Metadata: Older File Archive
- Country:
- Germany
- Holding institution:
- State Archive Schwerin
- Holding institution (official language):
- Landeshauptarchiv Schwerin
- Postal address:
- Landeshauptarchiv Schwerin, Graf-Schack-Allee 2, 19053 Schwerin
- Phone number:
- + 49 385-588794 10
- Email:
- Reference number:
- 2
- Title:
- Older File Archive
- Title (official language):
- Älteres Aktenarchiv
- Creator/accumulator:
- Duchy of Mecklenburg
- Date(s):
- 1494/1925
- Language:
- German
- Extent:
- 1,376 folders
- Type of material:
- Textual material
- Physical condition:
- good
- Scope and content:
The Older File Archive (a total of approx. 1005 linear metres) contains a relevant collection of 1376 files on the legal, economic and religious circumstances of the Jewish population in the Duchies of Mecklenburg-Schwerin and Mecklenburg-Güstrow or the Grand Duchy of Mecklenburg-Schwerin, divided into 19 subject groups.
The transactions recorded in the files relate to trade and trade privileges; residence permits; protection fees; applications and petitions; criminal cases such as theft, bill debts and insults; conversion and baptism; cemeteries, synagogues and rabbis; school matters; annual counts; contributions to the congregation treasury; the “Israelitische Landesgemeinde” (Israelite State Congregation) and matters of the Jewish congregation in the respective Mecklenburg towns and villages. The files are arranged to varying degrees in the following order:
laws and edicts (Sig. 2.12.-2/3, 1497-1879): contains 14 files on complaints and ordinances concerning the Jews in the Duchy;
churches and schools (Sig. 2.12-3/4; 1495-1913): includes 15 files on conversion and baptism; urban planning (Sig. 2.12-4/3, 1520-1884) including 2 files on tobacco cultivation and tobacco trade and urban affairs;
the inventory of state authorities and Jewish affairs is the most extensive with 809 titles (Acta Judaeorum; Sig. 2.12.-4/5, 1671-1925, with numerous letters of protection; privileges; protection fee payments; baptisms; population lists; lawsuits);
Official printed matters Mecklenburg-Schwerin (Sig. 2.13-1, 1494-1866) including 6 titles on ordinances on the admission or expulsion of Jews, edicts on Jews;
Secret Ministry of State and Government 1748-1756 to 1849 (Sig. 2.21-1, 1701-1859) including a total of 109 relevant titles in the fields of police (2), welfare (4), finance (30), tax collection (6), medicine and medical police (3), taxes and customs (3), Schwerin Law Office (2), Judicial System/City Court (7), Criminal Law (13), Private Law/Family Law (26), Criminal Procedure (6), Religion (4), Universities of Rostock and Bützow (3);
1 file on “Zucht- und Werkhaus Dömitz” (workhouse) (Sig. 2.21-10, 1753-1843, list of inmates A-Z);
“Mecklenburg-Schwerinsche Dominialämter” (domain offices) (until 1920) including domain offices of the Land Stargard (until 1701; Sig. 2.21.10; 1519-1937;
Dominialamt (domain office) Dargun-Gnoien-Neukalen with 18 files on Jews in Dargun (Sig. 2.21.10/6; 1706-1923);
3 files on the Neukalen “Schutzjuden” (protected Jews) (Sig. 2.21.10/6; 1726-1771);
Dominialamt (domain office) Doberan with 1 file (Sig. 2.21.10/6; 1809; 1823-1853);
Dominialamt (domain office) Gadebusch-Rehna (Sig. 2.21.10/6; (1512-1937) – 2 files on Gadebusch; 4 files on Rehna;
1 file Dominialamt (domain office) Warin-Neukloster-Sternberg-Templin (Sig. 2.21.10/6; 1900-1922);
Dominialamt (domain office) Wredenhagen (Sig. 2.21.10/6; (1787-1836) with a total of 113 titles;
27 files in the series “Kriminalkollegium zu Bützow” (Criminology College) (Sig. 2.23-4, 1812-1898);
“Konsistorium” (consistory) (1571-1924) and Higher Church Court Rostock with 3 relevant files (Sig. 2.25-1, 1880-1924); files of the superintendents of Güstrow, Schwerin, Wismar (Sig. 2.25 2-4, 1571-1918) with partial inventory of the superintendent of Güstrow (Sig. 2.25-2, baptism of Jews A-Z, 5 files 1808-1823);
the series ‘Grand Ducal Cabinet I’ (Sig. 2.26-1, 1763-1918/1920) with approx. 16,500 volumes (Sig. 2.26-1, 1763-1918/1920) contains 210 relevant files, e.g. on the French period; on individual Jews (court agents) and the Jewish congregations and their affairs in the towns and cities of the country (1754-1880);
the Court Marshal's Office (with Court Building Office and Court Marshal's Court) Mecklenburg- Schwerin (Sig. 2.26-2, 1753-1918/1920) includes 75 relevant files, above all on bills of exchange debt; building sites for Jewish congregations; Jewish cemeteries; name changes; Israelite State Congregation.
- Archival history:
- The Older File Archive comprises the files of the Duchy of Mecklenburg, the Duchies of Mecklenburg-Schwerin and Mecklenburg-Güstrow from 1621 as well as the Duchy and Grand Duchy of Mecklenburg-Schwerin from 1701. The holdings of documents and chronicles are printed in the Mecklenburg Document Book (MUB). It contains 72 documents and chronicles concerning the Jewish inhabitants of Mecklenburg (1267-1400). The individual collections of the Older File Archive come from different provenances such as the Council, Secret Council, Government; Chamber (of the Mecklenburg Duchies of Schwerin and Güstrow), Court and Regional Courts, Law Firms, Local Courts, City Courts, Domain Offices, Tax and Customs Offices, Consistories, Superintendents.
- Access points: locations:
- Boizenburg
- Brüel
- Bützow
- Crivitz
- Dargun
- Dömitz
- Gadebusch
- Gnoien
- Goldberg
- Grabow
- Güstrow
- Hagenow
- Krakow
- Laage
- Lübz
- Ludwigslust
- Malchin
- Malchow
- Marlow
- Mecklenburg
- Neubukow
- Neukalen
- Neustadt
- Parchim
- Penzlin
- Plau
- Rehna
- Ribnitz
- Röbel
- Rostock
- Salzwedel
- Schwaan
- Schwerin
- Stavenhagen
- Strelitz
- Tessin
- Teterow
- Waren
- Warin
- Wismar
- Wittenburg
- System of arrangement:
- The collection is arranged in chronological order.
- Finding aids:
An inventory and card index exist. The Jewish sources in the collection are also described in the printed finding aid: Quellen zur Geschichte der Juden in den Archiven der neuen Bundesländer, edited by Stefi Jersch-Wenzel and Reinhard Rürup, Vol. 4 Staatliche Archive in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Sachsen und Thüringen, München 1999, S. 7-185 (Mecklenburg-Schwerin).
The archive catalogue is also available online.
- Links to finding aids:
- Yerusha Network member:
- Institute for the History of German Jews
- Author of the description:
- Christine Schatz, Hamburg