Metadata: Archive of the Town of Ivančice
- Country:
- Czechia
- Holding institution:
- State District Archives Brno-venkov located in Rajhrad
- Holding institution (official language):
- Státní okresní archiv Brno-venkov se sídlem v Rajhradě
- Postal address:
- Klášter 81, Rajhrad, 664 61
- Phone number:
- 00420 547 425 711
- Email:
- Reference number:
- 60
- Title:
- Archive of the Town of Ivančice
- Title (official language):
- Archiv města Ivančice
- Creator/accumulator:
- Town of Ivančice
- Date(s):
- 1442/1955
- Language:
- Czech
- German
- Extent:
- 48.33 linear metres
- Scope and content:
- The fonds contains documents of the self-government of the town of Dolní Kounice. The Jewish town fell under this before 1848 and again after 1919. The following files will be of particular interest: documents regarding the issuing passports to Jews in 1834, contributions of the Jewish community to the repairs of roads in 1835-1844, servants in Jewish households in 1815-1849, a protest against the admission of Jews to the town administration in 1850; the leather factory of Max Sinaiberger in 1863-1915; Jewish healer Wechsler in 1852; the merger of the town of Ivančice and the Jewish political community in 1919; the poverty relief fund of the Jewish community in Ivančice in 1935-1943. Documents regarding the holocaust include: municipal correspondence and ordinances (prohibiting the Jews to change their place of residence in 1941); the persecution of the Jewish population in 1939-1942; the refugee camp in Ivančice - lists of persons and their supplying in 1938-1939. Attention should also be paid to the following documents: land registries in 1586-1886; town chronicles in 1900-1937, 1938-1945 (1955), registers of community members in 1880-1945; domicile right in Ivančice in 1850-1945; applications for admission to the community; plans of the town of Ivančice from 1904 and 1905. Documents relating to Jews can likely also be found in other parts of the fonds not mentioned here.
- Archival history:
- In the past the documents were stored at the town hall of Ivančice. A part of them was stored at the town museum in the early 20th century and in 1958-1960 in the Town Archives. Another part of the documents was taken over by the Moravian Provincial Archives which in 1965 passed it to the State District Archives Brno-Country where other parts of the fonds were also handed over and where the fonds can be found at present. It was last inventoried in 2001.
- Administrative/biographical history:
- The town of Ivančice (Eibenschitz in German) was first mentioned in 1221. It was a royal town until 1461. Since the second half of the 15th century it had a large Jewish community and in the 16th century it was also an important centre of the Unity of the Brethren. In 1785, the controlled town council was established there and since 1849 it has been an independent municipality. The Jewish Political Community was not associated with the town until 1919. It was part of the following political districts: Hustopeče in 1850-1855 and 1868-1869; Židlochovice in 1855-1868, and Brno (Brno-Country) in 1869-1949, and part of the judicial district Ivančice in 1850-1949.
- Access points: locations:
- Dolní Kounice
- Ivančice
- Access points: persons/families:
- Sinaiberger, Max
- Wechsler
- Subject terms:
- Aid and relief
- Aid and relief--Philanthropy and charity
- Antisemitism
- Antisemitism--Antisemitic legislation
- Health and medical matters
- Holocaust
- Jewish community
- Land registries
- Legal matters
- Manufacturing
- Passports and visas
- Poverty
- Refugees
- Residency issues of Jews
- Trade and commerce
- Trade and commerce--Clothing and textile trade
- System of arrangement:
- The fonds is arranged as follows: I. Charters; II. Official books: a) until 1850; b) after 1850; III. Files: a) auxiliary books; b) files - from the pre-municipal office period, from 1786-1850, from 1850-1918, from 1918-1945; IV. Accounting material; V. Maps and plans; VI. Photos, VII. Seal matrices.
- Access, restrictions:
- The collection is only partly accessible.
- Finding aids:
- Příleská H., Archiv města Ivančice 1442-1945 (1955). Inventář, 1970, 124 s., ev.č. 27. Příleská H, Rubeš P: Archiv města Ivančice 1442-1945 (1955). Inventář, 2001, 202 s., ev.č. 273.
- Yerusha Network member:
- Jewish Museum Prague
- Author of the description:
- JMP Survey, 2015.