Metadata: Administrative district of Uslar
- Country:
- Germany
- Holding institution:
- State Archives of Lower Saxony – Hannover branch
- Holding institution (official language):
- Niedersächsisches Landesarchiv - Standort Hannover
- Postal address:
- Am Archiv 1, 30169 Hannover
- Phone number:
- + 49 511 1206601
- Reference number:
- Hann. 74 Uslar
- Title:
- Administrative district of Uslar
- Title (official language):
- Amt Uslar
- Creator/accumulator:
- Administrative district of Uslar
- Date(s):
- 1529/1964
- Language:
- German
- Extent:
- 75.6 linear metres
- Type of material:
- Textual material
- Physical condition:
- good
- Scope and content:
The collection contains records relating to general administrative matters; territory; border; legal matters; statistics; taxes; levies and services; domain; forestry; hunting; construction; military; municipal, police, commercial, state economy, estates matters and Jewish matters; redemptions; church and school.
Of special interest to Jewish history are: legal conditions of the Jews according to the law of 30 September 1842; admission of foreign teachers to the Adelebsen Jews; decrease of the Jewish congregation's municipal bill on Bodenfelde (according to Section 46 of the Act of 18 June 1844); protection of the Jews; surplice fee (Jura stolae) of the Jew; appointments of Jewish protection; acquisition of land of the Jews in the former administrative district of Adelebsen; regulation of the communal relations, etc., of the Jews living in Barterode and Güntersen; contribution of the Jews to the state rabbinate fund; slaughter by Jews; calculation of the Israelite congregation in Adelebsen; Jewish synagogue and school system in Bodenfelde and Lauenförde; reoccupation of the teaching position in the synagogue association of Adelebsen; election and employment of a state rabbi, including contributions to the state rabbinate fund; synagogue order; circumcision; oath for the head of the synagogue association in Bodenfelde; establishment of the women’s bath in Adelebsen; the entry fee payable for admission to synagogue associations; women's bath in Bodenfelde; alleged disturbance of the divine service in the synagogue of Adelebsen by the horse dealer M. L. Eichenberg in September 1884; complaints about the exercise or application of voting rights in accordance with the municipal order of the Jewish synagogue association Adelebsen; re-granting of the voting rights to congregation members, which had been taken away, etc.; civil registry of the Israelite congregation in Lauenförde; directory of births, marriages and deaths of Israelites in the congregation of Lauenförde, canton of Nienover, Len Department; establishment of oders for the synagogue association of Adelebsen; acceptance of permanent last names for the Israelites; Jewish birth, marriage and death lists.
- Access points: locations:
- Adelebsen
- Barterode
- Bodenfelde
- Güntersen
- Lauenförde
- Nienover
- System of arrangement:
- The collection is ordered according to a thematic index. Keyword search is possible via the database.
- Finding aids:
- An online catalogue (Arcinsys) is available.
- Links to finding aids:
- Yerusha Network member:
- Institute for the History of German Jews
- Author of the description:
- Meike Buck