Metadata: Tamish County
- Country:
- Serbia
- Holding institution:
- Archives of Vojvodina
- Holding institution (official language):
- Архив Војводине (Arhiv Vojvodine)
- Postal address:
- Žarka Vasiljevića 2а, 21101 Novi Sad
- Phone number:
- (+381 21) 4891-800
- Web address:
- Email:
- Reference number:
- F.10
- Title:
- Tamish County
- Title (official language):
- Tamiška Županija
- Creator/accumulator:
- Tamish County
- Date(s):
- 1731/1849
- Language:
- Latin
- Hungarian
- German
- Extent:
- 112.5 linear metres; 137 volumes, 945 boxes
- Type of material:
- Textual material
- Physical condition:
- Good
- Scope and content:
- This collection comprises the records of Tamish county from 1731 to 1849. It contains various records relating to Jewish history, including the Royal Resolution of 1783, which was very important for the Jews living in Tamish county, since it regulated their status. There are also documents relating to contracts, bonds, wills, trade books and other documents, the education of Jewish children, printing books for school and religious purposes, leasing, the establishment of private guilds and craft, licenses for the free sale of wine at fairs and markets, a notice from the Hungarian Deputy Council that Jews were allowed to sell their goods at weekly market stalls, a notice from the Council ordering that Jews be allowed to wear a beard or be clean-shaven if desired. Several censuses of Jews in Tamish county were preserved, including a census of Jewish families in Vršac in 1782. The collection contains wills of Jews drawn up before witnesses; statements about debtors of a retired Jew; material on compensation and payment of damages; repayment of debts; litigation arising from the sale of barley and oats in Turkey; finding and arresting criminals etc.
- Archival history:
- The collection was transferred to the State Archives of Novi Sad in the late 1930s and early 1940s by the City Museum in Vršac and City of Zrenjanin.
- Administrative/biographical history:
The county of Tamish was formed by the Charter issued by the Empress Maria Theresa on 23 April 1779. Until the county authority was fully established, its control was exercised by the Royal Commission in Timisoara. Tamish county was established on 22 June 1779, at a congregation (assembly) held in Timisoara. The county encompassed the eastern parts of Banat, with its headquarters in Timisoara. The county was divided into four administrative units: Timisoara, Sentander, Lipovo and Vršac. All issues in the county were resolved at general and particular congregations (assemblies) that were held at short intervals, mainly in Timisoara. The county was headed by a grand mayor who was authorised to oversee the political and judicial administration. The deputy grand mayor was in charge of the administrative life of the county. Each county mayor performed auxiliary court duties and enforced county decisions.
An interruption in the work of the county administration occurred during the reign of Emperor Joseph II who abolished the county system in 1786 and divided the Hungary into 10 districts. The territory of Tamish county came under the jurisdiction of the Timisoara District. However, the Emperor restored autonomy to counties around 1790, at the end of his reign. A new interruption in the work of the county administration occurred in 1849, when the Serbian Voivodeship and the Tamish Banat were formed, based on the imperial decree of November 18. This interruption lasted until 1860, when the imperial charter of October 20 and the decision of the Austrian government abolished the Serbian Voivodeship, after which the county of Tamish was re-established in January 1861.
- Access points: locations:
- Banat
- System of arrangement:
- Administrative books were arranged by type and chronologically. Documents were arranged chronologically and within a calendar year in thematic units.
- Finding aids:
- The following finding aids are available: summary inventory; administration history; analytical inventory; indexes; Arhivski fondovi i zbirke u arhivima i arhivskim odeljenjima u SFRJ, SAP Vojvodina, Sremski Karlovci, 1977. 29-80. Vodič kroz arhivske fondove. Arhiv Vojvodine I, Sremski Karlovci, 1977. Vodič kroz arhivske fondove Arhiva Vojvodine, Novi Sad, 1999
- Links to finding aids:
- Yerusha Network member:
- Historical Archives of Belgrade
- Author of the description:
- Snežana Božanić; Faculty of Philosophy, Novi Sad; 2019