Metadata: Royal Hungarian Locotenential Council, Records from 1862-1867
- Country:
- Hungary
- Holding institution:
- National Archives of Hungary, National Archives
- Holding institution (official language):
- Magyar Nemzeti Levéltár Országos Levéltára
- Postal address:
- Budapest, Bécsi Kapu tér 2-4., 1014
- Phone number:
- +36 1 225 2843
- Web address:
- Email:
- Reference number:
- D216-220
- Title:
- Royal Hungarian Locotenential Council, Records from 1862-1867
- Title (official language):
- Magyar Királyi Helytartótanács, 1862-1867. évi iratok
- Creator/accumulator:
- Royal Hungarian Locotenential Council
- Date(s):
- 1862/1867
- Extent:
- 244 boxes; 562 fascicles; 45 volumes; 136.52 linear metres
- Scope and content:
The fonds comprises the following record series:
D 216 - III.Közigazgatási Második Kútfő, 1861-1867 (Department no. III of Public Administration, thematic group no. 2., 1862-1867). Relevant parts of this thematic group include records pertaining to the national census from 1862-1867, passport, citizenship, emigration and immigration issues (fasc. 1-39.), and records on the supervision of social organisations and theatres (fasc. 40-59.).
D 218 - V. Igazságügyi kútfő, 1861-1867 (Department no. V. of Justice, 1861-1867). The relevant parts of this thematic group is unit no. 5. (fasc. 13-55), which contains records of legal procedures of liquidation of businesses (csődügyek).
D 219 - VI. Egyházügyi kútfő, 1862-1867 (Department no. VI. of Churches, 1862-1867). Records pertaining to the Israelite denomination can be found in thematic units no. 34 of 1862 (fasc. 29-30), and thematic unit no. 15 of 1863-1867 (fasc. 170-175).
D 220 - VII. Közoktatásügyi kútfő, 1862-1867 (Department no. VI. of Justice, 1862-1867). Records pertaining to Israelite schools can be found in thematic units no. 24 of 1862-1867 (fasc. 221-230).
- Archival history:
- The files of the dissolved Locotenential Council were handed over to the newly established Royal Hungarian Ministry of the Interior in 1867. The files of the thematic groups no. VI and VII of religion and education were handed over to the Royal Hungarian Ministry of Religious and Educational Affairs in 1867. Section D (Records of the Era of Absolutism) was created in 1952. The first finding aid was published in 1959. Since then, the collection has been rearranged and appraised several times.
- Administrative/biographical history:
- Established in 1724, the Locotenential Council (Helytartótanács/Ungarische Statthalterei) was the central administrative body in Hungary under the Habsburg rule before the period of the Austro-Hungarian dual monarchy (1867-1918). For a short period following the Hungarian War of Independence in 1849, the Locotenential Council (Helytartótanács/Ungarische Statthalterei), the Court Chancelleries (Magyar és Erdélyi Udvari Kancellária) and the local autonomies were dissolved and replaced by imperial ministries seated in Vienna. The so-called October Diploma (imperial decree) of 20 October 1860 signalled the end of the era of centralisation. The Vienna-based ministries were disbanded, and their function was taken over by the reorganised Locotenential Council and the Court Chancelleries. The successors of the Locotenential Council were the independent Royal Hungarian Ministries established after the Compromise of 1867, most of all the Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of Religious and Educational Affairs.
- Finding aids:
- Tuza Csilla, ed. Az abszolutizmuskori levéltár. Repertórium. Vol. 2. Budapest: MOL, 2005.
- Yerusha Network member:
- Hungarian Jewish Museum and Archives