Metadata: Special collection on the history of the Jews in Celle
- Country:
- Germany
- Holding institution:
- Municipal Archive of Celle
- Holding institution (official language):
- Stadtarchiv Celle
- Postal address:
- Westerceller Str. 4, 29227 Celle
- Phone number:
- +49 5141 1247-00
- Web address:
- Email:
- Reference number:
- SP 08
- Title:
- Special collection on the history of the Jews in Celle
- Title (official language):
- Spezialinventar zur Geschichte der Juden in Celle
- Creator/accumulator:
- Municipal archive of Celle
- Date(s):
- 1554/1975
- Language:
- German
- Type of material:
- Textual material
- Physical condition:
- good
- Scope and content:
- The collection contains smaller personal estates, including those of Jews and individuals connected to Jews: estate of Gerda Weyl; estate of Albert Neukirch; business tax lists 1934-1939; "Memories of an Old Celle Boy" by I. Dawosky, retired chief postal secretary; folder concerning the synagogue within the estate of John Busch; list of Jews living in the Blumlage; construction of a new bathing facility for the Israelite synagogue association in Celle; documents from the Jewish community in Celle in the 18th century; fragmentary concept of an agenda of the Constitutional Association of Celle; finance bills, mentioning of a Jewish house in Blumlage; schooling; protection of Jews; concessions and matters of licensed premises; requests for permission to settle in the city, also for Jews; Jewish cemetery; service discharge fee; building of a synagogue; Jewish holidays; bundle of documents containing old autographs and letters; instruction of Christian children in the Jewish tobacco factory Fortuna on Blumlage; begging Jews; child labour; protected Jews (Schutzjuden); self-imposed dress code for Jewish women during synagogue visits; trade permits; cantor; schoolmaster and servant; work of Christians among Jews on Jewish holidays; debenture bonds; regulations; request by Isaac Wetzlar for a sentence to be quashed; last wills; Jewish marriages; synagogue matters; writ of protection for Isaac Levi of Moringen, issued by George II, Hanover, 6 August 1742; election of a state rabbi; "Jewish oath"; birth, population and death lists; Jewish funerals; trade permits; disputes; various regulations for the Jewish community; civil and protection allowances; introduction of civil status registers for the Israelite community; surplice fee (jura stolae) paid to the clergy; cloth trade; trials; Sabbath order; report concerning the maintenance costs of those suffering in the local prison and “mental home”; Jewish members of the civil defense of the city of Celle; synagogue and schooling; regulation of the Jewish poor-relief system; involvement of the Jewish inhabitants of the city of Celle in payments of the public school fee; lists of contributions of Jewish inhabitants; court matters; the new Sabbath order; lessons in National Socialist hereditary and racial history, school attendance of Jewish children; emigration and emigration agents: guidelines regarding Jewish emigrants for shipping companies; preventing “tax evasion” [financial persecution of Jews]; schooling of Jewish children; list of provisional passports issued for concentration camp inmates; damage done to the inhabitants by the National Socialists; Bergen-Belsen trial, participant lists; care centres for people liberated from concentration camps; restitution matters; restitution and administration of Jewish assets; establishing of companies in Celle; order on Displaced Persons.
- Archival history:
- This collection is a compilation of files from 27 different holdings with information about the history of the Jews in Celle. In the special inventory index, emphasis was placed on the names of Jewish citizens in Celle.
- Access points: locations:
- Beedenbostel
- Bergen
- Berlin
- Bleckede
- Bodenteich
- Braunschweig
- Bückeburg
- Burgdorf
- Celle
- Eicklingen
- Emden
- Eschede
- Hanau
- Hermannsburg
- Hoya
- Kassel
- Klein Hehlen
- Lüneburg
- Meinersen
- Nahrendorf
- Osnabrück
- Pyrmont
- Stade
- Access points: persons/families:
- Aaron, Blume
- Aarons, Daniel
- Aarons, Philip
- Alexander, Sara
- Barber, David
- Barber, M
- Baruch, Hertz
- Baumgarten, Louis
- Behr, Aaron
- Behr, Benno
- Behrend, Joseph
- Behrens, Benjamin Levin
- Behrens, Leffmann
- Behrens, Samuel
- Behrens, Simon
- Birnbaum, Amalia
- Borger, Mendel
- Buchthal, Marianne [née Samson]
- Cahn, Moritz
- Cassel, Clemens
- Cassler, Nathan
- Cohen, Joseph
- Cohen, Marcus
- Cohen, Moses
- Cohen, Rebecca
- Cohen, Salomon Abraham
- Cohen, Samuel
- Coppel, Aaron
- Cronberger, Hilde
- Cronberger, Lothar
- Cusel, Elkan Joel
- Cusel, Elzem
- Cusel, Salomon
- Cuselheim, Joel Isaac [né Cusel]
- Cussel, Georg
- Cussel, Isaac
- Cussel, Julie [née Mendel]
- Daniel, Arnold
- Daniel, Bertha [née Blumenthal]
- Daniel, Charlotte
- Daniel, Clementine
- Daniel, David
- Daniel, Louis
- Daniel, Philipp
- Daniel, Phillip
- Daniel, Rahel
- Daniel, Sara
- Daniel, Similine [née Benfey]
- Daniel, Süßel
- Daniels, Südel
- David, Simon
- Dawosky, Dorette [née Müller]
- Dawosky, Iwan
- Dawosky, Lydia (Lida) [née Friedrich]
- Dawosky, Philipp Simon
- Dawosky, Simon
- Ehrlich, Chaim
- Eller
- Eller, Ernestine [née Gans]
- Ems, Paula
- Enoch, Betty [née Daniel]
- Enoch, David
- Enoch, Julie [née Benary]
- Enoch, Levy
- Enoch, Wolf Samuel
- Ephraim, Elise
- Exton, Gertrude [née Meyer]
- Falk, Gustav
- Feingersch, Benjamin
- Feingersch, Fanny
- Feingersch, Hermann
- Feingersch, Rosa
- Feingersch, Theodor
- Feß, Karl
- Figa, Israel
- Fränkel, Naftali
- Freidberg, Alex
- Freidberg, Ida
- Freidberg, Jacob
- Frensdorffer, Meier Michel
- Friedheim, Emma
- Friedheim, Ida Henriette
- Gans, Abraham
- Gans, Behrend
- Gans, Bernhard
- Gans, Jakob
- Gans, Nathan
- Gans, Salomon
- Gans, Salomon Philipp
- Gans, Susmann
- Goldberg, Jacob
- Goldberg, Paula [née Wachsberg]
- Goldner, Simon
- Goldschmidt, Eduard
- Goldstein, Michael
- Goslar, Friederike [née Polack]
- Goslar, Levy
- Goslar, Samson
- Gottlieb, Emanuel
- Griffel, Marian
- Groneman
- Grün, Josef
- Grünbaum, Jacob
- Grünbaum, Julius
- Hanau, Susmann
- Heinemann, Julius
- Heller, Jacob
- Herschtal, Chaskel
- Herschtal, Estera [née Barber]
- Herschthal, Bernhard
- Hertz, Meyer Berend
- Herzberg, Georg
- Heymann, Nathan
- Hirsch, Levi
- Hirsch, Siegfried
- Isaac, Manuel
- Israel, Jacob
- Israel, Levy
- Jacob, Abraham
- Jacobs, Levy
- Jacobsen, Jacob Samuel
- Jacobson, J Joseph
- Jaffé, Abraham
- Joseph, Ruben
- Jüdell, Helene
- Jüdell, Moritz
- Jüdell, Otto
- Karmeinski, Rosa [née Wex(s)ler]
- Katzenstein, Hanna
- Kaufmann, Aaron
- Kaufmann, Aron
- Kormann, Stanislaw
- Korn, Jacob
- Leeser, Joseph
- Levi, Emanuel
- Levi, Isaac
- Levi, Samuel
- Levin
- Levin, Julie
- Levy, Adolf
- Levy, Adolph
- Levy, Emanuel [Emil]
- Levy, Meyer
- Lindenberg, G
- Lindner, Abram
- Loewenstein, Else
- Loewy, Daniela
- Loewy, Eva [née Herzfeld]
- Loewy, Marion Frida
- Lotheim, Johanna [née Frankenfeld]
- Lotheim, Robert
- Lotheim, Simon
- Löwenstein
- Löwenstein, Erich
- Löwenstein, Erna Liese-Lotte [née Löwenthal]
- Löwenstein, Hans-Werner
- Löwenstein, Jakob
- Lubinski
- Magnus, Riché [née Daniel]
- Magnus, Victor
- Maintz, Isaac
- Mansbach, Schlotchen [née Ephraim]
- Marcus, Asher
- Meiern, Eleonore Rebecka
- Meyer
- Meyer, Elias
- Meyer, Gerhard
- Meyer, Isidor
- Meyer, Robert
- Meyer, Robert A
- Meyer, Robert Joseph
- Meyer, Ruben
- Meyer, Samuel
- Meyer, Sußkind
- Mohsberg, Lette [née Daniel]
- Moses, Levy
- Neufeld, Isaac Hirsch
- Neukirch, Albert
- Olewski, Mosche Israel
- Philippen, Genendeln
- Polack, Friederike
- Polack, Friedrich Jacob
- Polack, Jacob
- Polack, Jette
- Polack, Moses
- Rachmühl, Jacob
- Reidler, Michael
- Rheinhold, Berta
- Rheinhold, Sartorius
- Rheinhold, Walter
- Roberg, Hans
- Roberg, Isaak
- Roberg, Selma [née Marx]
- Roberg, Victor
- Rosenberg, David
- Rosenberg, Dorette (Dorothea) [née Freiberg]
- Rosenblum, Nathan
- Rosenthal, Friedel
- Rosmarin, Hermann
- Rozental, David
- Rubens, Henry
- Salomon, Arthur
- Salomon, Berta
- Salomon, Erich
- Salomon, Hans
- Salomon, Henry
- Salomon, Levi
- Salomon, Oskar
- Samson, Charlotte
- Samuel, Behrens
- Samuel, Jakob
- Samuels, Jacob
- Schlüsselburg, Heinrich
- Schöfeld, Jacob
- Schwarz, Pauline [née Gans]
- Seckel, Baruch
- Seckel, David
- Seligmann, Michael
- Simon, Jacob
- Süsskind, Hulda Sarah [née Graupe]
- Treuenfels, Ernst-Friedrich von
- Wahrendorff, Hertz
- Wall, Irmgard von der
- Wall, Julius von der
- Wehlen, Josua Jacob
- Weingarten
- Weissmann, Jacob
- Welner, Israel
- Wetzlar, Isaac
- Wexseler, Julius
- Weyl, Chajim Hermann
- Weyl, Gerda
- Weyl, Klara
- Wider, Levin
- Wittibe, Philipp Aarons
- Wolf, Bernard
- Wolff, Felix
- Wolff, Herbert
- Wolff, Joseph
- Wolff, Käthe
- Wolff, Siegfried
- Subject terms:
- Aid and relief
- Cemeteries
- Children
- Displaced persons
- Education
- Education--Schools and universities
- Holocaust
- Holocaust--Concentration camps
- Jewish holidays
- Jewish oath
- Manufacturing
- Marriage and divorce
- Migration
- Migration--Emigration
- Nazism
- Passports and visas
- Post-WWII trials
- Rabbis
- Residency issues of Jews
- Restitution and compensation
- Shabbat
- Synagogues
- Trade and commerce
- Vital records
- Wills
- System of arrangement:
- There is no system of arrangement. The material is in order of accession.
- Finding aids:
- An online catalogue (Arcinsys) is available.
- Links to finding aids:
- Yerusha Network member:
- Institute for the History of German Jews
- Author of the description:
- Meike Buck