Metadata: Department of justice/high court Hannover
- Country:
- Germany
- Holding institution:
- State Archives of Lower Saxony – Hannover branch
- Holding institution (official language):
- Niedersächsisches Landesarchiv - Standort Hannover
- Postal address:
- Am Archiv 1, 30169 Hannover
- Phone number:
- + 49 511 1206601
- Reference number:
- Hann. 71 Hannover
- Title:
- Department of justice/high court Hannover
- Title (official language):
- Justizkanzlei/Obergericht Hannover
- Creator/accumulator:
- Department of justice, Hannover; High court Hannover
- Date(s):
- 1180/1897
- Language:
- German
- Extent:
- 67.7 linear metres
- Type of material:
- Textual material
- Physical condition:
- good
- Scope and content:
The collection contains records relating to general service administration; personal files; responsibilities; mortgage; theft; prisons; military matters; political surveillance and trials; legal matters; criminal justice.
Of special interest to Jewish history are: case of the privy council and general hereditary postmaster Reichsgraf (imperial count) von Platen-Hallermund as owner of the Linden court against the lawyer of the Calenberg house of police and municipality and the privy chancellery secretary Dommes in Hannover because of the jurisdiction about the Jews living in the Linden court district; case of the "protected Jew" ("Schutzjude") Michel Hammerschlag in Stolzenau against the "Schutzjude" Marcus Hildesheimer as head of the Jews in Stolzenau for intentional sale of a Torah; improving the oath of the Jews and the previews to be applied; Schwenken's notes on Jewish “crooks and scoundrels”; case of citizen Heinrich Meinking in Nienburg against the Israelite congregation, represented by the agent Aron Valentin in Nienburg, for changes (removing 2 stone slabs from the terrace behind the synagogue and construction of a canal that will drain rainwater on the property owned by Meinking); case of the Israelite congregation of Wunstorf, represented by the legal adviser Abraham Löwenberg, against the Israelite congregation of Neustadt/Rübenberge, represented by the legal adviser Abraham Levy in Neustadt/Rübenberge, regarding contribution to the inheritance fees to be paid of the old Israelite churchyard in Wishrow; case of all Israelites residing in Linden, represented by the Israelite leader, agent Kann and resident Benjamin in Linden, against Pastor Petri in Linden because of the so-called surplice fee (jura stoliae) payable to the spiritual authority of Linden.
- Access points: locations:
- Neustadt am Rübenberge
- Nienburg
- Stolzenau
- Wunstorf
- Access points: persons/families:
- Benjamin
- Hammerschlag, Michel
- Hildesheimer, Marcus
- Kann
- Levy, Abraham
- Löwenberg, Abraham
- Valentin, Aron
- System of arrangement:
- The collection is ordered according to a thematic index. Keyword search is possible via the database.
- Finding aids:
- An online catalogue (Arcinsys) is available.
- Links to finding aids:
- Yerusha Network member:
- Institute for the History of German Jews
- Author of the description:
- Meike Buck