Metadata: Antisemitism
- Country:
- Serbia
- Holding institution:
- Jewish Historical Museum
- Holding institution (official language):
- Јеврејски историјски музеј (Jevrejski istorijski muzej)
- Postal address:
- Kralja Petra 71A, 21000 Belgrade
- Phone number:
- (+381) 112622-634
- Web address:
- Reference number:
- AJIM, Antisemitizam
- Title:
- Antisemitism
- Title (official language):
- Антисемитизам
- Creator/accumulator:
- Jewish Historical Museum Belgrade
- Date(s):
- 1920/2006
- Language:
- Serbian
- Croatian
- German
- French
- Russian
- English
- Extent:
- 1.2 linear metres (4 boxes)
- Type of material:
- Textual material
- Photographic images
- Graphic material
- Physical condition:
- Good
- Scope and content:
The material refers to antisemitic phenomena before, during and after the Second World War. It is arranged in 4 boxes according to type, namely publications, documents and antisemitic posters.
The first box comprises 125 publications, originals or copies, printed from the 1920s to mid-1940s in Belgrade, Zagreb, Osijek, Germany, Marseille, etc. They include: The Jews –The Undeniable Historical Truth or the Honest Word At the Right Time; Jews in England, France, USSR; The Serbian People in the Clutches of Jews; Chivut and Talmud or the Greatest Enemy of All Non-Jews; The Historical Speech of Adolf Hitler, the Leader of the Reich, Delivered On 19 July 1940; Roosevelt's Responsibility; What Jovan Petrović, the peasant, saw in his dream. All publications were registered as No. 6095, and the authors and titles were indicated.
Box K - 2 contains 45 small and 178 large antisemitic posters and some press clippings from pre-war Yugoslavia, as well as announcements, invitations and proclamations, propaganda material and other items dated from the Second World War. All posters were registered as No. 6096. The posters refer to Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union.
Box No. 3 contains items related to antisemitism which were delivered to the Jewish Historical Museum on various occasions and were subsequently registered in the register of the historical museum material (book no. 2 from number 599/2 to number 613/2). It includes both original documents and copies, mainly referring to antisemitic phenomena from the 1950s to the mid-1990s.
Box No. 1 contains various publications, among them books and photocopies of newspapers and texts published in Russia, Israel, Croatia (Wiesenthal Against Tuđman; Open Letters Addressed to Tuđman (3 and others from the 19990s); Political Extremism... of the European Centre For Studies On Racism and Antisemitism, Paris 1994; Treći dan (The Third Day), Ljubljana 1990; Srpska slavarica i narodne zdravice, Belgrade 1995; Simpozij “Janez Ev. Krek“, 1988; Teleks v Izraelu: Kam gre židovska država, Ljubljana 1988; “Ogled o Protokolima sionskih mudraca”, Zagreb 1987; A. Gams and A. Levi “The Truth About Serbian Antisemitism“, Belgrade 1994; Never Again – Belgrade 1991; Document of the Serbian P.E.N. Centre, Madlen Janković Foundation 1999; Krvava lista komunističkih zločina u Srbiji, Ravnogorski pokret Srbije, Čačak 2006; Šta je geopolitika, Velvet 1994; Miloš Crnjanski – Nova Evropa, Beograd 1991; Radmila Milentijević – Antisemitism and the Treatment of the Holocaust in Post-Communist Yugoslavia, N.Y. 1994; Dialogi, revija za kulturo v vseh oblikah, Maribor 1987; Antisemitismus – Forum gegen, Wien; Genocide in Croatia 1941-1945, Organisacija srpskih četnika “Ravna Gora“, Ontario 1991; Istina o genocidu nad Srbima, Jevrejima, Ciganima i drugima, Politika svet, Belgrade, April 1990 and others.
- Archival history:
- The collection was formed by the Jewish Historical Museum.
- Administrative/biographical history:
- Yugoslavia was particularly sensitive to all kinds of racism and racial injustice, thus when the Yugoslav Historical Museum was founded it immediately began to collect material related to antisemitism.
- Access points: locations:
- Soviet Union
- Yugoslavia
- System of arrangement:
- There is no system of arrangement.
- Finding aids:
- No finding aids have been created.
- Yerusha Network member:
- Historical Archives of Belgrade
- Author of the description:
- Bojan Zorić; Jewish Historical Museum; 2020