Metadata: Castiglioni. Regesta and Parchments
- Country:
- Italy
- Holding institution:
- Mantua State Archive
- Holding institution (official language):
- Archivio di Stato di Mantova
- Postal address:
- via Roberto Ardigò 11, 46100 Mantova
- Phone number:
- +39 376324441
- Web address:
- Email:
- Reference number:
- 12 ter
- Title:
- Castiglioni. Regesta and Parchments
- Title (official language):
- Archivio Castiglioni. Regesti e pergamene
- Date(s):
- 1217-1697
- Language:
- Latin
- Extent:
- 1,096 parchments
- Type of material:
- Textual material
- Physical condition:
- good
- Scope and content:
- This fonds contains parchments that once belonged to the Castiglioni family, whose most famous member had been Baldassarre Castiglione, Renaissance diplomat and author of the Book of the Courtier. The parchments are kept in 23 'cassette', so for internal requests the fonds must be referred to as Castiglioni, cassette. They all are notarial acts; from parchment no. 246 onwards, there are acts of buying and selling. In parchment no. 833 there is a receipt of a sum of 141 golden scudi (ecus) given by Giovanni Filippo de Grossis, son of Battista, to two Jews from Mantua, Salomone and Giuseppe di Bordulano, sons of Mosè (11 February 1538). In parchment no. 999 a Jewish banker from Volta (Mantua), named Giuseppe de Civita, son of Sabato, acts as solicitor of Leone de Rovico, son of Abramo, former banker in Volta, for the sale of a piece of land to Girolamo de Guerreriis, son of Giovanni Battista, for 25 gold ducati (ducats) (20 September 1564). In parchment no. 1085 there is the receipt of a payment of 189 golden scudi (ecus), 4 libre (pounds), 17 soldi (coins), made by Giovanni Accello, son of Pietro Paolo, acting in the name of Baldassare Castiglioni, son of Camillo, to Giuseppe de Carmenis, a Jew from Borgo San Donnino living in Mantua, solicitor of Lodovico de Ileis, conduttore generale (general tenant) of the Abbey Santa Maria in Castiglione (31 October 1618).
- Administrative/biographical history:
- The Castiglionis became an important family in Mantua during the Gonzaga age, with extensive land properties both in Mantua and in the province.
- Access points: locations:
- Mantua
- Volta Mantovana
- Finding aids:
- Descriptions of these materials are only partially available, sometimes only at the reading room of the State Archive of Mantua. A short description of the material delivered in 1940 was published in 1941 in the bulletin "Notizie degli Archivi di Stato" (NAS, 1941, n. 1, p. 7-8), while the Guida Generale degli Archivi di Stato, published in 1963-1969, provides very limited information.
- Links to finding aids:
- Yerusha Network member:
- Contemporary Jewish Documentation Center - Milan