 106/3, Bytča, 014 01
- Phone number:
- 00421 41 5533311
- Web address:
- Email:
- Reference number:
- 19512
- Title:
- Orava County
- Title (official language):
- Oravská župa
- Creator/accumulator:
- Orava County
- Date(s):
- 1393/1922
- Language:
- German
- Hungarian
- Slovak
- Latin
- Extent:
- 314.90 linear metres
- Type of material:
- Textual material
- Physical condition:
- poor
- Scope and content:
- The fonds contains documents from the activities of the “Stolica” (county) self-government from the historical territory of Orava. Documents have been preserved since the second half of the 17th century. Relevant groups of from 1861-1918: 1. The principal county head, C. Administrative documents; 5. The deputy county head, C. Administrative documents; for 1918-22: The Orava County head, A. Presidium documents, B. Administrative documents. Jews are mentioned in the following documents: Jewish religious community in Dolný Kubín, election of the presidency (1851); statement on Jewish schools (1851); Jewish school in Námestovo (1863); list of Jews from the Tvrdošín District (1864); wood dealer Leopold Popper's gifts to schools, municipalities and the county (1868-83); list of Jews in the Trstená District (1868); Jewish school in Dolný Kubín (1872); statutes of the Jewish religious community in Dolný Kubín (1881); construction of the synagogue in Tvrdošín (1885); Lewit and Weigner Canvas Factory in Námestovo (1893, 1897); construction of the synagogue in Trstená (1894-96); statistical data on Jewish religious communities in Orava county (1914); looting (1918); and requests from Jewish residents of Trstená for permission to stay in the municipality (1919-20).
- Archival history:
- The older part of the Orava County Archive was destroyed during the wars at the end of the 17th century. A small part that had been saved was stored at the Orava Castle and in the 18th century transferred to the new County House in Dolný Kubín. In the period of the first Czechoslovak Republic, the archive was moved to the inappropriate ground floor of the County House where the storage system was broken and the moisture damaged many of the documents. In 1955, the documents were transferred to the current State Archives in Žilina, based in Bytča. There the damaged documents were repaired and then inventoried in 1968-1971. The newer part of the fonds from 1849-1922 was inventoried in 1991.
- Administrative/biographical history:
- The Orava "Stolica" (County) was established as a self-governing estate institution that managed the Orava area. In the 16th century, the Stolica was divided into districts in connection with tax determination and collection. Its seat was originally in Veličná, later, in the 18th century, in Dolný Kubín. The Stolica was engaged in public administration and judicial activity. In the period of 1849-1860, the County administration was governed by a government-appointed commissioner, later the County head. After 1860, some functions of self-government were restored. After 1867, the County became an executive body and its officials were appointed. The judiciary was excluded from the jurisdiction of the County. After 1918, the County existed with small changes of powers until the end of 1922.
- Access points: locations:
- Dolný Kubín
- Námestovo
- Trstená
- Tvrdosin
- Access points: persons/families:
- Popper, Leopold
- System of arrangement:
- The fonds is chronologically arranged according to the basic time periods, within which there is a division by subject groups, respecting the original system of arrangement.
- Access, restrictions:
- Available for research.
- Finding aids:
- Kočiš, J.: Oravská župa I., (1393) 1584 – 1849. Inventár, 1972, Slovenská archívna správa Bratislava, 370 s.; Kočišová, A. - Palkovič, S. - Švidroňová, M. - Švidroň, V.: Oravská župa II, 1848 – 1922. Inventár, Bytča 1991, 606 s.
- Yerusha Network member:
- Jewish Museum Prague
- Author of the description:
- JMP/HDC Survey 2016-18