Metadata: District court Stadthagen
- Country:
- Germany
- Holding institution:
- State Archives of Lower Saxony - Bückeburg Branch
- Holding institution (official language):
- Niedersächsisches Landesarchiv - Standort Bückeburg
- Postal address:
- Schlossplatz 2, 31675 Bückeburg
- Phone number:
- +49 5722 9677-30
- Reference number:
- L 121b
- Title:
- District court Stadthagen
- Title (official language):
- Amtsgericht Stadthagen
- Creator/accumulator:
- District court Stadthagen
- Date(s):
- 1779/2000
- Language:
- German
- Extent:
- 34.06 linear metres
- Type of material:
- Textual material
- Physical condition:
- good
- Scope and content:
This collection comprises records of the district court with all aspects of the lower jurisdiction from 1879 (in individual cases with prior documents). The following items are relevant to Jewish history:
Nos. 7, 8, 9, 10, 14, 15, 16, 17, 22, 23, 29, 30, 64, 71, 75, 131, 132, 151, 309, 314, 325, 399, 425, 428, 572, 573, 579, 597, 616 contain Death Declarations of Missing and Deceased Jews, 1949-1961;
No. 757 Commercial Register of the Municipal Court of Stadthagen and Commercial Register of Jewish Companies, 1870-1933;
No. 825, 831, 836 Personal files of Jewish trainee lawyers at the Stadthagen District Court, 1909-1913;
No. 991 Various decrees and ordinances for the Stadthagen District Court: Decree of the Reich Minister for the Prevention of Despicable Jewish Cemeteries and reference to more than 100 cases that have occurred in recent years, 1890-1934;
No. 1663 Deposit of 300 marks in the trial of Heine against the horse dealer Moses Goldschmidt in Sachsenhagen for possible damages and subsequent surrender to the latter in 1884;
No. 1988, acc. 2002/015 No. 148, 149 Various criminal proceedings against Jews for various offences, 1923-1932;
No. 1185 Anniversary of the declaration of Hermann Gumpel, son of the merchant Gustav Gumpel in Lindhorst, in order to establish his own business in 1886;
No. 758 guardianship register for the area of the former Hagenburg administrative district, 1880-1904;
No. 759 Guardianship register for the area of the former Stadthagen administrative district, 1880-1889;
No. 2092 Guardianship for Grete (Gretchen) Cohn by her mother Else Busack, née Cohn and her husband, the cattle dealer Erich Busack in Bergkirchen No. 7 1919-1940;
No. 2091 Care for the ‘deaf and dumb’ sisters Flora and Anna Frank in Meerbeck, 1926-1942;
No. 1073 Transfer of the house at Am Markt 71 in Stadthagen to the master plumber Nathan Meyersberg and the plumber David Meyersberg by their mother, the plumber's widow Jette Meyersberg, née Rosenberg, all residing in Stadthagen, 1884;
No. 1116 Dispensation for the widow of Isaac Frank, Lina Frank, née Pohland, in Steinhude for the sale of a piece of land belonging to the estate of her children Julius and Ida to the manufacturer Heinrich Stürzel in Steinhude in 1890;
Nos. 1287, 1288, 1290, 1291, 1413, 1488, 1489, 1516, 1553, 1554, 1557, 1756, 1893 Probate deposits and openings pertaining to Jews in Stadthagen and Hagenburg, 1849-1902;
No. 1286, 1598, 1838, 2171 certificates of inheritance for Jews, 1890-1898;
No. 1729 Agreement between the heirs of the deceased grain trader Markus Ascher in Stadthagen, 1891;
No. 2088 Preservation of the inheritance for the underage children Ruth and Hanna Lilienfeld, the children of the deceased cattle dealer Karl Lilienfeld in Stadthagen and tenant of the dairy Lauenhagen at the request of his widow Paula Lilienfeld, née Wolf, 1932-1933.
- Administrative/biographical history:
- In the course of the separation of the jurisdiction and administration, the lower jurisdiction of the administrative district of Stadthagen and Hagenburg was transferred in 1879 to the newly established District Court of Stadthagen (Law dated 31 December 1877). The independent city and hamlet (Flecken) jurisdiction of Stadthagen and Steinhude had already been abolished on 29 November and 1 December 1873 respectively. In the reorganisation of the courts following the local government reform in 1974, the area of the abolished District Court of Rodenberg was added to the district court jurisdiction.
- Access points: locations:
- Bergkirchen
- Hagenburg
- Meerbeck
- Stadthagen
- Steinhude
- Access points: persons/families:
- Ascher, Markus
- Busack, Else
- Busack, Erich
- Cohn, Grete
- Frank, Anna
- Frank, Flora
- Frank, Isa
- Frank, Isaac
- Goldschmidt, Moses
- Gumpel, Gustav
- Gumpel, Hermann
- Heine
- Lilienfeld, Hanna
- Lilienfeld, Karl
- Lilienfeld, Paula
- Lilienfeld, Ruth
- Meyersberg, David
- Meyersberg, Jette
- Meyersberg, Nathan
- Stürzel, Heinrich
- System of arrangement:
- There is no system or arrangement. The material is kept in order of accession.
- Access, restrictions:
- The collection is partially closed.
- Finding aids:
- A database is available.
- Links to finding aids:
- Yerusha Network member:
- Institute for the History of German Jews
- Author of the description:
- Meike Buck