Metadata: Sztárays of Michalovce
- Country:
- Slovakia
- Holding institution:
- State Archive in Prešov
- Holding institution (official language):
- Štátny archív v Prešove
- Postal address:
- Slovenská 40, Prešov, 080 01
- Phone number:
- 00421 51 773 30 05
- Web address:
- Email:
- Reference number:
- 22696
- Title:
- Sztárays of Michalovce
- Title (official language):
- Rod Stárai (Sztáray) z Michaloviec
- Creator/accumulator:
- Sztárays of Michalovce
- Date(s):
- 1248/1941
- Language:
- Latin
- Hungarian
- German
- Slovak
- French
- Extent:
- 29.52 linear metres
- Type of material:
- Textual material
- Physical condition:
- good
- Scope and content:
The fonds is primarily focused on eastern Zemplín County and Ung County, but also contains documents relating to the former counties of Abov, Šariš, Ung and Zemplín. It documents primarily the economic activities of the Jewish population, such as lessees of pubs, inns, estates and other businesses. They often litigated with the Sztárays and other owners about the conditions of running their businesses. Members of Jewish communities are also recorded as landowners in registers of individual municipalities from the second half of the 19th century.
The largest number of Jewish-related documents can be found in the department of Michalovce noble estates, which is arranged by municipality. Many documents refer to the town of Michalovce, including lists of Jews (1831), legal disputes with the lessees of an inn (1872), a dispute of Adolf Engel (1892-93), the lease of a brewery and malthouse in Michalovce (1893), leases of pubs in Michalovce from the second half of the 19th century and disputes between the Sztárays and the Jewish religious community in Michalovce about the baths on the Laborec river (1895-96).
A large number of Jewish-related items concern the municipality of Jovsa, including documents relating to Anton Sztáray's legal disputes with the lessees L. Winkler, M. Weiszmann, and M. Herschkovics (1886-91), M. Berkovics's dispute concerning real estate (1889-93), Mendel Herskovitz's lease of an inn (1878) and its sale at an auction (1872).
There are also several documents concerning the municipality of Kusin, e.g. about Antony Sztáray's legal disputes with tenants Regina Weiszmannová and Jakub Ehrenreich (1876-82) and the leases of inns (1862-65, Jankel Weissman, 1865, Regina Weiszmannová) and their sale at auction (1888).
Among documents relating to the municipality of Klokočov are applications by the tenant Mózes Berger (1878, 1907) addressed to the Sztárays.
Many documents from the municipality of Petrovce nad Laborcom concern the sale of property to Jews (1871), the lease of an inn to Benjamin Rosenberg (1855) and Abraham Grünfeld (1878) and their sale at auction (1872, 1883). Documents relating to the municipality of Porowa pod Vihorlatom concern disputes about the lease of an inn (1874-75) and the lease of property, an inn, a mill and fields to Mózes Zelmanovics (1861-77).
Several documents deal with Anton Stáray's legal disputes with Jewish lessees in various municipalities. These include litigation with Móric Feldmann from the municipality of Blatné (Nižné Revištia), including documents on various leases and auctions of various buildings in the municipality as well as a legal dispute with Hermann Moskovic from the municipality of Závadka, Hažín and Hnojné (1886). In the case of some municipalities, litigation documents are combined with other types of documents. In Vyšná Rybnica there are documents concerning legal disputes with lessees Ignác Weisberger and Medel Herskovits (1874-1904), contracts for sale of property and a mill in Vyšná Rybnice and Úbrež to Mendel Herskovits (1877-85) and the lease of a mill, fields and meadows to Abrahám Block and an inn to Mór Weisberger (1870). There are also legal disputes with lessees of pubs Mojzes Neumann (1872) and Simon Gutman concerning leases in the municipalities of Stráňany and Rubanec and others (1872-1904) and leases of pubs to Mojzes Neumann and Mór Köstenbaum in the same municipalities (1866-78). A dispute with Móric Bloch from the municipality of Čečehov (1872) concerns debt recovery and correspondence (1884) includes other issues of the lease and sale of the inn at auction from the second half of the 19th century. Other documents deal with the renting of Anton Sztáray's inns to members of Jewish communities in various municipalities: Ignác Schlesinger in Topoľany (1878) and at auction (1872), Baruch Grünstein in Várkond (1878) and Šalamún Schuh in Velké Zalužice (1878) and at auction (1872).
In some municipalities, documents deal with the renting of pubs of other owners, e.g. Maria Sztáray, née Waldstein, to Samuel Weissman and Herschk Engel in Vinné-Banke (1862) and auctions (1872-73). In other municipalities, the owners of the inns are not specified in the finding aid, only their Jewish lessees, e.g. in Malé Zalužice, where the inn was leased by Leopold Klein in 1856 (documents of its auction from 1872 and 1902 are also available) or in Orlovec, where the inn was leased by Mendel Balogh in 1856.
Documents about auctions of inns concern the municipalities of Hažín and Lúčky (1872) and Staré (1892). Documents about property leases until 1897 relating to the municipalities of Hnojná, Závadka and Úbrež have also been preserved.
In the municipality of Jastrabie pri Michalovciach there are documents about the lease of an inn (1872-89) and various contracts until 1885.
Specific leases and activities of members of Jewish communities relate to Sobrance, where a pub was leased to Leopold Weisz from Hažín in 1908, but the documents also deal with the spa and pharmacy in Sobrance (1896-1915). In the municipality of Vyšné Remety, the Sztárays leased the ironworks to various lessees in 1848-73. Some documents contain information about the inventory and evaluation of the ironworks property from the 1860s.
All the documents mentioned above can be supplemented thematically by a large group of accounting records from 1848-1923 which contain information on tax matters, labour reports, various accounts and receipts, arranged by municipality.
- Archival history:
- The fonds was originally deposited at the seat of the family in the municipality of Staré (Michalovce district) from where it was transferred to Michalovce at the end of the 19th century. The originals of medieval documents had already been handed over by the creator to the Hungarian Provincial Archives in Budapest in the second half of the 19th century. During the war, in 1944, the original arrangement of the fonds was disturbed, part of the documents being destroyed and damaged, and the remainder was considered, until 1949, to be lost. After being found in the building of the District National Committee in Michalovce, the fonds was, in July of 1949, taken over by the Regional Branch of the Agricultural Archives in Humenné, where some documents were sorted out. In 1952-1957 the fonds was deposited in the 2nd Department of the State Archives in Košice, based in Levoča. In 1957, it was taken over by the State Archives in Prešov where it is still stored. In 1972-1974, the fonds was arranged, and in 2004 it was completely inventoried.
- Administrative/biographical history:
- The Sztáray family has their origins in the Michalovce line of the Kaplyon family in the middle of the 13th century. The Sztárays owned estates in eastern Slovakia since the Middle Ages. The name of the Sztárai de Nagymihály family is derived from the village of Staré pri Michalovciach, owned by the members of the family as early as the 13th century. The family came to own several estates in the Zemplín-Ung region and gradually created an estate which was only second in eastern Slovakia to that owned by the Drugeth family. The Sztárays held several functions in the public administration, for a long time being the hereditary county heads of Ung County. The extent of their estate was diminished after the establishment of the Czechoslovak Republic as a result of the land reform in the 1920s. In 1945, all of the family’s property was nationalised.
- System of arrangement:
- The fonds consists of 245 official books from 1729-1917, 16 registry finding aids from the 18th and19th centuries, files from (1248) 1511-1941, and 117 maps from the 18th and 19th centuries. The fonds is divided into four basic series. The first includes paternal and maternal documents of the Sztáray family among which there are documents relating mainly to the Michalovce estate as well as to the family estates in the Abov, Šariš, Ung and Zemplín regions. The second series consists of documents of the Waldsteins of Wartemberg which relate in particular to their Vinné estate. The third series consists of documents of other families (Hadik-Barkóczy, Andrássy, Ertly, Medeváry) and the fourth includes maps and plans.
- Access, restrictions:
- Available for research.
- Finding aids:
- Mišíková, A.: Rod Stárai z Michaloviec (1248) 1511 – 1941. Inventár, 2004, 526 s., ev. č. 3472.
- Yerusha Network member:
- Jewish Museum Prague
- Author of the description:
- JMP/HDC Survey 2016-18