Metadata: Estate of Mikulov
- Country:
- Czechia
- Holding institution:
- Moravian Provincial Archives in Brno
- Holding institution (official language):
- Moravský zemský archiv v Brně
- Postal address:
- Palachovo náměstí 1, Brno, 62500
- Phone number:
- 00420 533 317 224
- Web address:
- Email:
- Reference number:
- 338
- Title:
- Estate of Mikulov
- Title (official language):
- Velkostatek Mikulov
- Creator/accumulator:
- Administration of Mikulov Estate and Administration of Chateau and Tomb in Mikulov
- Date(s):
- 1570/1949
- Language:
- Czech
- German
- Extent:
- 173.85 linear metres
- Scope and content:
- The fonds contains documents of patrimonial authority of the manor and economic administration of the vestigial estate. The following items concern Jewish history: Official books: Land registries of shares of Jewish houses in Mikulov 1798-1884/5; Books of "old" male/female seats in synagogue in Mikulov 1774-1873; Books of "new" male/female seats in synagogue in Mikulov 1774-1873; Book of seats of Besshamederisch synagogue in Mikulov 1774-1873; Book of charters of Jewish community in Mikulov 1804-1852; Old economic registry: Leases in Mikulov 1681-1877 (Jewish gardens 1873-1875, apartment and two shops in house № 155 in Jewish town from 1866-1872); Requests of Hirsch Kollisch for support for private Jewish institute for the deaf-mute in Mikulov 1848-1852; Establishment of Jewish kindergarten in Mikulov 1847-1855; Economic registry office II: Various patrimonial instructions, regulations, circulars (court instructions, regulations about maintenance of police commissioners by Mikulov Jewish community) 1787-1849. Political registry office II: Poverty (care for poor Christians and Jews) 1819-1849; Jews in Mikulov in general (levies on meat, suet and timber by Jewish community) 1763-1849; Toleration of foreign Jews 1824-1848; Tests in the Jewish religion 1815-1849; Leases of shops in Jewish town in Mikulov 1764-1849; Beer and wine taproom in Jewish town in Mikulov 1816-1849; Jewish craftsmen in Mikulov 1647-1849; Jewish community in Mikulov (privileges, street lighting, street cleaning, digging of well, construction of water mains) 1708-1849; Election of Jewish vogts, shochets 1778-1848; Accounts of Jewish community with annexes 1776-1850; Constructions and construction alterations to Jewish houses according to owners 1720-1849; Jewish poorhouse in Mikulov 1787-1849; Jewish schools in Mikulov 1782-1850; Jewish foundations in general 1750-1855; Foundation of Bernard Goldschnied 1761-1863; Foundation of Jan Bernard Spitzer 1829-1849; Jewish taxes 1699-1850; Jewish institute for deaf-mute in Mikulov 1849; Miscellany (Jewish national guard from 1848). Economic registry after 1850 - Constructions: Constructions and repairs in Mikulov (chateau, garden, tomb, Jewish town) 1856-1895; Accounting material: Journal of furnishings of Jewish house No 155 in Mikulov 1867. Administration of chateau and tomb: Houses in vicinity of chateau: Buildings neighbouring the chateau (damage to Jewish houses caused by collapsed chateau wall) 1817-1897.
- Archival history:
- In 1945 part of the estate's fonds was taken from Mikulov to Židlochovice along with the family archive of the Dietrichsteins. In 1956 these documents were transferred to the then State Archives in Brno (today the Moravian Provincial Archives in Brno), where they were merged with the second part of the estate's fonds, which had hitherto been kept in the District Archives in Mikulov along with the main registry of the Dietrichsteins. In 1965 the State Archives in Brno received other materials from the State Jewish Museum in Prague. In the years 1966, 1974 and 1978 documents from the collection of the Brno archive of patrimonial files and maps were assigned to the fonds. The inventory of the fonds was created in 1985.
- Administrative/biographical history:
- Mikulov was the centre of a large manor owned by the Liechtensteins and then from 1575 by the Dietrichsteins. In 1862 the Mikulov estate passed to the family Dietrichsteins–Mensdorff–Pouilly. In 1945 the property was put under national administration and confiscated. There was a significant Jewish community in Mikulov on the territory of the manor.
- Access points: locations:
- Mikulov
- Access points: persons/families:
- Kollisch, Hirsch
- Subject terms:
- Aid and relief
- Aid and relief--Philanthropy and charity
- Architecture
- Education
- Education--Schools and universities
- Jewish community
- Jewish community records
- Land registries
- Law enforcement
- Law enforcement--Police
- Legal records
- Nobility
- People with disabilities
- Poverty
- Privileges
- Professions
- Professions--Crafts
- Real estate
- Ritual slaughter
- Ritual slaughter--Butchers
- Synagogues
- Trade and commerce
- Trade and commerce--Alcohol trade
- System of arrangement:
- The fonds was arranged and inventoried according to the original file handling systems. Mikulov Manor Estate: I. Official books; II. Files: A) Registry finding aids, B) Files; III. Accounting material, IV. Maps and plans.
- Access, restrictions:
- The fond is only partly accessible.
- Finding aids:
- Hájková V, Hamerníková A: Velkostatek Mikulov (1570) 1676-1949. Inventář, 1985, s. 264, ev.č. 1353.
- Yerusha Network member:
- Jewish Museum Prague
- Author of the description:
- JMP Survey, 2015.