Metadata: Regional Court of Nitra
- Country:
- Slovakia
- Holding institution:
- State Archive in Nitra
- Holding institution (official language):
- Štátny archív v Nitre
- Postal address:
- Novozámocká 273, Ivanka pri Nitre, 951 12
- Phone number:
- 00421 37 656 4263
- Web address:
- Email:
- Reference number:
- 7360
- Title:
- Regional Court of Nitra
- Title (official language):
- Krajský súd v Nitre
- Creator/accumulator:
- Regional Court of Nitra
- Date(s):
- 1402/1949
- Language:
- Hungarian
- German
- Latin
- Slovak
- Czech
- Extent:
- 545.70 linear metres
- Type of material:
- Textual material
- Physical condition:
- good
- Scope and content:
The documents of the fonds concern the territory and the agenda subject to the jurisdiction of the Nitra Regional Court. Numerous Jewish-related material can be found across the entire fonds in all the handling periods.
Within the first handling period, the presidium files have been preserved from the period of 1910-1914 and the administrative files from 1894-1914. Since no finding aids were made for them, orientation in them is difficult.
A separate department of the first handling period includes documents concerning urbaria and land consolidation, a large part of which consists of the documents of the Urbarium Courts from 1856-1860 attached to the fonds as the prior documents. The most important material can be found in the land books and files where Judaica can also be found, e.g. records in the land books, lists of landlords, inventories of land possessions, statements on land leases, and so on.
In the second handling period, the presidium agenda has been preserved from 1920-1924. Thematically important may be the general and personal affairs of court officials, employees, trainees and experts, as well as competitions for their functions.
Citizens' documents are divided into four groups. Judaica appear in each of them. Civil disputes concern property, money, ownership, inheritance and contract matters, land expropriation, and urbaria and land consolidation issues. In the group of civil non-disputable issues, the more important issues include the adoption of children and the declaration of persons to be dead. The third group concerns bankruptcies of companies and traders, and the fourth one includes non-bankruptcy settlements of companies and traders. In both groups, there are a high number of Judaica.
Even in criminal matters, which are divided into three groups (criminal investigation files, criminal matters and juvenile delinquency), there is a very high number of Judaica. They contain documents on prosecution of murders, forgeries, frauds, and press offences. Judaica can also be found in the documents concerned with plundering and desecrating the Jewish religion.
In the third handling period, the presidium files have been preserved from 1924-1949, thematically being usable in the same way as those in the second handling period. Civil matters have been preserved from 1924-1949, being divided into four groups. The first one contains civil disputes heard by the bench (the Ck mark), including property, inheritance, compensation, bills of exchange, divorce, and disputes over compliance with contracts and payment of debts. The second one contains civil disputes heard by a single judge (Cka) which have the same content as the previous one but these are less serious matters. The third group contains bankruptcy settlements of debts (K) and the fourth one forced debt settlement (Kv). Both concern bankrupt companies and entrepreneurs and include exceptionally high number of Judaica.
The criminal matters are divided into four groups. The first one contains general criminal offences (Tk), including robberies, murders, frauds, disorderly conduct and similar offences. The second group includes the press offences (Tl) containing documents on prosecution of press offences and crimes. Judaica include documents about the confiscation of antisemitic publications, such as the Nitran and Nyitra Szemle magazines because of articles propagating hatred of the Jewish population from 1936 and 1938, or leaflets of the National Fascist Party from 1935 aimed, among other things, against the Jews. The second type of Judaica includes criminal prosecution, e.g. of a teacher from Nové Zámky for the defamation of farmer J. Blumenstein in the press from 1927-1931, of a newspaper editor for the defamation of butcher Izidor Goldberger from Nitra in the press from 1924-1925, or of printer Filip Löwy from Nitra because of the production of defamatory leaflets from 1936-1937. The third group, juvenile offences (Tml), and the fourth one, financial offences (Tf) are less numerous, but Judaica can also be found there, e.g. the prosecution of Zigmund Adler, the tenant of the estate in Ďarmoty for foreign currency machinations in 1935.
The fourth department of the third handling period includes non-criminal court matters divided into two groups: various matters, not included elsewhere (Nt), and release on parole (Pp).
A special department of the fonds includes the corporate agenda from 1871-1951 with an exceptionally high number of Judaica. Theoretically usable are the official books, in particular 6 books of lists of companies from 1914-1948 which have the character of registers, 4 books of lists of files of individual proprietors passed to the Regional Court in Bratislava from 1920, 17 corporate records from 1916-1938, which then continue until 1951. The files are divided into three groups. The most important group includes individual proprietors. What prevails is proprietors from bigger municipalities (such as Nitra, Hlohovec, Topoľčany, Piešťany and Nové Zámky) but there are also proprietors from rural areas dealing with wine, beer and spirits trade, vinegar production, textiles and fashion goods, mixed goods, furniture, building materials, foods, wood, drugstore products and other commodities, transport and forwarding. The second group includes companies and cooperatives, among which the food and credit cooperatives and the savings banks from various municipalities prevail. Judaica can undoubtedly be found among the owners of sawmills and brick plants, dealers in flour, corn, iron, wood, leather and footwear, glass, porcelain and kitchenware, wine, beer and spirits, fashionable goods, mixed goods, spices and general goods, and other commodities. The third group, the least numerous one, includes limited liability companies. There is also information about Jews, such as about the company of Armin Ehrenfeld from Nitra, and others.
- Archival history:
- After the disappearance of the creator in 1949, its registry was taken over by the District Court in Nitra. The Registry was kept in the court building in Nitra. In 1961-1964, the fonds was gradually taken over by the predecessor of the current State Archives in Nitra. In 1964-1965, the fonds was arranged and several finding aids were created for part of the handling group I, and almost completely for the handling groups II and III. Further acquisitions to the fonds were taken over by the predecessor of the State Archives in Nitra in 1984 and 1987. The State Archives in Nitra took over further acquisitions in 2003 and 2013. At present, the bulk of the fonds has been inventoried, and for a part of the fonds there are older thematic catalogues concerning the history of the labour movement and the Communist Party.
- Administrative/biographical history:
- In 1869, the judiciary was finally separated from the county administration in Hungary. The Royal Court in Nitra was established as a first instance court on 1 January 1872, along with other royal courts. At that time, there were eight district courts (Hlohovec, Nitra, Nové Mesto nad Váhom, Nové Zámky, Prievidza, Šaľa, Topoľčany and Žabokreky nad Nitrou) within its jurisdiction, since 1875 also the districts of Myjava, Senica and Skalica. After the abolition of the district of Žabokreky nad Nitrou (1878), there were 10 districts within its jurisdiction until 1920. In 1883, these regional courts became the appeal instance in certain criminal matters, since 1893 also in the so-called summary disputes. The courts gradually gained jurisdiction over trade issues (1875), bankruptcy matters (1881), property seizures (1881), matrimonial matters (1894), and criminality of young delinquents (1911). In the inter-war period, the royal courts were renamed "sedrie", and since 1928 they were called regional courts. In 1920-1938, the jurisdiction of the fonds creator included district courts in Hlohovec, Nitra, Nové Zámky, Prievidza, Šala, Topoľčany, Vrábľe and Zlaté Moravce. In 1938-1945, due to territorial changes after the 1st Vienna Arbitration, its area was reduced and only restored in its original range from 1945 to 31 January 1949 when it ceased to exist.
- Access points: locations:
- Hlohovec
- Nitra
- Nové Zámky
- Piešťany
- Topolcany
- Access points: persons/families:
- Adler, Zigmund
- Blumenstein, J
- Ehrenfeld, Armin
- Goldberger, Izidor
- Löwy, Filip
- Subject terms:
- Antisemitism
- Antisemitism--Antisemitic publications
- Children
- Crime
- Fascism
- Fascism--Fascist parties and organisations
- Financial matters
- Financial matters--Banks, banking, and bankers
- Financial matters--Debt
- Land registries
- Legal matters
- Marriage and divorce
- Plunder
- Real estate
- Trade and commerce
- Trade and commerce--Alcohol trade
- Trade and commerce--Clothing and textile trade
- Vital records
- Vital records--Death records
- Wills
- System of arrangement:
- The fonds contains 466 official books from 1824-1950, registry finding aids from 1872-1950, files from (1347) 1768-1949, 830 pieces of maps from 1782-1919, and 209 fascicles of files. It is an extensive and highly structured fonds divided into three handling periods in chronological sequence. The first period lasted from 1872-1914, the second covered the years of 1914-1924, and the third from 1924 until the creator's disappearance in 1949. The files from the first three handling periods are equally divided into the presidium series, civil and criminal matters being joint in the first handling period and then separated in the other two handling periods. The first handling period also includes a special group of land register documents. A special group included in the third handling period is the company documents coming from the second and third handling periods.
- Access, restrictions:
- Available for research.
- Finding aids:
- Samay, J.: Krajský súd v Nitre, firemný register 1914 – 1951. Inventár, 1964, 138 s., ev. č. 596; Šarlušková, A. – Kopecký, F.: Krajský súd v Nitre, urbárske a komasačné písomnosti (1347) 1768 – 1927. Inventár, 1966, 207 s., ev. č. 756; Richter, J.: Krajský súd v Nitre, druhé manipulačné obdobie 1914 – 1924. Inventár, 1966, 58 s., ev. č. 843; Morávek, Š.: Krajský súd v Nitre, III. manipulačné obdobie 1924 – 1929. Inventár, 1966, 258 s., ev. č. 719; Samay, J. a kol.: Tlačové spisy Krajského súdu v Nitre, firemný register 1924 – 1949. Inventár, 1964, 71 s., ev. č. 420.
- Yerusha Network member:
- Jewish Museum Prague
- Author of the description:
- JMP/HDC Survey 2016-18