Metadata: Records on Hungary and Voivodina, 1848–1860
- Country:
- Hungary
- Holding institution:
- National Archives of Hungary, National Archives
- Holding institution (official language):
- Magyar Nemzeti Levéltár Országos Levéltára
- Postal address:
- Budapest, Bécsi Kapu tér 2-4., 1014
- Phone number:
- +36 1 225 2843
- Web address:
- Email:
- Reference number:
- D2
- Title:
- Records on Hungary and Voivodina, 1848–1860
- Title (official language):
- Akten „Ungarn” und „Woiwodina”, 1848–1860
- Creator/accumulator:
- K. K. Ministerium des Innern – Imperial and Royal Ministry of the Interior
- Date(s):
- 1848/1860
- Extent:
- 291 boxes, 42 volumes, 36 linear metres
- Scope and content:
- Besides controlling the public administration in Hungary, the Imperial and Royal Ministry of the Interior was responsible for the matters of municipalities and guilds, conscription, population statistics, agriculture, healthcare, education, funds and social organisations, and several other issues. Relevant parts of the collection include the records of Archival department no. IV. (Internal Affairs), especially thematic groups A (Population), C (Education) and L (Healthcare). Most of the cases pertaining to Jews were collected in thematic group IV. T (Jews), which includes the following units: T.0., employment of Jews, T.1., settlement and citizenship, T.2., land ownership, commerce and trade, T.4., complaints and requests by Jews, T.5., religious affairs, T.6., ban on Christian servants, T.7., education and schools, T.8., marriage permits, T.9., conversion, T.10., Jewish communities and their aldermen, T.11., taxation, T.12., kosher butcheries, T.13., trade permits of pubs and restaurants, T.14., foundations. (Fascicles 192-194.) Besides, some sections of the files of Archival department no. V. (Economy) contain information on social organisations, which included Jewish members, such as the casinos, agricultural societies, as well as Israelite religious organisations (Israelitische Vereine). The records of Archival department no. VII. (Military) holds information on Jewish conscripts and exemption from military service. Key persons in the collection include Ministers of the Interior Alexander Bach (1849–1859) and Agenor Goluchowksi (1859–1860).
- Archival history:
- The files of the dissolved Vienna-based ministries of the absolutist era were handed over to the reorganised Locotenential Council and the Court Chancelleries with the exception of presidential and certain classified records. After 1867, all documents were taken to the newly established Royal Hungarian Ministry of the Interior (1867-1945). The part of the collections that had remained in Vienna was handed over to Hungary (Baden agreement, 1926). The material from the years 1849-1860 had been incorporated into the medieval (feudal) section of the archives until 1949, when the National Archives started to re-arrange and systematise the files pertaining to this historical period. The Section D (Records of the Era of Absolutism) was created in 1952. The first finding aid was published in 1959. Since then, the collection has been rearranged and selected several times.
- Administrative/biographical history:
- The Hungarian term era of absolutism (abszolutizmuskor) refers to the attempt of Emperor Franz Joseph I to incorporate Hungary into the Habsburg Empire after the defeat of the Hungarian War of Independence in 1849. The administrative bodies of the previous period, including the Locotenential Council (Helytartótanács/Ungarische Statthalterei), the Hungarian and Transylvanian Court Chancelleries (Magyar és Erdélyi Udvari Kancellária) and the local autonomies were dissolved and replaced by imperial ministries seated in Vienna. The so-called October Diploma (imperial decree) of October 20, 1860 signalled the end of the era of centralisation. The Vienna-based ministries were disbanded and their function was taken over by the reorganised Locotenential Council and the Court Chancelleries.
- Access points: persons/families:
- Bach, Alexander
- Goluchowski, Agenor
- Finding aids:
- Oszkár Sashegyi, ed. Az abszolutizmuskori levéltár. Repertórium. Vol 1. Budapest: MOL, 1984.
- Yerusha Network member:
- Hungarian Jewish Museum and Archives