Metadata: Aporti Family fonds
- Country:
- Italy
- Holding institution:
- Mantua State Archive
- Holding institution (official language):
- Archivio di Stato di Mantova
- Postal address:
- via Roberto Ardigò 11, 46100 Mantova
- Phone number:
- +39 376324441
- Web address:
- Email:
- Reference number:
- 162
- Title:
- Aporti Family fonds
- Title (official language):
- Fondo Aportiano
- Date(s):
- 1600-1999
- Date note:
- 17th-20th century
- Language:
- Italian
- French
- German
- Hebrew
- Greek, Ancient (to 1453)
- Extent:
- 72 volumes
- Type of material:
- Textual material
- Physical condition:
- good
- Scope and content:
This fonds contains documents of the Aporti family, known especially for the priest Ferrante Aporti (1791-1858), the first in Italy who created nursery schools. Allegedly due to the personal interest of Ferrante Aporti, the fonds contains some books and documents related to Jewish history and people, such as the following:
in folder no. 4, a dissertation about Hebrew language (“Dissertazione di padre Giovenale Sacchi, barnabita, socio dell’Istituto di Bologna e della Regia Accademia di Mantova, Dell’antica lezione degli Ebrei e della origine de’ punti, Milano, Stamperia Malatesta, 1786”);
in folder no. 5, a Bible in French with a parallel text in Hebrew, and philological, geographical and literary notes (“La bible. Tradution nouvelle avec l’Hébreu en regard accompagné des points-voyelles et des accens toniques, avec des notes philologique géographiques et littéraires et les principales variantes de la version des Septante et du texte samaritain par S. Cahen, Paris, Th. Barrois, Treuttel et Wurtz, 1833”);
in folder no. 22, the Transactions of the Parisian Sanhedrim: or, Acts of the Assembly of Israelite deputies of France and Italy, convoked at Paris by an imperial and royal decree, dated 30 May 1806 (“Assemblea degli Israeliti di Francia, Raccolta degli atti dell’assemblea degli Israeliti di Francia e del regno di Italia convocata a Parigi con decreto di S. M. I. e R. del 30 maggio 1806, pubblicata da Diogene Tama e seguita dai processi verbali e decisioni del Gran Sinedrio, Milano, Stamperia e fonderia G. G. Destefanis, 1807”);
in folder no. 54, a financial report of the Jewish nursery school for Jewish poor girls in Leghorn in December 1835 (“Primo rapporto e rendimento di conti a tutto decembre 1835 dell’asilo livornese per le bambine povere israelite”, Livorno, Tipografia e litografia Sardi, 1836”);
in folder no. 60, a receipt for a payment to the Jew Giacobbe, son of Isaia Finzi, on 14 February 1823;
in folder no. 63, a letter written by Annetta Gennari to Luisa Cantoni, 5 March 1851;
in folder no. 70, a draft written by Ferrante Aporti about the conversion of Giuseppe Ancona, a Jew from Bozzolo (Mantua), baptised in Cremona by the archbishop of Mantua, together with his wife, three children and his sister-in-law, on 20 March (no year).
- Archival history:
The "Fondo aportiano" includes books and documents heritage deposited at the State Archive of Mantia in 1995 by the Municipality of San Martino dall’Argine, to which it was donated by various families, all heirs of the Aporti.
For historical information about the holding institution, the State Archive of Mantua, see
- Administrative/biographical history:
The documents in this fonds mostly relate to Ferrante Aporti, the founder of kindergartens in Italy. It also includes material relating to the activities of Pirro Aporti (1834-1911) - member of parliament for several legislatures, lawyer and leading exponent of the radical party, as well as for other members of the Aporti family.
- Access points: persons/families:
- Aporti, Ferrante, 1791-1858
- Yerusha Network member:
- Contemporary Jewish Documentation Center - Milan
- Author of the description:
- Samuela Marconcini; Centro di documentazione ebraica contemporanea; 2018