Metadata: Archive of the Town of Litoměřice
- Country:
- Czechia
- Holding institution:
- State District Archives Litoměřice located in Lovosice
- Holding institution (official language):
- Státní okresní archiv Litoměřice se sídlem v Lovosicích
- Postal address:
- Terezínská 909/59, Lovosice, 410 02
- Phone number:
- 00420 477 755 922
- Reference number:
- 452
- Title:
- Archive of the Town of Litoměřice
- Title (official language):
- Archiv města Litoměřice
- Creator/accumulator:
- Town of Litoměřice
- Date(s):
- 1300/1951
- Language:
- Czech
- German
- Latin
- Extent:
- 321.5 linear metres
- Type of material:
- Photographic images
- Physical condition:
- poor
- Scope and content:
- The fonds contains documents of the local administration of Litoměřice. Jewish matters are not considered in detail in the finding aids. Records on population can be found in evidence books from 1900-20 (inv. 151-171) and other material. One notable document the election of the head of the Jewish religious community in Litoměřice and the establishment of the Jewish religious community (inv. 1099, files IV/271 and IV/360) in the period 1856-1913. Among the thematically arranged documents is the file (no. 32) titled Associations, which contains a folder Jews 1851-63 documenting Jewish resettlement in the town. The Jewish population is also documented in censuses and other population records for 1843-1910.
- Archival history:
- The history of the fonds is connected to the history of the Litoměřice local government, which was responsible for the municipal archive. In 1954 the state district archive was established and the fonds of the Litoměřice municipal archive became part of its collection. The state district archive is still receiving documents which thematically belong to this fonds.
- Administrative/biographical history:
- Litoměřice received town status in the first quarter of the 13th century. It was a royal town and a centre of administration and economic and religious life. The Jewish community is documented from at least the second half of the 14th century. In the 1540s the town received a royal directive to expel all Jews and in 1546 another royal directive prohibited new Jewish settlement. This prohibition continued until the second half of the 19th century, when Jews were finally allowed to settle in Litoměřice. In 1875 the Jewish religious community was established. A synagogue was never built, but a prayer house was founded in a burgher house.
- Access points: locations:
- Litoměřice
- Subject terms:
- Census
- Jewish community
- Resettlement of Jews
- Residency issues of Jews
- System of arrangement:
- The fonds is divided into the following series: charters, municipal books arranged into groups according to the type and period, files are arranged according to the original disposition schedule, followed by files without a disposition schedule, and the collection of maps and plans.
- Access, restrictions:
- The collection is only partly accessible.
- Finding aids:
- Janoušek J. - Tomas J.- Zeman J., Archiv města Litoměřice-spisy 1519-1945, dílčí inventář, 1971, 112 s., ev. č. 65; Tomas J., Archiv města Litoměřice-městské knihy I. 1341 - 1850 (1917), dílčí inventář, 1971, 112 s., ev. č. 105; Pluhařová K. - Tomas J., Archiv města Litoměřice-městské knihy II. - správní 1850-1945, dílčí inventář, 1971, 14 s., ev. č. 66; Pluhařová K. - Tomas J., Archiv města Litoměřice-městské knihy III. - finanční a hospodářské 1850-1945, dílčí inventář, 1971, 46 s., ev. č. 746; Tomas J., Archiv města Litoměřice (doplněk) 1601-1945, dílčí inventář, 1987, 5 s., ev. č. 155; Tomas J., Archiv města Litoměřice-rukopisy [1450] - 1944, dílčí inventář, 1971, 5 s., ev. č. 184; Kostková Z.- Kotyzová I. - Tomas J., Archiv města Litoměřice-panovnická privilegia a mandáty 1300 - 1793 (1794), dílčí inventář, 2004, 75 s., ev. č. 254; Kotyzová I., Archiv města Litoměřice-sčítání obyvatel (1830) 1843-1910, Prozatímní inventární seznam, 2009, 11 s., ev. č. 724; Kotyzová I., Archiv města Litoměřice-rukopisné mapy do roku 1850, Prozatímní inventární seznam, 2009, 41 s., ev. č. 725; Kotyzová I., Archiv města Litoměřice-stavení oddělení [1720] - 1945 (1951), Prozatímní inventární seznam, 2010, 15 s., ev. č. 734.
- Yerusha Network member:
- Jewish Museum Prague
- Author of the description:
- JMP Survey, 2015.