Metadata: Complementary files
- Country:
- Austria
- Holding institution:
- Tyrolean Regional Archive
- Holding institution (official language):
- Tiroler Landesarchiv
- Postal address:
- Michael-Gaismair-Straße 1; 6020 Innsbruck
- Phone number:
- 0043 512 508 3502
- Web address:
- Email:
- Reference number:
- Mischbestände - Sammelakten
- Title:
- Complementary files
- Title (official language):
- Sammelakten
- Creator/accumulator:
- Innsbruck administrative authorities
- Date(s):
- 1565/2018
- Date note:
- accruals continue
- Language:
- German
- Extent:
- 185 boxes
- Type of material:
- Textual material
- Physical condition:
- good
- Scope and content:
The collection “Complementary files” is a non-Jewish collection with a certain number of Jewish-related documents. These files cover the period from 1565 until now and are chronologically divided into the following series: A (1565-1599), B (1600-1665), C (1665-1740), D (1740-1848) and E (1848 until now), which are again organised in various subject groups. (Cf. Beimrohr, Das Tiroler Landesarchiv und seine Bestände, 52.) The series include several legal records and correspondence of the administrative bodies or authorities in Innsbruck.
Series A, B, C and D are divided into several sections. The first section of these series is called “Dynasty and Court” and is structured into three subgroups with several records. Firstly, one may find records referring to personal data about the territorial Serenity. There are, for example, records concerning marriage, debts, budget and travel costs. Additionally, one may find information about the family’s property and personal data about the archduchesses and other relatives. Secondly, further documents include several information about court offices and attendants, especially about their appointments and annuities. Thirdly, the series include records concerning the court management, especially about the delivery of food supplies.
The second section is called “Foreign policy and empire matters” and structured into two subordinate sections. There are records about external relations of Austria with other states or territories such as Bavaria, Kempten, Milan, Switzerland, Spain and Trent as well as trial records of the Superior Court of Justice.
Further sections deal, for example, with military and war, territorial estates and taxation, principalities and appointments, political administration and police matters, trade matters, custom duties and financial management, to name only some aspects of this extensive collection.
Jewish references in this collection are to be found in series A and B within the sections “Finance management” and “Custom duties”. The Jewish documents of Series A (records of 1565-1600) deal in particular with debts, refusal of payments, fencing (“Hehlerei”), but also with privileges for Jews and complaints against Jewish people. Series B (records of 1600-1665) includes documents about financial matters, such as liberations of taxes for markets, residence permissions and credits granted to Jews. Furthermore, there are trial records and grants of privileges as well as abolition of the same and the expulsion of Jews. One may find also records of trials concerning thefts and sanctions against supporting Jewish people. Beside that, there are also a few references of religious conversions in form of baptisms of Jewish people.
Series E includes records about the right of residence for Jewish people in Innsbruck and their renting of apartments and purchasing houses as well as records about their commercial activities from the 17th century. Overall, the records provide an insight into housing or residence conditions, tax regulations and financial transactions concerning Jewish businessmen, pawnbrokers and traders. Different names appear in these records, like the Jewish family May in Innsbruck, the brothers and businessmen Isaac and Maier (Mayr) Landau(er) and the brothers Donati.
- Archival history:
- This collection was transferred to the Tyrolean Regional Archive as part of the regular document transfer process stipulated by national archival regulations.
- Administrative/biographical history:
The collection “Complementary files” as well as repertory B 341, the register to this collection, was created by the Tyrolean Regional Archive in 1925. These records are a counterpart to the “Pest Archive records” and were intended to organise scattered files from the registries of the administration bodies of Innsbruck, like the Austrian Superior Government and Chamber. This very miscellaneous collection is divided into different series with various subject groups: A (1565-1599), B (1600-1665), C (1665-1740), D (1740-1848) and E (1848 until now).
In general, the collection consists of records of the central administrative authorities in Innsbruck, such as the Government, Chamber, Privy Council and “Gubernium”. Later, this collection was not only extended by adding files from the dissolved collection “Miscellanea” of the Austrian Superior Government (files from the 16th to the 18th century) and records from the dissolved collection“Hofkammer-Selekt” of the Chamber (files from the 16th to the 18th century), but also by adding files of the dissolved subject groups IX (“Complementary files of Ambras”) and X (“War records”), which were part of the collection “Memorabilia of Ambras”. Records of smaller extent as well as files which can no longer be associated with any provenance were integrated into the subject group E. This series or partial stock does not have a separate division into subjects, nor a temporal limitation. (Cf. Beimrohr, Das Tiroler Landesarchiv und seine Bestände, 52.)
- Access points: persons/families:
- Donati
- Maier, Isaac
- Maier, Landauer
- May
- Mayr
- System of arrangement:
- The collection is arranged chronologically and divided into five sections arranged from A to E with several subgroups (A (1565-1599), B (1600-1665), C (1665-1740), D (1740-1848), E (1848 to the present day).
- Access, restrictions:
- Public access
- Finding aids:
- Finding aids: Rep. B 341 (Register), Rep. B 341a-d (Index), Rep. B 341e (Register and Index) for series E. NB: Most of the catalogues of the Tyrolean Regional Archive include not only content registers but also subject indices. These can be searched for terms such as “Juden” (“Jews”), “Judentum” (“Judaism“), “Judenschaft” (“Judaism”), “Israeliten” (Israelites) and “Hebräer” (Hebrews). Usually there are numbers next to the entries concerning Jewish matters, which are needed to find the records in the register. The next step is to look up the number in the content registers to get a first impression of the written sources. Documents of interest can be ordered with their reference number for further consultation.
- Yerusha Network member:
- Jewish Museum Hohenems
- Author of the description:
- Rebecca Muršec, June 2017