Metadata: Departments of the Statthalterei
- Country:
- Hungary
- Holding institution:
- National Archives of Hungary, National Archives
- Holding institution (official language):
- Magyar Nemzeti Levéltár Országos Levéltára
- Postal address:
- Budapest, Bécsi Kapu tér 2-4., 1014
- Phone number:
- +36 1 225 2843
- Web address:
- Email:
- Reference number:
- D116-133
- Title:
- Departments of the Statthalterei
- Title (official language):
- K.K. Statthalterei Abtheilungen, 1854-1860
- Creator/accumulator:
- Statthalterei
- Date(s):
- 1854/1860
- Extent:
- 1,211 boxes; 164 volumes; 170.95 linear metres
- Scope and content:
Records of the presidential departments covered issues under the direct control of the vice chairman, including matters of the police and the maintenance of public order, passport matters, supervision of the press, theatres, other cultural institutions, social organisations, non-resident aliens, and churches, including the Israelite denomination.
General Records include statistics and demographical issues, registers and administration of births, marriages and deaths, citizenship, emigration and immigration, controlling, naturalisation and expulsion of aliens, residence permits, public order, regulation of prices and fairs, social organisations, health care, lawsuits, army supplies, conscription, desertion, public and private schools, issues of non-Catholic denominations, religious and civil funds, conversion, changing names, trade and sales permits, banks and savings banks, peddling, economic organisations, chambers of commerce and trade, taxes and tolls, and many other issues.
The fonds of the Buda Department of the Statthalterei (K.K. Statthalterei Abtheilung Ofen) includes the following:
D 118: Presidential Records, 1854-1860. The most relevant part of the collection is a thematic group pertaining to Protestants and Jews (no. III. of 1860) Key persons in the collection include vice chairmen Antal Augusz (1854-1858) and Ede Cseh (1858-1860).
D 119 Passport records, 1857-1860
D 122 General Records, 1854-1860
The fonds of the Pozsony/Bratislava Department of the Statthalterei (K.K. Statthalterei Abtheilung Pressburg) includes the following:
D 123: Presidential Records
D 124 General Records
The fonds of the Sopron Department of the Statthalterei (K.K. Statthalterei Abtheilung Oedenburg) includes the following:
D 125: Presidential Records
D 127 General Records: Relevant parts of the collection include the records of the Israelite school fund (thematic group no. X.D., fasc. 486-502.), thematic units pertaining to protestant churches and the Israelite denomination (no. XI. B. of 1854, XI. D. 1854-1860), and statistical data of Jewish schools from the Pécs district (1855-1859).
The fonds of the Kassa/Košice Department of the Statthalterei (K.K. Statthalterei Abtheilung Kaschau) includes the following:
D 128: Presidential Records
D 130 General Records The most relevant part of the collection are the thematic units pertaining to the Israelite denomination (no. VIII. D of 1856-1860), protestant churches and the Israelite denomination (no. XV. of 1854-1855), and Jewish elementary schools (no. XV.I. of 1856-1860)
The fonds of the Nagyvárad/Oradea Department of the Statthalterei (K.K. Statthalterei Abtheilung Grosswardein) includes the following:
D 131: Presidential Records
D 133 General Records.
- Archival history:
- The files of the dissolved Governmental Districts were handed over to the newly established Royal Hungarian Ministry of the Interior in 1867. The material from the years 1849-1860 had been incorporated into the medieval (feudal) section of the archives until 1949, when the National Archives started to re-arrange and systematise the files. The first finding aid was published in 1959. Since then, the collection has been rearranged and appraised several times.
- Administrative/biographical history:
- Following a period of military governance in Hungary from August 1849 to the beginning of 1851, Habsburg authorities re-established civil administration. Commissars were replaced by prefects responsible for administrative districts (cs.kir. kerületi főispánok). Five governmental districts were formed in Hungary (kerületi kormányzatok), including the central and most important one in Pest, the future capital city of Hungary. The prefects were subordinate to the Statthalterei für Ungarn and the imperial ministries. Governmental districts were dissolved on 1 May 1853 and replaced by five departments of civil government (helytartótanácsi osztályok).
- Finding aids:
Detailed contemporaneous finding aids are available for the collection, including registry books and indexes (Volumes 229-260.)
Sashegyi Oszkár, ed. Az abszolutizmuskori levéltár. Repertórium. Vol 1. Budapest: MOL, 1984.
- Yerusha Network member:
- Hungarian Jewish Museum and Archives